IYAGO ENTERTAINMENT GROUP Presents WHAT BLACK MEN THINK - An In Depth View of How Myths, Stereotypes and Misrepresentations render Black Men Non-Necessities in their Communities and Families? — In the most provocative Black... more » film of the year, Janks Morton presents a searing examination of the role that myths, stereotypes and misrepresentations have played in the decimation of modern era black relationships, and how the symbiotic relationship between government, the media and black leadership perpetuates misinformation to further marginalize the role of black men in society.
Since the triumphs of the civil rights legislations of the early 1960's havoc and decimation has been wreaked on the Black family with a specific devastation on the Black man. With negative imagery of the media, the failed policy of the great society and modern era black leadership abandoning tenets that historically held the community together, a new form of mental slavery has perpetuated an undeclared civil war in the Black Community?« less
"This is a phemnomenal video and I will be recommending it and sharing it with other black men in my community. It debunks all the negative stereotypes we have about ourselves and it shows that WE as a people need to confront our issues, ourselves, not depend on outsiders to fix problems that they helped to create and profit from.
The only way we will get out of this mess is for us to MAN UP & drop all the negative influeneces that we have inherited from american society.
Much love & blessings to the brother Janks Morton..."
Massively brilliant and bold gift of truth
Ananda Leeke | Washington, DC | 07/30/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The documentary is massively brilliant and bold. It is a gift of truth much needed. Janks Morton and the What Black Men Think collaborators are doing healing and teaching work! May they continue to produce quality and informative healing tools. I highly recommend that folks purchase the DVD copy. I watched it twice and gave it to my father to use in his diversity training work and leadership development mentoring with African American men. I think all fathers and sons should watch this documentary together. I also think that fraternities, men's organizations like the Masons, and other community-based service groups should view it and share it with younger men and boys. ALl families should look at it too."
K. Donath | LaFayette, NY USA | 09/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This video boldly confronts what is accepted as fact about today's black man - and demonstrates how much of what we think is true, is myth. Scene after scene shows us what the black community says about it's self and how that just doesn't square with the facts: prison, HIV, inter racial marriage, alimony payments, etc. In one scene, the camera shows us over and over members of the black community saying that there are more black men in prison than in college, when the fact is that for every black man in prison, there are four in college. More importantly, the video deals with the why and that involves following the money, because there are those who are cashing in big by keeping an intellectual status quo, that isn't real. Broad range of experts, footage from civil rights era, music - this video will keep anyone engaged. This is a story that must be told"
A Must See.....
Honest Opinion | 08/03/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I was so surprised by how much I enjoyed this film. My wish is for everyone to see it. Does it ever make you wonder what happened to black men after the road was paved by Dr. King and others during the civil rights era? Most black men were very proud, hard working, revered and respected by their families, as well as one another. This film takes a look at black men of the past and black men of the present. It answers some tough questions and explores many issues that black men face today.This movie is presented by very intelligent black men, as well as by a brilliant panel of experts, telling you what black men really think. This film is entertaining, full of thought provoking and surprising information, has a great soundtrack, as well a sense of humor provided by producer/director/narrator, Janks Morton. There is no doubt that it will be enjoyed by all."
Best Documentary on Black Men
Gloria Howard | Maryland | 10/26/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was the best documentary I've seen on Africian American Men. It confirms what I've always believed. It's something that I can and will show my son and every other young Africian American male I can touch. It dissolves the myths of who black men are and does not marginalize or undervalue them as society has for many, many decades. I loved it, watch every week and have become part of the movement."