Sadistic murdering with cute characters
lain4ever | Los Angeles, CA | 10/24/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Higurashi is a lengthy and shocking. Yet, the sadistic (but cute) characters really make this anime hilarious. Yes, there is plenty of killing, but I really enjoyed watching the out-of-place cute youngsters turn into cold-blooded murderers for the most insanely unbelievable reasons.
Meiichi Maebara, a teenage boy, lives in Hinamizawa, a peaceful rural village. He plays and has fun with his friends, all girls. However, he quickly learns that Hinamizawa is a cursed town, in which every year at the Watanagashi Festival at least one person dies.
To make matters worse, his friends are trying to hide the truth from him--that they could have killed those people. Rena keeps creeping up to Maebara with a huge knife, the doctors inject him with needles, and people are dying left and right.
And yet, after Maebara commits suicide by stabbing his throat with his fingernails, the characters come back to life...
Well, not really.
Higurashi no naku koro ni (When They Cry) is actually based on a drama video game. There are many different chapters with different takes on the same story. For the first four chapters, lots of people die, and there is no happy ending. The next four chapters, however, give the reasons for the deaths. And yes, there is a happy ending in the last chapter.
However, this is a surprisingly complex soap opera, involving children who are abused by their aunts and uncles, kill others because they are in love and get possessed by ogre spirits. Yes, maybe this story is a little too unbelievable, but the murderers' motives are so bizarre and strange that the series actually turns into a comedy. The alternative plots are very intriguing, each one revealing another piece to the fascinating plot which involves drugs, UFO crashes and, yes, bioterrorism (don't ask).
This series is crazy, bloody and definitely not for kids. However, its storytelling is very gutsy, original and hilarious. There's nothing better than watching little kids kill each other for the stupidest reasons in a crazy town filled with conspiracies. I highly recommend this."
Higurashi no naka koro ni
Charles M. Knowles | Storrs, CT | 09/08/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The story is about a period of time In June 1983 in a small rural but ficticious town in Japan. The main characters consists of a band of friends that all attend school together. Keichi, Mion, Rena, Satoko, and Rika are the general characters you will see throughout the series in addition to a few new characters that are introduced throughout the progression of the story.
The entire story is based on a series of eight PC games that were released in Japan over the period of about 2 years. However, this may be different from your ordinary anime as the story can be deceptively sweet and yet disturbing at times. The progression of how the story is told also follows the concepts behind the PC games relase run. There are "chapters" that are detailed in the series that explain and detail events that happen to the main characters. At times this can focus on one character, two characters or the group as a whole. However, in response to the previous poster, the story is not generally the same in every restart of the story. There are always new scenes of the village surroundings,dialog and plot are different in many cases. There are a few general commonalities you will see in each "chapter" of the series, as in the period in time it takes place, which is always June 1983, and the festival that precedes the ending of all chapters.
If I could summarize the show into a solid description I would say its a different look into the anime genres of horror, mystery, and an entirely different perspective on how to relate these concepts to the viewer. Honestly, the changing of chapters is there more to provide you clues behind the "big mystery" then it is to annoy you or recycle plot. After watching the first dvd I can confidently say that in most cases the "chapters" type story telling shouldn't bother the average viewer. Overall, this is a very well done series and the story is always changing and adapting to whichever character is focused on. Any person who enjoys anime will probably enjoy this as well.
I'm unsure if the english dub is any good, but the Japanese voices are very well done and fit scenes and moods perfectly. The only gripe I can really give you about the series is some of the animation quality is a bit lower then anime you'd currently see released. However, if you enjoyed series like ergo proxy, elfen lied, and other mystery/horror/action titles. You should enjoy the subtleties of the story telling and the mystery behind the happy charade that the show plays out upon. Overall the entire series is very enjoyable and is more then worth the price put on amazon."
Quite a good show.
monbon | united states | 08/10/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My sister got this a while ago, we thought it was gonna be one of those shows where it's plotless and a random gore fest.
However we were surprised by the fact of how intricate the plot is, not going to spoiling anything, but I would highly suggest watching this show. It is a horror series, with a lot of crazy and creepy scenes, which some are quite violent, if your squeamish those scenes might freak you out. At some points it's pretty cute though."
Cuteness with bloody violence.
OKAMI | New York, NY | 06/13/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is a very eye catching anime because it has colorful characters, cute lolis, and disturbing violence. At the beginning of the series you'll feel that you're watching a harem comedy, you know the lucky guy that spends time with his girlfriends at school, they make fun of him he makes fun them you get the picture. In the second episode you'll see a 180° change from comedy to the chilling mystery of the gruesome deaths in the village caused by unknown forces at the Cotton Drifting Festival. From here Keiichi our "lucky" guy is threatened and disturbed by his classmates, like when they delivered food for him just make this cruel prank involving needles.
I don't want to spoil too much but I'll say that this series can be compare to TALES FROM THE CRYPT (the series), at the beginning there is comedy, the middle has the involving plot and the ending has that disturbing twist. You'll understand why when you see episode 5.
The plot was very intriguing it was like watching Phone Booth, Enemy of the State or Taxi Driver for the first time.
Yes there are few scenes of violence but the series is more suspense than horror.
If you like Elfen Lied or Gantz then this is must have for your collection."