At Trafalgar in 1805, the British Naval fleet won command of the seas. Admiral Nelson's genius secured a victory so decisive, there would not be another engagement like it that century. But despite Nelson's success, his fl... more »eet was doomed by technology's advance.
The industrual age had arrived, and with it came a revolution that would change the face of war at sea. The ships that had performed so well at Trafalgar would vanish forever as sail turned to steam and wood turned to steel. And, as technology progressed even further, guns got bigger and more powerful, and man took to the skies and began to explore the world beneath the waves.
Warship is the story of the advances and breakthroughs that gave rise to today's modern fleets. This landmark series tells the story of the evolution of the warships, right up to the United States' current cutting-edge navy battle groups -- made up of nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines, and a range of other high-tech and immensely powerful ships.
Warship illustrates the close connection between invention and warfare, and delves into the personal and political stories of the people for the most dramatic military metamorphosis of the modern age.« less