"Now that we've grown accustomed to having The Wiggles at home on a daily basis, we really look forward to each new DVD, to give the others a well deserved break. Sometimes they hit, sometimes they miss, but they are never-the-less always welcome.
This one is a hit, especially with my three year old, who has watched it repeatedly since it arrived. It is indeed a vast improvement over Cold Spaghetti which was overcooked, overdone and not appetizing.
The concept is funny, with two mischievous gremlins wrecking havoc on The Wiggles and friends. The gremlins may be a bit annoying to adults, but are definitely a hit with kids, the intended audience. Captain Feathersword has a lot more quality screen time in this one, and Anthony isn't as hammy. Greg, however, should never be required to do any dance steps that involve moving his hips, which have absolutely no ball bearings.
The choreography again is not the best, but is improving. Those ever-present red marching band uniforms are back again, but this time they more or less fit in to the theme. Even The Wiggles donned them this time, so somebody obviously likes them.
The songs are the best they have done for a while, with quite a few sing-worthy tunes. The songs are:
Camera One
Gulp Gulp
Testing One, Two, Three
Bit By Bit (We're Building A Set)
Vegetable Soup
Music With Murray
Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!
Dressing Up
Where's Jeff?
Anthony's Workshop
Overall, one of the better Wiggles productions.
Amanda Richards August 5, 2004"
More good stuff from the Wiggles
iianthap | Orlando, FL | 08/09/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I guess A. Cohen must have seen a different DVD from the one that we saw. Our 18-month old was immediately smitten with Wiggly Gremlins and has selected it every single time we've given her a choice of DVDs to watch. It's even supplanted her beloved Toot Toot, which I would not have thought possible.
The songs are the usual fun kid-pop. Our baby's favorite by far is Where's Jeff, though each one captures her attention and sets her dancing. The lyrics and sound are getting more sophisticated (a trend continuing at least from Wiggle Bay), but that certainly does not represent a decline in quality - quite the opposite!"
Great Wiggles, especially for older tots
carolyn | Canal Winchester, OH | 02/02/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"If you're looking to expand the age limit for your Wiggles fan, this one is a definite keeper. Filled with songs from their Disney show, "Lights, Camera, Action!", this DVD has the added addition of the gremlins running around causing havoc on the show. I didn't find them annoying at all, but just rather cute. It's fun for older toddlers to pick out the gremlins, where they are, and what they're doing besides just sitting there and absorbing whatever is going on. I think the Wiggles are trying to reach an older audience as well, which this DVD does quite effectively. I don't think it was meant for the younger set, ages below 4, because it does involve more interaction than just music, and the kids are asked quite frequently by the Wiggles where the gremins are and what they're doing. They're first asked what is going on and if the kids actually see something. It's an on-screen game of hide-n-seek for the viewer which makes it much more interactive than regular videos.
Captain Feathersword is back and takes over a good portion of the video in the beginning while we are all waiting for the Wiggles to come in. He's up to his usual antics, but they are magnified because of a gremlin causing problems with everything he tries to do. He's pretty funny but very engaging which makes the kids watch and try to figure out what he's doing.
When the Wiggles finally do arrive, they sing many of the songs on their regular TV show, which are very good, in our opinion. In "Gulp, Gulp. Drink Some Water," the cinematography needs improving - Anthony's left side of his head is cut off in many places and when they're singing another song, the Wiggles' eyes are not on the camera but they are looking up at something. It just makes you think the camera was supposed to be upward or something. Plus, Greg's vocals were not plugged in at the final production properly on some songs, which makes his mouth move at the wrong time in some places. Not much to worry about unless you're in the music biz like we are, but it is there nonetheless.
One highlight of this video is that the Wiggles are doing more dancing as in their previous years. Greg's adaptability as a musician comes out here as you see him cover up the others' mistakes at times in his dancing. Ever seen the video of "We're Dancing with Wags the Dog?" He covers up a huge mistake Anthony and Wags made in that one. I'm not sure why another reviewer didn't think Greg can dance - he is the best of all of them and covers up so many other mistakes all the time. When you know music, however, you see those things more than just if you watch it briefly. There's just more ability there than what we get to see on a normal basis with the Wiggles.
All-in-all, I really recommend this one. It's just a different format and more engaging for the older ones. As musicians, these guys are really something and I wonder what they would be doing if they weren't doing this. We sincerely appreciate them in our house - my little one is glued to the TV when this one comes on. It's a great find and a neat keepsake too. We plan on keeping all of our Wiggles items. They've made such a huge difference in our little one's life education-wise."
Good Wiggles movie for kids 2 years +
psuednum_withheld | NSW, Australia | 07/13/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Younger kids (less than two years old) will probably not enjoy this movie as much as other Wiggles movies. Some of the Wiggles earlier DVD's were really just a collection of 60-90 second songs which appealed to the limited concentration spans of kids from 9 to 18 months.
This feature is different - it has a story line and is littered with songs along the way. The songs are typical Wiggles - catchy and kids love them. If you have younger kids, go for Yummy Yummy or Toot Toot. If your children are older and like Wiggle Bay and Space Dancing then they will love this.
It is very difficult for parents to objective critics of the Wiggles - but this is one of the better features - better than Wiggle Bay and has more songs than Space Dancing.The features on this DVD (Region 4 version anyway) are quite good. It has the obligatory photo slideshow with music, and it also has a half an hour TV episode of the Wiggles TV show, which is a good bonus.
Enjoy, and keep on Wiggling!"