Ring-a-ding-dong!The bells are ringing for Christmas Day and The Wiggles are joined by the "Great Big man in Red," Santa Claus! Santa's goin "All Over The World" to rock and roll with his very special guest, John Fogerty! ... more »Wahoo! Wags can't stop barking with excitement as Barry Williams adds a very Brady Touch to the dancing! Henry the Octopus is the champion Christmas wrapper, and Dorothy the Dinosaur loves her Christmas roses. Then, celebrate the birth of the Christ Child with special guest King Mando, Fernando, Fernandito and Julio sing "Noche De Paz" in Spanish, and the children make their own nativity scene in "O Come All Ye Faithful." It's time to combine your two favorite things, The Wiggles and Christmas, and tap your mistletoes, everyone, because SANTA'S ROCKIN'! SONGS Captain Feathersword's Christmas Dance Ring-A-Ding-Dong! Gtreat Big Man In Red Featuring John Fogerty) Away In A Manger Christmas Barcarolle (Let The World Rejoice) Henry The Champion Christmas Wrapper This Little Baby Is Boprn Again (Featuring King Mando, Ross Wilson) Noche De Paz (Silent Night) Dorothy's Christmas Roses O Come All Ye Faithful Wags Stop Your Barking, It's Almost Christmas Day! (Featuring BArry Williams) Rockin' Santa! (Featuring John Fogerty)DVD Features:
"We bought this video for our little one's first Christmas gift of the season and for something to do on Thanksgiving! It is just great. I love the guy singing in the white suit - I can't figure out his name, but his voice, oh my golly! He's just wonderful! Classically trained too, you can definitely tell that and it's worth the cost of the dvd just for that song alone. For those of you wishing to help your children realize the real meaning of Christmas, the many carols and original songs definitely promote the first Christmas. That is certainly a great plus in our house and these songs were so well done. The one done by Sam Moran, This Child is Born Again is just awesome. We get to see Anthony's new baby girl and his beautiful wife in the montage of video clips of mothers and their babies in that song, which is so precious and actually, makes you cry to watch it. Barry Williams is a funny suprise guest and those of us who watched the Brady Bunch will get a real kick out of seeing him. In the end credits, they even do the Brady Bunch squares with all the Wiggles and friends. Pretty funny! The out takes are pretty funny as usual too. Plus, they included a story involving Dorothy and her spots as an extra on the DVD version, along with two episodes of "Lights, Camera Action" which was a nice surprise. This DVD is not like the two previous holiday ones - it's more along the lines of "Top of the Tots." It's pretty neat though and really enjoyable by parents as well.
Now for the toddler appeal. I put this in and well, I had a couch potato instantly. Glued to the screen throughout the entire presentation. To say that he loved it is putting it mildly. The only thing he wasn't thrilled about was the spanish section of Silent Night, which I didn't like too much either. They keep using those guys and well, they're not very good in my opinion. But that being the worst part of the video, and it's really not that bad, this is just a great find and a great gift for the Wiggles lover in your life but also, don't forget about those baby shower gifts. These guys are doing a lot of teaching and we've learned a bunch from them in our house. You can't always say that about other children's programs. I'm very glad that they're preschool teachers by trade too - that certainly comes through. Thanks a bunch Wiggles!"
Fantastic Wiggly Fun!
S. Ziolkowski | Knoxville, TN | 10/17/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Granted my family are die-hard Wiggly fans but we loved this video!!!!! One of the most fun and catchy the Wiggles have put out yet! This one is in the style of Top of the Tots so don't expect the old style. Nice mix of traditional and new songs and definitly leaves you with a warm, wiggly, Christmas feeling! Definity worth the money if your kids love the Wiggles!"
Wonderful and Refreshing!
A viewer | Athens, GA USA | 12/16/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw "Santa's Rockin'" playing on the Disney Channel. A kids holiday special that actually acknowledges the "Christ" in Christmas!?! Isn't that supposed to be illegal in the U.S.? Somebody call the FCC!
As G.K. Chesterton wrote, "These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own." His words are even more true in our day than they were in his, and it takes an Australian foursome like the Wiggles to break through the new American taboo. Bravo to the Wiggles for a job well done in balancing the religious and secular aspects of Christmas--all while making a program so entertaining that my 1, 3, & 9 year old kids can't take their eyes off it!"
Wonderful DVD!!!
Anonymous | 02/17/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a very nice Christmas DVD. It combines light hearted songs with religious ones in a most wonderful way. We also get to see the Wiggle's families as well as the production staff's families. Our daughter simply adores it so much we bought the CD for the car! OK the costume that Barry Williams wears is totally off the wall for my taste. However my daughter likes it and who better than Greg Brady to wear such a rig???? It fits his old TV character to a T! He is a good sport for wearing it. The songs are mostly soft rock when they are rock, but most kids aren't into the harder stuff anyway. The wiggles once again proved that quality music for children is totally possible and attainable!"
Kyle's mom | SC, USA | 12/07/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I bought this for my 2-year-old son two weeks ago, and he watches it over and over again. He absolutely loves this video. I am going to buy it for my friend's one-year-old twin girls too. If your child loves the Wiggles, they will absolutely love this one too. Great religious Christmas songs as well as multicultural Christmas songs. I especially like "This Little Baby Is Born Again"."