Antonio Bido (aka Anthony Bido) directed this well-crafted Italian giallo thriller, which borrows from the masters of the genre - Mario Bava and Dario Argento. The story concerns a young nightclub dancer (Sylvia Kramer/... more »Paola Tedesco) who witnesses a murder and the efforts of her lover (Richard Stewart/Corrado Pani) to track down the killer before he can get to her. With this film, Bido created a work that was both stylish and well plotted. Replete with the haunting atmosphere and gruesome deaths one expects from the genre, plus an outstanding musical score. aka "Gatto dagli occhi di giada, Il" (1977, Italy) Bonus Features: Bonus Horror Trailers| Original :30 sec and :60 sec Radio Spots| Antonio Bido Biography| Scene Selection. Specs: DVD5; Dolby Digital Stereo 95 minutes; Color; 1.77:1 Aspect Ratio; MPAA - R: Year - 1981; SRP - $19.99.« less
""Watch Me When I Kill" is a good Italian giallo that is obviously modeled after Dario Argento's "Deep Red." In fact, lead actress Sylvia Kramer (Paola Tedesco) of "Watch" resembles Dario's girlfriend, Daria Nicolodi, who was the lead actress of "Deep Red." Most of the credits appear to be missing from "Watch" - I assume the producer didn't want Americans to realize it was an Italian movie, especially since all the Italian actors used English stage names. However, from reading the Italian street signs, the viewer would know that the setting wasn't America. Therefore, because of missing credits, I don't know who performed the musical score but it sounded very similar to that of Goblin who alwasys provided excellent scores for Dario Argento's movies. The death scenes weren't as gruesome as I was led to believe by the video's tagline: "When I go Berserk . . . you're better off dead!" Most were routine throat slashings and strangulations. The death by oven burning was the most memorable scene and it reminded me of the bathtub hot water scalding in "Deep Red." However, what I liked the most about the movie was the revenge plot. I love revenge stories. In "Watch," someone wants to avenge a wrong committed against them and their family decades ago. I had to sympathize with the killer who's true identity is kept a secret until the shocking end. I thought the acting and the pacing of the story were both good. There were several plot twists, and red herrings were thrown in to confuse the viewer. What I am reviewing is the 2007 release of "Watch." I never saw the 2002 release. I read some of the reviews for the 2002 release and I have to say that the picture and audio quality were sharp and clear. Both DVD versions appear to have the same extras. Another thing I liked about the movie plot is that it wasn't bogged down with gratuitous sex, nudity, and foul language. The heroine was too frightened to think about sex. Her life is jeopardized on numerous occassions. A higher body count, more gruesome death sequences, and complete Italian credits would have received five stars from me. However, I am still making this DVD a permanent part of my Italian giallo collection."
Mediocre release of an above-average giallo
William | New Jersey | 07/12/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"The good news is, this movie's finally available again after its video incarnation on the Thorn EMI label went out of print many years ago. The bad news is, it retains that release's ugly packaging, offers few extras, and has one of the grainest transfers I've yet seen on a dvd, though it does look better than the VHS. (It may very well be the same print they used for the video transfer. Whatever print was used for the dvd certainly wasn't struck recently.) It's letterboxed, which adds about three inches to the sides compared to the video version, but still seems a little cropped. The sound is clear, though, and the excellent score is mixed high (like all gialli). The film itself is a typical giallo and features enough interesting scenes to distinguish it from lesser Italian thrillers of the time, making it one of the better post 1975 gialli. Bottom line: if you're a giallo fan, it's worth having, just don't expect Anchor Bay quality here; if you've never seen it, rent it first."
Watch Me When I Kill
Carl Manes | 03/31/2010
(3 out of 5 stars)
"A dancer and her friend become entangled in a murderous plot when several of the people surrounding them, each of whom share the same mysterious past, fall prey to a gloved killer. WATCH exhibits all of the established characteristics of the Giallo as set forth by genre masters Mario Bava and Dario Argento: the violently overstated deaths, the gloved killer, POV shots from the killer's perspective, as well as a slow reveal of clues as told through a series of flashbacks and memories. Antonio Bido offers clean visuals filled with fluid camera movements and beautiful cinematography. Unfortunately, most of the strengths and stylistic devices used in the film serve as mere imitations of stronger films like DEEP RED. Skilled imitations, but imitations none the less, right down to the electric score that closely resembles Goblin. As with most other Gialli, the final reveal of the killer comes as a complete shock, since none of the clues leading up to it could have possibly anticipated the convoluted ending. That is not to say that WATCH ME WHEN I KILL is a bad film or entry in the sub-genre by any means, Bido simply does nothing to distinguish the picture with its own unique style or form. Giallo fans will neither be disappointed nor blown away by this average effort.
-Carl Manes
I Like Horror Movies"
Very bad image quality
x-emanon | Japan | 04/11/2004
(1 out of 5 stars)
"I was amazed at the unclear image as to both the outline and the color.
It is almost black at the dark scene.
And, image-noise is large quantities, too.
Deep Red influence is obvious
Monroe | SC, USA | 07/12/2002
(3 out of 5 stars)
"An entertaining giallo,this suffers a little from the large debt owed to Argento`s masterpiece.The romance between the engaging leads,the Goblinesque music,etc.I personally prefer Bido`s The Bloodstained Shadow(Giallo Collection),but this is by no means a dud.Leisurely paced,those willing to sit back and soak up the atmosphere will be rewarded.There are also some rather violent deaths in the film,including my favorite,set to classical music!Fans of 70`s gialli will want to add this to their collection."