Gabriel L. (glove0001) from LUBBOCK, TX
Reviewed on 1/30/2017...
I like this "different" take on climate change. I bet many reviews will say this film is outdated and the fuel for many climate denialists' claims. I will say, I'm currently unconvinced by all the film's claims, but nevertheless entertained. It seems that by raising the global temperature, we can trigger the next phase in the cycle, which is another ice age. Interestingly, it says that these cycles stay within a consistent pattern. I think that, being one where the ice ages are relatively short lived, and come and go suddenly.
Sometimes the first evidence is most likely to be closest to the truth. I don't know, but I have my own theory about why I am experiencing so much cold during a warming trend - huge chunks of ice the size of small cities are falling into the ocean and then melting very quickly, creating localized cooling effects. Another trend I've noticed is that Summer comes sometimes in May and it's better to wait till July to plant tomatoes.
The picture wasn't very sharp, but I haven't seen it on DVD yet