Excellent Overview of Globalization
Absolute_HD | Boston, MA | 07/22/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD provides an excellent overview of the key concepts related to the global economy and globalization. It is over six hours of Stiglitz speaking directly to the camera as he explains several global economic polices and concepts that are complex yet understandable given his explanation."
How to defeat poverty and save the world
Wilford C. Smith | Columbia, SC | 11/17/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Mr. Stiglitz seems to think that is the responsibility of US citizens and corporations to eliminate poverty throughout the world, even if it means that American Corporations would lose money, American consumers would pay higher prices and even it it's necessary to file a case against the USA in the WTO courts. Most of his criticisms of the World Bank and the IMF aeem to be essentially true, at least to me, though they may be somewhat exaggerated. Socialists, one-worlders, and altruists will love this DVD set. Conservatives should listen, as I did, because it's always a good idea to see what the opposition is thinking and proposing."