Ahoy there me hearties! Join Captain Feathersword, his shipmates and The Wiggles as they go Sailing Around the World! From "London Town" to Siciliy and San Francisco, everyone will have a great time on this wiggly, giggly ... more »global trip! So climb aboard the SS Feathersword and hoist the main sail as The Wiggles take you to sing in Sydney and move to the beat in Mexico. Don't forget your passport - with 15 fun traveling tunes, it's all hands on deck for fun!DVD Features:
"I can't help but wonder if The Wiggles are about to pass the baton completely to Capt. Feathersword. The Wiggles barely bother to show up in this DVD, and half the time are only represented by silly cartoons. This DVD comes across as chaotic and just plain bad. What worries me is that we have 5 tickets to see this "Sailing Around the World" show that we'll be driving 2 hours to see in only 6 days. After watching this DVD, I can't help but wonder if it will just be a huge waste of time and $$. My 2 year old is an absolute Wiggles freak, and he only stayed interested for about the first 15 minutes. He loves Capt. Feathersword, but the Capt. just isn't the same in this DVD, he's being expected to practically carry the whole show, and it's obvious he's not comfortable with it. (Was he ever really meant for that?? I thought he was just supposed to be a goofy sidekick.) We should keep in mind that The Wiggles are getting older...although they really only made a splash here in recent years, they've been at this since at least the mid-90's. However, rather than to keep spitting out worthless DVD's like Cold Spaghetti Western and this one, I'd rather they just bow out altogether. For anyone wanting a truly worthwhile Wiggles DVD collection, we recommend Wiggle Time, Wiggly Play Time, and even Dance Party. Stay far, far away from their last several releases."
Not for young Wigglers
Mom of the Year | Pittsburgh, PA | 08/02/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This is not a video for younger fans. There is a lot of dialogue and too much time between songs. We're big Wiggles fans here, but this movie isn't suitable for under 3's and parents with short attention spans. You might want to borrow this from a friend or rent it before you buy. Be sure that your child is able to sit through an hour of the Captain and his ramblings before you commit to the purchase.
For anyone going to the live show, don't worry. They play a nice mix of songs, lots of old favorites and a few stand outs from this video. Even if your little one doesn't like this video, they'll still have a blast at the concert."
In dangerous dark waters, did The Wiggles just jump the shar
Lydia D. Moore | Texarkana, AR USA | 07/22/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I have 3 kids ages ranging from 2 to 6 and they all love The Wiggles so we have been looking forward to an all new around the world adventure starring the family friendly fab four. Unfortunately this DVD fails to shine from the get go. The Wiggles are only seen sparingly to intro a bunch of tediously long sketches featuring Captain Feathersword and his crew. Then the only other time we see them it's as some cool looking flash animation or preforming in a cheesy looking undersea studio for some of the tunes. Other than that this project seems to be hanging everthing on the premise that the captain and his huge new crew of humorless stiffs are way more entertaining and funny than The Wiggles. It's a bad idea that painfully sinks slowly right in front of our eyes.
First of all the captain's traditional pirate ship is replaced with a very small modern yatch and has a few garishly ugly lime green and brown pirate props attached to it. It doesn't act as a good fascade for a pirate schooner; in fact, it looks completely out of place and ridiculous. To make matters worse the ship spends most of it's time anchored in dock or in Sidney bay. I thought we were supposed to be sailing around the world in this video adventure? I'd rather they had used some high schoolish props with enough ample space for all the actors and a well written scripting of events than to try to impress us with something more realistic, but makes absolutely no sense.
Then to make matters worse they crowd 6 or 7 really bad actors onto the tiny deck to play the captains supposedly wacky subserviant buccaneers. The sketches just aren't funny even to kids as there are no real jokes present and rely way to much on these meatballs trying to make silly contorted faces overeacting to everything or attempting some really bad ablibbing. My boys really love the captain, but this video has proven to me that a little Captain Feathersword goes a real long, long way. Given too much of the character in a clumsy unstructured presentation and you'll want to make the annoying pirate walk the plank. At some places on the DVD kids and adults alike will be begging for his pointless rambling to end and for the singing to commence.
Then there's the issues with the music. Now I'm an adult who finds a lot of The Wiggles music to be highly addictive but this project was a huge step backward for the largest part. Some of the best songs on the program were from previous shows. There's quite a few songs from different locations around the world, but most of them are uninspiring. Most of the new tunes just fall flat and The Wiggles as musicans it seems are now starting to to fall into a rut to which many of their songs are sounding similar to older tunes without the charms or catchiness of the older gems. The only two new songs that were worth their sea faring salt were Hiccuping Chicken and The Captain's Wavy Walk. The rest of the new dittys were well below The Wiggles past watermark of excellence.
I'd hate to see their next new project (The Big Red Car) stall and sink like "Sailing Around The World" has. I hope the group and their creative crew rights this ship soon because if not I can see the whole Wiggles franchise sleeping with the fishes in Wigglebay in the near future."
The Wiggles Must Have Fallen Overboard
Nangaroo | 07/24/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"They're almost nowhere to be found on this DVD, except for a few odd snippets here and there. Captain Feathersword, usually a witty favorite, seems to be struggling to carry this entire show on his shoulders, as he and the Wiggly Dancers are the main focus of this video. One of the worst things on this video is that Captain Feathersword's crew fall asleep, and are then woken up with 1...2...3...WAKE UP CREW! Hmm...where's Jeff? The songs are not the catchy tunes that we are accustomed to, and one of them isn't even sung by Greg. The whole thing seems to have been thrown together without the Wiggles even knowing about it. Maybe that's why Captain Feathersword looks so jittery! The extras are just as bad. The Wiggly Postcard from Mexico only shows two of the Wiggly Dancers being shown around Mexico city by Fernando, Fernandito and Juan. We are going to see The Wiggles Sailing Around The World Tour in August, but after this we are worried that the Wiggles won't be there at all! Overall, I'd say don't waste your money on this DVD. And it really pains me to say that, being the rabid Wiggles fan that I am."
A Real Disappointment - Don't waste your money
Laura M. Egerman | New Bedford, MA | 12/26/2005
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Our daughter is a huge Wiggles fan, and a huge fan of the Sailing Around the World CD, so imagine our dismay when we watched this DVD and realized that most of the songs on the CD are not on the DVD. Most of the DVD is "acting" by Captain Feathersword and his crew, and, lets face it, they were not meant to be lead characters! The acting is bad and the dialogue between songs too long and too boring. It will not hold the attention of a young child (our daughter is 22 months) or the parents who will be forced to watch it with them. I had been warned against this DVD but hoped for the best when I bought it. Don't waste your money like we did... get "Wiggly, Wiggly World" instead."