Brad, Zeke, and Jonathan, three would-be ladies men, discover that all three have been dating the same woman, Mia.
Genre: Feature Film-Comedy
Rating: R
Release Date: 1-MAR-2005
Media Type: DVD
Sharon F. (Shar) from AVON PARK, FL Reviewed on 5/4/2019...
Not my cup of tea. I would classify this as a mini-porn movie, lots of sex scenes and sex talk, but not much plot.
Movie Reviews
Can someone please put this movie out of its misery?
S. Lawrenz | Milwaukee, WI | 01/13/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
Brad, Zeke and Jonathan along with their adulterous married friend Eric sleep around brazenly until they meet the cute and sexy Mia (Amanda Pete). As each of the men seeks her affections (her carnal ones), they suddenly become aware that she has been dating all of them at once. It becomes a battle to decide which guy will get her in the end, and a question of whether their friendships can survive the inevitable climactic decision she makes.About the Movie:
It amazes me sometimes at what studios and directors think makes for great entertainment. Writer/Director Peter Cohen proves the stereotype of men that he's trying to play on in this movie just by the mere fact that he made it. He seems to try to say that women can be a lot like men in their philandering and mind games, but he clearly misses the irony of the whole situation. It says a whole lot about his OWN character in that he made a movie that only hornball men would ever want to watch. Whipped represents what has become standard with many Gen-X comedies these days, unoriginal sexual romps filled with disgusting toilet humor, gross sexual gags (Gagging being the operative word here), constant swearing and attractive women without their clothes on (but without the nudity...). While, I can find that last thing appealing, it's the rest that completely turned me off of this movie.This movie deliberately tries to be disgusting and shameless, and it succeeds easily, while at the same time, undoubtedly turning off a good portion of its audience. Not that it would matter to the director, whose characters brazenly talk about gross sexual acts in public places without turning a single head. He also seems to think (based on the synopsis on the back cover) that his disgusting male characters are "typical males." Obviously, he considers people like me as "abnormal" and "big prudes" in that I DON'T do and talk about those things. But honestly, what makes any of this stuff funny? Why would a man sticking his arm into a toilet filled with urine to retrieve something he dropped into it be considered funny? Why would I think characters discussing their gross bodily function sex experiences were funny? Why would a man cheating on his spouse be funny?It's not funny and it really is in incredibly poor taste. But matters like "Taste" obviously don't matter these days, in a time where the lowest common denominator has become the goal to strive for. Indeed, this movie is eagerly following the gross-out trend set by movies like American Pie. But honestly, in terms of pure sexual comedy, there are quite a few films that manage to be funnier without the gross-out factor and the complete and total disregard for taste.And taste is only half of it. In real life, men like these very quickly end up with sexually transmitted diseases (like AIDS, which is killing tens of millions all over the world, as you read this). And like many movies, the director seems to think that all that irresponsible and dangerous sexual activity is all right, just so long as you mention the word "condom" at least once.As for the movie itself? This is a forgettable one. Many of the comic gags pulled in this film are worn out overused clichés that have been used a thousand times before. The screenplay itself is not that well written, and while some of the actors do a moderately decent job (Amanda Peet being one), many of the performances come off as weak and over the top. The incessant swearing of the actors (that the director mistakenly seems to equate with "realism") doesn't help any. Then there's the story itself, of a women putting it over on philandering men... It's been done many times before, often in far better films than this one. Honestly? This movie isn't worth the time of most viewers. Of course, if the viewer happens to like gross bathroom and sex humor, then this movie may just be for them after all.About the DVD:
Whipped comes in a plastic hard case on a double sided DVD with both fullscreen and widescreen versions in Dolby Digital 5.1 sound. It has not been translated into any other languages besides its original English, though it does contain English, French and Spanish subtitles. Both the video and audio transfer appear to be very good. Even on a high resolution screen, the video had only a little grain and few artifacts.As far as special features, this DVD contains the theatrical trailers and a director's commentary. I honestly didn't have the desire to watch the movie again, so I can't say whether or not the commentary is worth the time to listen to.Bottom Line: A gross, unexciting and unoriginal movie on basic no frills DVD release. If you think bathroom humor is disgusting, this is one to avoid. 1 Star."
Whipped - Worth A Look
Ian Dark | 02/10/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"If you saw "The Whole Nine Yards" and became an Amanda Peet fan, take heed. "Whipped" is nothing like "The Whole Nine Yards" and neither is Peet's character, Mia. If you're looking for Amanda to repeat the same type of character in this film, you'll be disappointed. "Whipped" has similarities "In The Company of Men", but is a much lighter and funnier film. The story centers around three men in their twenties who look at sex like a sporting event. Every Sunday they gather at a diner and compare tales of their latest conquests. Everything is going well for the guys until Mia (played by Peet) comes into the picture. While the script isn't 100% hilarious, it does have some great moments. There are some good lines and a smattering of funny scenes, albeit cynical humor. Rather than write about them, see the movie and judge for yourself. "Whipped" is not a great film, but it does have some good laughs. If you liked comedies like "Love Stinks" and "After Hours", you'll most likely enjoy "Whipped"."
A waste of the actors...
Ann Holding | Hopkinton, MA USA | 06/18/2003
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Every Sunday, a trio of buds get together at a NYC diner to boast about their sexual conquests of the night before. Sometimes they're joined by a newlywed ex-comrade and hoochie hunter who hangs on them like a puling barnacle. They're unabashed horn dogs and corn dogs and Mia, who witnesses them on the prowl, decides that they need to be taught a lesson, dammit. So she'll date and dump - why not? All of them!
Gasp. What a wild idea. What a radical, naughty gal. Women now have the right to date and sleep around as much as they want to. As much as men do, even! Honey, we got the message. We read "Maxim" and "Cosmo" too, okay?There is one solitary laughable element in "Whipped". Namely the fact that not once, during the amigo's detailed discussions of their bodily functions and the oral talents of the bed partners they trash, do the other customers in the diner turn around and say, "Dude, we're trying to EAT here." To see quality gross-out humor, try a classic like "Blazing Saddles". To see love-rat buddies hanging out, slagging and bragging on their women as they eat and imbibe, rent "Swingers". Priceless bits: "How long will you guys wait to call your babies?" "6 days." Plus the luminous Heather Graham. To see the lovely Amanda Peet at her snarky, man-eating best, try "Saving Silverman", a.k.a. "Evil Woman". That flick also has the sweet Amanda Detmer ("Final Destination"). Plus the excellent Steve Zahn. But this - merciful God, this. It's truly unfortunate that a buddy movie with a great setting, a smart, cute heroine and three possible pairings had to have such a cop-out ending. The leads are very attractive and approach the material with relish - let's hope more worthy projects are in their future. P.S. - 30 "whip-oosh" sound effects to the screenwriter for use of the phrase "You go, girl". It was tired in 2000, and it's tired now."
jen herman | NEW YORK | 10/09/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"A hilarious and insightful perspective of the dating world is portrayed in this off beat comedy by first time writer/director Peter M. Cohen. The story unfolds as the four male protagonists meet weekly at the local diner to confer about their dating woes. We meet Brad: a good-looking, wall-street playboy with a quick-wit and sharp tongue; Zeek: a cynical, sensitive writer; Jonathan: a sexually perplexed nice guy with an affinity for hand creams; and Eric: the married guy, who cherishes his weekly encounters with his single friends in hope for some enlightenment to his boring and banal married existence. The trials and tribulations of the men?s single lives in New York are amusingly expressed, mirroring that of "Sex in the City" and HBO?s new comedy "The Mind of Married Man, and bring an astute light to scamming.
The story takes a twist as the three singletons meet Mia--wittily played by Amanda Peet?and all fall for her. She seduces them each with her uncanny ability to conform to the personalities? they exhibit. When they come to realize they have all met and fallen in love with the same woman, they chose her over their friendship.
"Whipped" is a realistic portrayal of the dating world, one that the critic?s failed to recognize. In plain language, they missed the point. The protagonist?s here are caricatures of real people. The exaggerations are hysterical, mixing satire and humility, and are not to be taken as seriously as the critic?s disparagement suggests. See this movie, you?ll laugh from start to finish."
Sleazy Sexual Ethics Have Never Been So Entertaining...
Allen Smalling | Chicago, IL United States | 09/26/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The term "Whipped" doesn't refer to sadomasochism or military discipline. Put the familiar term that starts with "p" and refers to a kitty-cat before "Whipped" and you'll understand what this sexual comedy is all about.The plot involves four male New Yorkers who attended college together and have remained tight over the intervening five or so years. They get together once a week or so for brunch at a diner and regale each other with (highly dubious, the film suggests) tales of their sexual conquests. One of the four is married and doesn't worry about outlet as much as going crazy living under the same roof with another human being. Of the three bachelors, one is a tall, blond Wall Street yuppie who truly thinks he is God's gift to women. He and his co-workers love to get soused each Friday evening and start hitting on the girls in a bar. The middle character is a very "downtown," stylish, would-be writer who does most of his cruising passively while writing in his journal in a coffee house. He thinks that being an artiste entitles him to have no sexual ethics at all. The third fellow's sexual escapades are entirely fiction and inspired by the two dozen or so creams and lotions that sit on the shelf of his shower stall. The other guys are on to this onanist and his stories of imaginary women like "Nivea," but tolerate him anyway. A confident, smart and funny woman (Amanda Peet) happens to run into the first character in the yuppie bar. Pretty soon they're an item. The second character notices her eyeing him up in the coffee house and pretty soon, they're going together. (Going steady, he thinks.) Our Heroine bumps into the third guy next to a magazine stand where he has just purchased a bundle of soft-core pornography. After a lot of shyness on his part, they eventually hook up too. It doesn't take too much time for the fellows to realize that their buddies have meet this woman through unbelievable coincidence (which is explained at the movie's end). None of them want to relinquish this "catch" and they all insist on staying with her, which makes the male relationship deteriorate from bonding to distrust to outright hostility. The Peet character plays the boys with the expert assurance of a prize-winning angler reeling in a marlin. I hope guys have a sense of humor about this movie; I think many young women will love it. The men are portrayed as shallow, chauvinistic swine who aren't quite as good-looking and studly as they think they are. Their sexual starvation is so pathetic that, perversely, it becomes one of their few saving graces. When a guy is thinking with something other than his brain, he will go to pitiful lengths to keep a sexual liaison intact. Amanda Peet is just wonderful in this contradictory role that requires her to be sunny, sweet, smart, fast, and totally unscrupulous in the way she handles and manipulates these men. A surprise ending explains why things have happened the way they are. Truly, what's sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose. Truly, I am not a prude and I don't mind a profane movie. But other than the coy title, this film has an incredible amount of raunchy (and repetitive) dialog. When the guys get together, their talk is so filthy that I often wondered why they didn't get ejected from their favorite diner. The obscene remarks are not rendered with the psychological precision of a David Mamet; they seem to be there simply to telegraph anger. "A-hole" and "[blank] you" get tossed around so frequently you wonder if these guys really attended college together, their vocabulary is so limited. If you can handle this fairly graphic farce, it really is quite enjoyable and even insightful about people who have just enlisted in the Battle of the Sexes. The surprise ending is wonderful. Amanda Peet is terrific, and the cinematic unknowns who play the guys are top-notch too. Definitely not a film for Aunt Agatha, but it satirizes sexual mores and attitudes of twentysomething urban males ruthlessly and effectively. A good, solid, delightfully dirty movie that will appeal to lots of folks."