Full Moon Puppet show
Torch25 | Indiana, in a cornfield | 06/27/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a gem of a DVD showcasing Full Moon's past puppet films not domestically available on DVD (because of damn Paramount). This DVD includes clips from these films:
Puppet Master
Puppet Master II
Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge
Puppet Master 4
Demonic Toys
Dollman Vs. Demonic Toys
Blood Dolls
Curse Of The Puppet Master
Retro Puppet Master
I believe those are all of the films; I may have missed one (not PM5, though, it isn't represented with a clip here).
+ it has Videozones for all of the flicks (except Ragdoll, Totem's is here instead).
Overall a great disc. 5/5.
Also recomended:
Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation
Monsters Gone Wild!
Aliens Gone Wild!
Doll Graveyard
The Gingerdead Man"
Nothing but money shots
William G. Piper | English, IN United States | 04/01/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Unlike the pooly conceived "Boogeymen" dvd put out a few years ago (by a different company but premise is the same), this dvd actually delivers what it promises. It includes the attack/kill scenes from: Puppet Master 1 through 7, Demonic Toys, Dollman Vs Demonic Toys, Ragdoll, and Blood Dolls. As for extra features, it includes the videozones for all the films mentioned except Blood Dolls and replaces it with Totem (?!). A great disc for fans, but if you're wanting an actual movie, look elsewhere."