Fun WB sitcom
Buffy | 01/17/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
""What I Like About You" is a cute WB sitcom about two sisters living together in New York. Jennie Garth of "90210" plays the older sister Val, who is a bit of a neurotic and the parental figure in her teenage sister, Holly's life. The two other regulars in the first season are Val's goofy boyfriend, Jeff, who runs a restaurant and Holly's best friend, Gary. The storylines revolve around Val's love life and her job at an advertisement agency and Holly's tendency to get into trouble due to her spontaneous nature. In subsequent seasons, new characters are added to the show and the humor gets a little nuttier. Season 2, 3 and 4 are very different from this first season, but in a good way. The show only gets better and better. It may not have been a breakthrough sitcom or particularly original, but I always found "What I Like About You" to be a fun, enjoyable show and definitely one of the best sitcoms ever on The WB. It kept me coming back for all four seasons with the sisters' romantic relationships, the lighthearted fun and the occasional cliffhangers."
The laughs are genuine and well-deserved in a show that's ea
MollyRK | Chicago | 08/19/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Although I did not catch this series when it originally aired on television from September 2002 to May 2006, it was a tough DVD set to pass up when it caught my eye on the Walmart shelf. I am always up for anything that features Amanda Bynes, and just by viewing the synopsis of this series, it's easy to see that the plot material is right up this comedic actress's alley.
Within days, I quickly went through all 22 episodes of the first season for a show that, as other reviewers have said, does not break any particularly new ground, but still manages to hold strong as a solid, well-written, and genuinely humorous story about two carbon-opposite sisters living together in New York City.
Amanda Bynes herself has likened this series to an edgier, sitcom-type version of the immensely popular "Gilmore Girls," and although each show has its own differences, the relationship between the two leading female characters is very similar. The plot opens with a single father's decision to relocate himself and his 16-year-old daughter to Japan, where he has landed a promising new business offer. Rather than make such a drastic change in her own life, Holly Tyler (played by the hugely effervescent Amanda Bynes) suggests going to live with older sister Val, who is in her late twenties, has a nice job in the city, and (conveniently) now has an empty bedroom in her apartment after finally getting rid of an irritating roommate. Dad seems fine with the idea, but will hardly be as easy as it sounds when we are introduced to the intense personality clash between a somewhat reserved young adult and her immature, yet lovable kid sister.
While "Gilmore Girls" focused on a mother and daughter who are 16 years apart and function more like sisters, "What I Like About You" is an entertaining character study about two real siblings who are separated by 12 years and, therefore, have quite a few adjustments to make if they are going to become good roomies. Terms such as "livewire" and "spirited" are only the beginning in describing young Holly, which is to be expected with the personality of Ms. Bynes carrying the role. The actress's trademark off-the-wall comic skills are put to fine use here, and if you are a fan of her unique acting style, you will love her as this character. Whether you like her or are annoyed by her, it's plain to see that comedy is her home, and although her dramatic acting is always improving, shows like this profile Bynes' impressive talent and poise as one of Hollywood's most notorious young "funny girls." Not many young stars are this comfortable being so goofy and spontaneous in front of the camera, but this girl has it down cold, and on top of that, she has it together far more than most celebrities her age. She is a fresh-faced pleasure to watch, and again, if you know her acting style and are a fan of it, then her work on this series is wholeheartedly funny and enjoyable.
But while Holly is a typical teenager who can easily be spotted in "youthful" outfits and soaking up life on the party scene, 28-year-old Val is the kind of girl who enjoys staying in on a Friday night to play Scrabble or have a Meryl Streep movie marathon. Played by memorable "90210" alum Jennie Garth, this was an important opportunity for her to prove her acting chops beyond the drama category, and Garth proved that she is perfectly capable of delivering the humor alongside the likes of seasoned comic Amanda Bynes. I know that not everyone likes Garth's neurotic, control-freak interpretation of this character, but as for me, I think she did an excellent job with it. Garth is very funny in the role and, at the same time, projects a maternal instinct and protective "big sister" vibe that is very sweet to watch as you grow invested in the Val/Holly dynamic. For having polar opposite personalities, these two young women work surprisingly well together, making the sibling relationship down-to-earth, relatable, and easy to tap into. I also enjoyed the performance of Simon Rex as Val's adoring boyfriend Jeff, although the eventual development of his character had its own flaws and disappointments.
With that being said, if you love this show and watched it loyally during its 4-year run, then it would be a good idea to show your support and purchase this set (solid sales will be necessary to make sure the next season is also released on DVD). If you are like me and did not get into it when it was on the air, but are a fan of some good comedy, then go ahead and buy this first season. I like to pop in an episode after a long day at work, and the writing is so good, you truly can watch it all by yourself and soon be laughing hysterically. Episodes like "Roommates" will easily have you in stitches (that whole scene with Holly and Gary in Val's bedroom is absolutely priceless), and episodes such as "Tyler vs. World" are a nice showcase of the convincing likeability of Val and Holly as sisters and friends.
Aside from a gag reel and French subtitles, there aren't any special features on the DVD, but bloopers are always interesting and good for a few laughs. Just by watching this show, it's clear to see that it was probably really fun to film, and that comes through as you watch a selection of the actors' funniest goof-ups from this inaugural year. Then, of course, as you have most likely already heard, the music used in the opening credits has been changed, due to the typical financial issues that come with achieving the rights to music for DVD releases. Shows like "7th Heaven" and "Beverly Hills, 90210" have faced similar woes with their original music, and this issue is the reason that "The Wonder Years," one of the most requested television shows, has not yet found its way to DVD.
Naturally, even if you haven't ever watched the show on TV and are just learning about it for the first time through this DVD, the title of the series makes it blaringly obvious what theme song belongs in there. Nonetheless, I like the newly chosen song a lot too, and after a few episodes, you get used to it. (Some people may not agree with me on that one, but all in all, it's worth it to have the show available on DVD.)
Even if it was never the most popular show on television, four years is pretty good, and during that time, the show received positive ratings and a respectable fan base. Now that the first helping of episodes have arrived on DVD, it's a chance to reel in even more viewers, and as I've said before, this is one little gem of a show that's easy to love. A couple episodes are all it takes to take interest, and although I can't comment on the series as a whole (since I have only been a fan for about a week and have only seen the first 21 episodes), it is lighthearted, fluffy fun if this is your type of thing. My only hope is that Season 2 won't be far behind, since the initial 21 episodes just aren't satisfying enough!
WILAY is one more funny show.
R.B. | Dallas | 01/31/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"In my opinion What I Like About You is funny. It's one of those feel good shows. Amanda Bynes is so hilarious but kind of annoying, but in a good way. Her antics kind of remind me of Laverne and Shirley. The older sister(who we all remember from 90210) is also funny in a neurotical kind of way. It is good she made that comedy transition, Jennie Garth is way better in this show than 90210. Simon Rex(who stayed on here for 1 season) plays Jeff, he is also funny and reminds me of Jack Tripper(3's Company) but in a laid back style. Gary is goofy and a great sidekick to Holly. The later seasons brought on more goofy characters as well like Lauren and Henry(who were also in this season) and Tina, Vince, and so on. This is not a chick show, it is a funny show for everyone, you just have to have an open mind."
"Keep on whispering in my ear..."
(5 out of 5 stars)
"What I Like About You - The Complete First Season is my absolute favorite of the seasons. First of all, what's not to love, Amanda Bynes is a hoot, she has great comic timing and a cutiepie. Jennie Garth finally gets to shine in a comedy series, I loved her as Kelly Taylor on 90210 and I love her on this show as well. Garth is funny, silly, and possess's a girl-next-door quality. Bynes and Garth have great chemistry, they play sisters in the show and you believe their relationship, this show works really well. Created by Wil Calhoun who used to write for my other favorite show, Friends. Too bad hottie Simon Rex is only on the first season, he plays Garth's boyfriend, Jeff. Hey and look out for Dan Cortese who plays Garth's boss, Vic. Cortese reprises his role in season 4. I highly recommend getting the first season of What I Like About You, it's fresh, appealing, and laugh-out-loud funny. Enjoy."