Half decent
ickystay | OR | 10/23/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"You have a couple menu options with these "grindhouse" double features. One is just play the movie you choose and no worries. Two is choose "Start the Grindhouse Experience" and the DVD will show a couple trailers, play the first movie, show a couple more trailers during the "Intermission", then play the last movie. Unless I'm missing something, you can't access the intermission trailers without going through the "Experience". Sorry, no chapter selection menu.
First we get fullscreen trailers for "Chinese Hercules" and "Night of the Bloody Apes" (no "Feast of Flesh" trailer, just a blurb). Now the first feature starts.
"Chain Gang Women" Fullscreen, 1:25:48 in length, decent print, 16 chapters.
I don't know how to express how awful this movie is. The first 7 chapters are just chain gang. No women. In the last 9 chapters we do have two women, both of whom are raped (by indifference?). With 3 minutes left of this fiasco (including credits), we learn that the whole point of this agony was a set up for a cruel punch line. Not a good movie.
Intermission. Fullscreen trailers for "Superchick" and "The Sister in Law". Second feature starts.
"The Hellcats" 1.78:1 Widescreen, 1:23:30 in length, decent print, 17 chapters.
A hippie biker gang smuggles dope for a drug kingpin. The drug kingpin kills a cop. The cop's brother and girlfriend join the hippie bikers to find the drug kingpin. Hum, sounds so familiar... I did enjoy this movie! It's like one of those LSD Dragnet episodes with just the kids and no Joe Friday. Hippie bikers being tough. Hippie bikers being beautiful. Hippie bikers talking like hippie bikers. Stupid macho rituals. Beer drinking galore! No nudity (sigh), no gore, maybe not even any good cussing (that I can remember?). I guess I dug the atmosphere and nostalgia of it all. Shannon Summers sure gives Monica Gayle a hell of a run for hottest patch-eyed bad girl!"
The fun of it all.
Bt | Parts unknown | 01/11/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Why they decided to name the one flick "Chain Gang Women" shows what kind of folks we were dealing with here in the land of "Drive-in" movies. A bad flick to be sure, but I was still thinking about this 2 days later! I love it. The story is about a male chain gang that escapes! You only see 2 women in the whole movie if I'm not mistaken. The other prize here "The Hellcats" was really bad. This one I just couldn't sit through. Boring bikers hanging out, then hanging out, then looking for something to do!"