Throw a rating on this part of the story
Joseph A. Weiss | USA | 02/15/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"no one else has to i thought i would. dub-wise i generally dont like dubs, and i havent checked out the subtitles on 'when they cry' discs to see how trustworthy they are.
story-wise higurashi (when they cry) may throw people off with the arcs its goes through (8 in all) but its part of the story and gets made sense of later. one other thing to remember is that most arcs have 'sister' arcs, such as the 2nd one (ep 5) and the 5th (ep 16 i think, disc 4). this way while watching you can see the connections between different arcs such as the first one and last one of season 1.
concerning higurashi's ''main plot'' however, this dvd has the 3rd arc and so far, no real spoilers, this gives us the most clues as to what is actually going on.
unfortunately the first season only has 2 answer arcs, the second season having a carry-over episode, a anime-only arc, and the other 2 answer arcs. meaning, you have to go all the way through to understand everything.
my personal opinion is that the 2 seasons together make up one of the best animes i have ever watched. the final arc is 10 episodes on its own and explains far more than i even guessed at for the reasons for everything happening within the series. however, you have to sit through a lot of repetition (but generally your missing the small things) and a lot of episodes of ''...huh?" but its worth it in the end."