Bindy Sue Frønkünschtein | under the rubble | 08/22/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"In the future (2019 to be exact), the world is destroyed by nuclear holocaust. This causes a gang of dirt-bike / golfcart-riding derelicts in cute white outfits to roam the land in search of other survivors to run down in painfully slooow chase sequences. Enter Scorpion (George Eastman) in his 1970s model sportscar w/ dryer-duct hoses sticking out of it, and a big plastic bubble mounted on the roof! Man, that's the very definition of cool! He's out to rid the planet of the guys in the groovy white costumes. Fred Williamson stars as Nadir, the wandering archer of the wasteland. His humongous moustache and exploding arrows aid Scorpion in his quest to save what's left of the world. Watch for the gut-bustingly hilarious decapitation and exploding body scenes! You'll be howling and rewinding all night! Oh my! ..."
Dr. W. G. Covington, Jr. | Edinboro, Pennsylvania | 09/20/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"What a waste of time! Every Hollywood cliche and formula is in this movie that seems to never end. You keep waiting for a plot to develop and FINALLY something of a plot SEEMS to gradually unfold. These evil "Templars" want to destroy everyone remaining after the Holocaust of 2019. What? Yeah that's the "plot". Yawn. I know it makes no sense.
Why couldn't they have at least shown more scenes with that gorgeous Italian woman. I don't even know her name, but she's the best thing in the film. She has occasional appearances. She's the only socially redeeming thing about this misguided effort."