This movie is like being on an acid trip.
justsomeguy | 05/24/2004
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Out of the distant corners of my memory came a single catchy song: "Hicocalorum" or something like that. I remembered it was from some old movie that was part live-action and part animation. After years of searching, I've found it, and so have you.
Please note- this movie is bad. Yes, I know you thought it was awesome as a kid, but kids are easily impressed, especially back in '79 when I first saw this.
This movie is wacked. It's hard to understand what most people are saying since the English/Welsh accent is very strong. The plot is pretty convoluted - many things go unexplained and make very little sense. Watching the animated part is like being on some kind of acid trip, but without actually having to take any.
Please note, you are better off leaving this as a childhood memory, rather than buying this DVD and totally messing with your head."
An unforgettable adventure
Rebecca Kerr | Denver, Colorado | 12/04/1999
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I also remember this movie from my childhood. I have been looking for it for years and have finally found it! I can't wait for my son to see this and share in the fun. Out of all the movies I have seen as a child, this is the only one that really stands out in my memory. I loved it!"
justsomeguy | 03/26/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I can still remember watching this movie when it first aired on HBO at a neighbor's house and thinking that it was the best thing I had ever seen. The scene where Tom jumps into dead man's pool was so tense, I still get the goosebumps watching him jump into the foaming water and technologically transforming into a clean and beautiful water baby. I was lucky enough to find a used copy at a book store years ago and my 3-year old daughter and I watch the movie about once a week! The music in this movie is also great! Hicocolorum indeed!"
One Great Movie
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My step mom first told me about this movie. She said she saw it when she was a little girl and it was one of her favorites. We could never find it on video, so one day about 7 years ago, it came on television. My step mom told my brother and I to watch it. We loved it! The characters were so cute and the songs were so funny. It was almost magical. We still remember the movie well. And when our step mom found it on Amazon, we were so exicted! We can't wait to watch it with our little step brothers!"