Another flick about an "evil doctor"
Marina J. Neary | Stamford, CT United States | 02/05/2006
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Why is it always the sinister powerful male who turns out to be the bad guy? The movie would have been far more entertaining if the villain turned out to be an innocent young female nurse, hungry for power.
There was one inconsistency in the movie. The doctor does not kill Isabel after drugging and raping her. He breaks his pattern. Most serial killers have a pattern, but with Isabel this pattern was broken. Obviously, the director did not do his homework on the serial killer psyche."
'Bambi' is entertaining, modern French mystery...
T. Dugan | Houston, TX USA | 06/20/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The main character is a nurse in-training called "Bambi" by an odd doctor who treats her for fainting spells...says her legs shake like a new born deer trying to stand. After some unexplained disappearences, "Bambi" develops a suspicion about who is responsible, which puts her and those close to her in danger. The guessing game that the doctor plays with her is interesting. As is her dream... While it wasn't Oscar material, I still enjoyed the film."
Small, kind of scary, but kind of kooky, horror pic is not r
Nathan Andersen | Florida | 08/14/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"A young woman doing an internship to be a nurse at a large hospital meets the star young surgeon, Dr. Phillip, when she faints inside an elevator he occupies. He immediately diagnoses her problem -- an deformity in the ear that causes dizzy spells. What is more odd, though, he starts calling her "Bambi" because, I guess, she stumbles like the young Bambi in the Disney movie. Maybe it's at that point that a flag should have been raised in my head, preparing me for the inevitable moment when a perverted doctor tells a helpless "Bambi" that her mother can't be with her anymore, and (of course, I guess) the subsequent "helpless in the forest" (yes, Bambi eventually ends up in an actual forest) scene.
The creepiness of the film, which is not too potent, comes from the feeling that when you are in a hospital under sodium pentatol you are completely helpless and at the mercy of your caretakers. The acting is not bad, and Dr. Phillip is believable as a character who seems young and fun but is really kind of creepy. (I don't think it gives too much away to say he's the bad guy because this is given away in the first few minutes of the film, when a nurse enters a room where a patient is in disarray and the Dr. who obviously is not supposed to be there is hiding/lurking just out of sight.) Besides that, this is a bit kooky and ultimately unimportant, with uncomfortable (and I think quite unnecessary) moments of full frontal nudity when the doctor disrobes his victims (I guess that is what is supposed to make this the "erotic thriller" that is mentioned on the cover of the film -- but there is no eros in this film, unless you want to call erotic the Doctor's almost clinical but perverse sexual obsession with his disproportionate number of young and beautiful female patients). The movie is trying to do the Hitchcock "ordinary person caught up in terrifying circumstances" thing, and I guess it may do that as effectively as your average made-for-TV movie, but it didn't really do anything for me that improved upon the time I spent watching it. If you like the "trying to be arthouse horror but ending up lightweight and forgettable" French film thing -- I would almost put "Red Lights" in this category, but that was actually a much better film than this one -- then give it a look on a rental (I guess if you must) but I would strongly urge not to buy this one. I can't imagine anyone actually going out of their way to want to watch it twice."