An excellent animal movie!
Joe Comer | Robinson, IL United States | 02/27/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"A heartfelt film about a boy and his passion for coon hunting. If how well the relationship between people and their pets should decide the value of a movie then this film is solid gold!Set in the 1930's it's realistic atmosphere, period and setting is so stunning, that it holds you to your seat from the start. Excellent acting, especially by James Whitmore and Stewart Peterson. Peterson, particularly, is extremely convincing as Billy. You would have to search long and hard to find as appealing a performance from one so young!In reviewing a film of this nature, you really have to judge the emotional level and how easily you are moved. Some animal movies (OLD YELLER, BORN FREE and others) move you to tears very easily. This is one of those films. Others seem to be strained to say the least. For more on that, see my review of the sequel to ....RED FERN GROWS. In any case, if you are looking for a film that can realistically take you to another time and place, tells a great story and does so in a very moving way, this film is for you."
Joe Comer | 09/02/2000
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It was a great movie for anyone who likes animals. The part I liked best was when Billy first got his dogs. I must say they were cute. I have read the book and the movie is true to the book. I also liked "Old Yeller" and "Savage Sam" but I liked "Where the Red Fern Grows" better."
A heartwarming classic from the 70s !
Benny Wilkerson | Scottsdale, Arizona United States | 04/21/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is the poignant story of a young boy who learns the value of hard work in getting something you want badly,in this case some hound pups.This is a good,wholesome movie,free of profanity and loaded with old-fashioned values.However,most kids of today will probably be bored with this movie. Its a better movie for adults with corny,sentimental tastes like me! The scene at the end of one coon dog grieving over the injury and eventual death of the other dog attacked by a mountain lion makes me cry every time!"