fmwaalex | Austin, TX USA | 09/09/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
Despite what others may think this is not the 1968 version at all, in fact that one had a male White Dragon. In the case of this film the Dragon title goes to the lovely Cecilia Cheung, so as you can see this is a different film. Now with that said I can tell you that this is a very fun film and you should know that going in. I have been around some people expecting this to be some epic because of the cover art. Needless to say they were surprised but they did indeed enjoy once they got that it was a comedy.
Black Pheonix (Cecilia Cheung) is just another girl at just another school worrying about average girl stuff. You know friends, herself, and of course boys, one in particular that is, the young prince. Of course she starts to develop a relationship with him when see notices that she has developed acne. As all of this is happening the schools principal is killed in the middle of the night by an assassin, an assassin named "CHICKEN FEATHERS".
Yes with an intimidating name like that how can one not shiver at the mere sound of a cluck. Any way the first White Dragon is wounded by this assassin and hands the powers of such title over to Pheonix. She eventually learns to love the new abilities she possesses and starts to use them well, until she is called upon. What is she asked to do you might ask, well take out Chicken Feathers of course. So she is off to do battle with him and thus the battle ensues and it is a good one, until. Until her leg is broken in the fight and he takes her in, that is right he takes her in to care for her. This is were the film gets excellent as they go back and forth one upping each other or trying to. The film blossoms from there making it a comedy with a little romance and a whole lot of treachery [you'll see].
This is a very fun flick full of humor and some good action as well, more so on the humor part but still good. There are all kinds of pop culture references and a very excellent download bar when she gets her powers, I am telling the truth [I love it]. Also did I mention that the deadly assassin Chicken Feathers is blind, yes very much so but that adds to a lot of the relationship between him and White Dragon. There are moments when the film slows do a little but for the most part it is a cool flick.
Cecilia Cheung is delightfully bubbly at times and very angry teen at others, a nice mix that plays out better than it sounds. Francis Ng is great as Chicken Feathers [keep wanting to type fingers] and is deadly/goofy/funny and all that in this role. Written by director Wilson Yip and Yiu Fai Lo the film is not perfect but if you go in understating its style you will like it. "The White Dragon" or "Fei hap siu baak lung" is an enjoyable movie that non fans should find the humor in. of course it could just be I like silly flicks like this, I don't know.