A brilliant computer hacker must race against time and away from the FBI as he inadvertently begins World War III in this thrilling sequel to the smash hit WarGames.
Obviously, it is hard to top off the original classic War Games but this takes you into an updated plotline that works.
Movie Reviews
No, no, no, no, no....
The Music Man | United States | 08/08/2008
(1 out of 5 stars)
"How can a studio have such a wonderful product to build upon, and screw it up so badly? The original War Games was filled with wonderful, sympathetic HUMAN characters, funny moments amid the rising drama, and a wonderful sense of pace and build. The Dead Code has NONE of this, substituting MTV-like editing, suspense-free drama, and amoral characters who you want to slap from the first moment. How to count the wrongs? The "Bimbo Bomb" at the very beginning? The completely inept chase scene where speeding cars CANNOT catch up with the on-foot suspects? The mother character who is introduced, and then dropped like a lead brick? The final scene which does nothing more than copy the original message? The non-existent chemistry between the two leads? The only good parts of this film are when they bring back elements from the original film, but those pleasures are few and far between. This one is awful from the word go. Watch the original instead."
Wargames 2 - More like # 2 in the literal sense.
Bradley A. Beaupain | Auburn, WA USA | 05/08/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I must agree with all the people who reviewed this in the resounding negative. The trailer that was shown at the one night 25th anniversary showing of the original was probably better. This version had the feel of a TV movie and without the references to the original characters(WOPR/Joshua and Steven Falken)it probably could have stood on its own. Unfortunately there would not have been a reason to tie it in with the original and thus people would be confused....It was fast paced, almost too fast and predictble yet at the same time, it was longer than necessary. It was a great premise, but perhaps if directed(and written) in the same style of John Badham, it would (could) have been better. Maybe watching it back to back with the original would help it, if only for a bit. The end segment reference makes it unable to stand on its own as without the reference to the end of the original, the entire point of the movie is lost. Unfortunately, not well written, it's almost as if someone took the original screenplay, changed a few scenes, added a few (non-caring or useless)characters and then hit print and then someone greenlighted it.......I won't even comment on the B and C list actors an their acting ability, or perhaps it is the director's fault. In any case, if you are a fan of the original, I won't insult your intelligence by saying you will or won't like it. I can't assume that you will or won't. Rent it before you buy it so that you can make the decision on whether to add it to your collection or not. Fortunately, I am not out any money on this as my local library had a copy.
William Robert Golds | Oakville, ON Canada | 08/02/2008
(2 out of 5 stars)
"One star would be too low as it had two redeeming moments, but I'm comfy with two stars. A straight to DVD film - it's obvious why it made no sense to release it to theatres. They tried to take the original film, and update the politics and technology, but didn't pull it off. A couple good ideas in the script, and a couple of good moments, but they're outnumbered by a hundred bad ideas. The ending stole too much from the original. If you loved the original then just keep your expectations low and you'll have a good time. If you're on any kind of budget, the only winning move is not to press play.
Really glad I waited to see this on TV first
G. Snyder | Gardnerville, NV United States | 09/21/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"I have mixed feelngs about this movie, or at least what they aired on TV. I liked that R.I.P.L.E.Y. (whose acronym is never explained, to my knowledge) is tied in as an extension of the W.O.P.R. and that a character (or perhaps two, including Joshua) from the original classic is included for additional continuity. I wish they could have used the same actor and even the same voice synthesizer, but those are the least of the problems with the movie. I don't like any of the main characters who, unlike Broderick, Sheedy, Coleman, Wood, Clay, and others, are rather two-dimensional and not partcularly likeable. Worse, they who don't learn a darn thing from their experience, and end the movie as self-absorbed and self-interested as when it began. In the original David and later Jennifer realize for what they are fighting and the dire consequences of failure, and evince that understanding during their meeting with Falken at his Goose Island retreat. In this sequel the two fugitives are out to save themselves through most of the movie, and arguably up through the end as well. Even the concern the hero has for his ailing mother and the "untold-hero" story of his father seems tacked on rather than an integral part of the character or the plot.
I'll probably purchase this DVD when the price drops a bit more just to have both halves of the story, but won't watch it anywhere near as often as the first movie.
Go ahead, watch it one time.
Andrew G. Hardy | Cheyenne, WY | 01/21/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"It's better than watching a re-run or a made-for-TV movie, especially if you like the science-techno-computer-hacker-surveillance type of action movie.
Just keep in mind that there's a reason it went straight to DVD."