Darwin H. (movienut) from BLOOMINGTON, MN
Reviewed on 6/28/2012...
Well I am a week late reporting back but had to tell you guys about the Microcinema's H. P. Lovecraft double feature from last Monday night.
First up was "The Call of Cthulhu". (See separate review under that title.)
Next up was the main feature "The Whisperer in Darkness" which was more of a horror/sci-fi blend. In it a professor of folklore starts hearing wierd tales of some non-human creatures terrorizing an old man who lives in an isolated farm house in the back woods of Vermont. He dismisses him as a crackpot but eventually enough "evidence" surfaces that he feels he must travel there to see what is going on first-hand. His investigation leads him to a discovery of horrors quite beyond anything he ever imagined, and ends in a desperate attempt to escape the remote New England hills with his life and sanity intact.
The Whisperer in Darkness was also shot in the style of the classic old horror movies though it is a very recent release (2011) and was even filmed using high definition cameras (with plans of a Blu-ray release in mind?) It looks fantastic. It is also shot in black and white but is a "talkie". I know I haven't seen as many horror movies as some of you but I have seen quite a few and this one really impressed me. Also a great plot twist at the end that really gets you thinking. If you like the sci-fi/horror blend genre (think Alien, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Thing, etc., but with a classic 1930's feel and much lower special effects budget), I highly recommend checking this one out. Both of these movies are available on Amazon. TCOC in DVD and TWID on DVD or Blu-ray from only one seller - HPLHS (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) which put up the money to produce the first film. It is not cheap but definitely worth seeing.
I had no idea what to expect going in but came away so impressed with these two films (The Whisperer in Darkness in particular) that I bought the large double feature poster from the cinema owner after the final showing was over. It has already been framed and is now hanging proudly next to me in my movie room as I write this.
This has been a Movienut "no spoilers" quick review.
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