Entertaining little chick flick
Michelle Curtis | colorado | 05/14/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I saw "What A Girl Wants" on t.v. and looked it up on Amazon. It is an adorable movie without the smut that is the 'HIGHLIGHT' of so many movies today. We keep a collection of movies to watch at our beauty shop, and they must be clean. This one and its partner, "Chasing Liberty", are favorites."
Good movies
D. Maness | Northern California | 02/27/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I own both these movies. I love them. They are both good movies that deal with teen girls dealing with life and its many changes. What a girl wants has some amazing songs by oliver james. Coline Firth does such a wonderful job in this movie as well. Amanda Bynes is well...Amanda Bynes. Chasing Liberty I like because it shows a girl taking off and chasing adventure and freedom, something we would all like to be able to do."