Long but good. Ancient Reflective Questions.
Sparkle | Spartanburg, SC | 08/20/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Simple Essence mirrors. Questions that expose our basic mental programming loaded in childhood thus allowing change programming, a relaxing of inter fears. Watch for free, easier since it's so long - in clips on youtube."
Good Intention, Weak Result
Mary Egbula | 02/28/2010
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Braden is like that super sweet friend of yours that you can only take in small doses. And yet this is like having that friend stay in your house for a month. His overall message has some value, but it's delivered in an unfocused, self-indulgent matter - with long personal anecdotes and very little historical or scientific support. Hmmm... perhaps he's "mirroring" one of my own faults?
This film communicates like a therapy session, rather than a workshop on spirituality or science. My preference is the latter."
Christel Klein | Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada | 07/08/2010
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I am actually totally fascinated with all this. I've gotten a lot from reading Carolyn Myss, Marianne Williamson, A Course in Miracles, Gary Renard, Michelle O'Donnell, etc. and viewing several Gregg Braden videos. This video has given me a lot to think about ... a TON of intriguing questions and thoughts, and some possible techniques (Essene mirrors) to explore further. Not a "how-to" book, more a way to plant the seeds of some new ideas(new to me!)
I don't know anything much about Essene mirroring or indigenous spirituality, but i didn't need to know much to enjoy the references and stories, and my lack in this area didn't lessen my excitement or joy in viewing this DVD.
I frankly loved that Gregg illustrated his themes with personal stories ... it made them more clear to me. I had a few remarkable insights just watching this the first time tonight. For example: how we viewed our parents or primary caregivers (or even lack of them) when we were children, how we view them now, how this expresses itself in our adult relationships, and how we view God (and if we do). I even shed a few tears AND was totally stunned and awestruck at one point.
p.s. Clay Aiken rules!! :)"