Half-way recommended....
Low-Ranking Reviewer | US of A | 09/09/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is gonna get confusing so hold on. I decided to take a chance on this low-priced, grindhouse double-feature cause i enjoy fairly obscure horror films with an exploitation angle to them. Problem is, both films aren't very good attempts at the horror genre. EVIL EYE struck me as the potentially better horror film but it was less exploitive and coherent than BLACK CANDLES and ended up being a very frustrating film experience, especially the ending when you think "was that it?". Actually, you will feel that way at the end of both films as one could say they end EXACTLY the same way. So if you don't like the way one ended, prepare for deja-vu with the other.
So if both ended up being poor horror films with even worse cliched endings, why the 3-star rating then? Simple. If you're looking for sexploitation in a satanic cult-themed horror film, you've hit the jackpot with BLACK CANDLES. It is surprisingly wall-to-wall sex-scenes(have your finger on the fast-forward button ready when the 'tender love scene' involving a goat appears). THE TEACHER/PICK-UP grindhouse release doesn't have the amount of sex and sleaze that this movie alone has.
Overall, 3-stars for this set as it really is an average set of movies but at a decent price. But honestly, add 1-star on the strength of BLACK CANDLES alone if you enjoy softcore in your horror. Subtract 1-star from the 3-star rating if you actually want good horror films with decent endings that don't jerk you around. DVD picture quality isn't very good compared to the 'cleaner' looking TEACHER/PICK-UP release, and no extras except for three grindhouse trailers for THE PICK-UP, LEGEND OF THE 8 SAMURAI(hilarious), and DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE.
(edit: if you choose to view both films back to back under the 'grindhouse experience' option on the main menu, after the intermission you'll get trailers for PRIME EVIL and SISTER STREET FIGHTER).