Superbly evocative
blockhed | UK | 07/10/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Battle of Britain is all I've seen so far, but what a powerful and moving piece of film-making! With direction credited to Frank Capra, it's small wonder that he hits the nail right on the head. These blurred glimpses of how Britain stood up to save civilization, by blunting and rebuffing the arrogant German war machine, brought the memories flooding back. This was no "last stand": it was the first and most crucial stand! Had Britain fallen, the dubious and dithering USA, which contained numerous pro-German sympathizers and was dragging its heels, might well have caved in to Hitler's ambitions, and we'd be looking at a very different world today. British steadiness and resolution, calm resilience, courage and resourcefulness, which used to be the measure of how mankind should conduct itself, has now been almost forgotten; incompetent hysteria and panic-stricken spin-doctoring has taken its place. But some of us still remember.
July 31. Now that I've watched the complementary disc, Divide and Conquer, I have to add another 5 stars. Ten stars in all, therefore. These discs may be a form of propaganda, but they don't talk down to their audience, like the garbage put out today. These accounts are far closer to way things really were, and the analysis of what was really happening, and the roles played by the participants is infinitely more accurate than the cruddy glorification of events after the American entry into WW2. These discs should be compulsary viewing in schools, if any truth about the years 1939-1945 is to be retained in folk memory. Wonderfully put together: real, documentary footage, crystalline analysis. Capra certainly knew what he was doing.
Greatly valuable film of all war archives!
Lee, Kyoo Un | Seoul Korea, Republic of | 03/31/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What a vividness and reality in this film! Some people may criticize it as a propaganda film, but it can not be more realistic than any other war docomentary film. Hundreds times better than "Lost archives of WW¥±". Fantastically nostalgic!"