Rainer Werner Fassbinder turned to color for his fourth film, a bleak portrait of middle-class banality. Kurt Raab, the plump, baby-faced art director usually cast as the director's most pathetic characters, stars as Herr ... more »R., a seemingly successful middle-class professional and happily married family man who stumbles through life like a grinning zombie. As one might guess from the title, Herr R. (an appropriately vague, undistinguished character that Fassbinder leaves unnamed to better stand in for a German everyman) is about to go over the edge, and the film shows us why in relentless, numbing detail. At work he's an insignificant figure of ridicule; at home he escapes into endless hours of TV when not killing time with empty small talk (largely improvised by the cast), and he soon slips into a listless depression compounded by constant headaches. Fassbinder and codirector Michael Fengler don't make the experience easy for us. The film is as purposely banal as the chatty droning of the soundtrack, shot in a hypernaturalistic approach with a palette of muddy, dull colors that give the picture the quality of a faded Polaroid. There's a genius to the gesture, and the film marches inexorably to a harrowing climax, but it's not for all tastes. Even Fassbinder fans admit that this is a tough film to get through. --Sean Axmaker« less
Curt Surly | Bellingham, WA United States | 06/05/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This film requires concentration and repeat viewings. Fassbinder employs exceedingly long takes and a relatively still camera to portray a man slowly being led to the end of his tether. Herr R (Kurt Raab, a Fassbinder regular) is everyman. Indeed, each scene conveys the sheer drabness of his daily routine. Work, wife, in-laws. None of it registers. Despite the perfect middle class life--emotionally, he's stone. It has been said that he is invisible in this film. Certainly, he is not seen as something particularly dynamic or magnetic. He doesn't attract people, none of his co-workers seem interested in him personally. Likewise, he doesn't seem interested in them.But he does feel. He's passionate about music, sings a gorgeous, heartbreaking ballad that causes him to sigh slightly and look even more wan and dejected than usual. His wife bores him, her friends irritate him. Work is a release of sorts, but he's not making any progress there. He tries to impress the right people but he ends up making a total ass of himself. All of these factors lead him on a particular course. Hence, the title of the film. The key to answering it is careful, patient viewing. This is a brilliant example of building up evidence to support myriad theses about the motivations of a fundamental character. Just be focusing on Herr Raab's face provides essential clues as to the forces that drive him towards his destiny. Great film."
Adella L. Thompson | Bellingham, Washington United States | 06/11/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a film that should not be too thouroughly explained prior to watching. Mostly it is a series of the every day happenings in the life of Herr R, a reticent underachiever. He is the child of a certain spiritless bourgeois existence. We watch him at his job, not quite making points with the boss, not quite winning the favour of his coworkers. We watch him try to teach his average, but slightly dreamy, son to pronounce properly. We watch his wife hosting the self-absord and catty neighbors to tea. In short, we watch an unextraordinary bit of an unextraordinary life, which is somehow familiar and for some reason completely entrancing. As one watches it can't helped but be asked why wouldn't Herr R run amok?"
So realistic it's scary
Stalwart Kreinblaster | Xanadu | 03/09/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"why does herr r run amok is not a typical fassbinder movie - and it stands out stylistically from the other 50 or so movies he made... It is shot almost like a documentary.. improvised scenes that bring so much realism to the screen.. it is an interesting look at the german middle class of the time period.. and what it takes to drive a man insane... it is the realism that is so consistently presented throughout the film which makes the climax so unnerving.. it is like real life in the moment.. there is no escaping the images on the screen.. in most movies we are shielded by a sound track (which tells us how to react) or by visual cues like cutting back and forth or zooming.. there is nothing of that here no visual safety net.. This is a young and talented cast and director.. one of the early antitheatre films which would eventually evolve into a more cinematic melodramatic style.. but it are these early groundbreaking works that would set the framework for an inspired and all too brief career.."
One of Fassbinder's best
N. Rossi | Sewell, NJ United States | 04/20/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Very deliberately paced and shot in a detached, voyeuristic manner, "Herr R" documents a man's slow and subtle meltdown from his meaningless, banal, unsatisfying environment, ending in a tragic act of violence. The story itself is a familiar one, but the presentation is what really sells it. There is nothing obvious about Raab's transformation -- you really have to pay attention, look for the subtle tics here and there that tell you you're watching a man slowly unravel. And then it's just a waiting game -- what's he gonna do, and when's it gonna happen? And at the very moment you, the viewer, cannot take it anymore (not unlike our beloved anti-hero), BOOM. It happens.
The film is not particularly easy to sit through, if only because we are subjected to the same banalities that are eating away at our protagonist. In fact, these boring, trivial glimpses of everyday drudgery comprise the majority of the film. This was clearly what Fassbinder intended, and when you see that final scene and the robotic, emotionless way Herr Raab goes about it, you know there is no other way the story could have been told. ****"
Rafael J Salin-Pascual | 06/09/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Warun läudt Herr R. Amok? ( Why Does Herr R. Run Amok?)
"Amok", is a Malaysian word that means: murderous attack like frenzy runaway. The word came from Malaysian culture. A person, generally a man, start killing people without any clear provocation. The person with Amok use to kill himself after finishing the man slaughter. In USA, Columbine Massacre, is an unfortunately example for " follie-a-deux (madness of two).
This is the third film of Reinnaer W. Fassbinder. A simple person, Kurt Raab (Herr R), shy, that smoke a lot as the doctor told him, (but all the characters and the crew smoke a lot), because he is too anxious of about all that is going on in his life, just everything!. His wife Frau R ( Lilith Ungerer) is the kind of people who talk all the time. So one may think, if somebody would be capable to listen Herr R, could be, by doing that, to have the chance to release what ever was built-up inside?. The character of this woman, Herr R's wife, started the deeply observation about female psychology that Fassbinder performed all over his cinematographic works. Herr R, is a shy individual, almost with social phobia, having some problems with the interaction with several persons. Specially with his boss, in the drawing architect bureau.
Yes, Herr R is shy person, the contrary of Reiner Fassbinder, that could be so amusing himselfe in developing this character that resemble the other side of the coin, the opposite of Reinner's personality (almos hypo manic sometimes): But Herr R., never receive enough attention of the others, insecure always trying to recapitulated what others just have said , in front of them. The only time he was able to make an speech, was an the company dinner after several drinks, then his toast became tedious, because he spoke about personal characteristics of those persons, both, pro and con, that maybe good sometimes. There are some subtle signs of contempt anger, that finally ended one Sunday afternoon, in which all the secrets were open up in a dramatic way and then Mr. Amok started running. That is the moment in which all the people around started to be notice of Herr R existence. A German Neor-realistic kind of movie that just give us a signal of what Reinner was capable of doing and he did in his short life time.