Start your DVD engines! Diabolical do-badder Dick Dastardly, his snickering canine cohort Muttley and their Mean Machine take on you and all comers for all the fast and furious fun of the complete animated series Wacky Rac... more »es. Gear up to keep pace with this dimwitted duo as well as their rivals: Peter Perfect in his Turbo Terrific, Luke and Blubber Bear in the Arkansas Chucgabug, the Ant Hill Mob in the Bulletproof Bomb and glamorous Penelope Pitstop in her pink Compact Pussycat. Fasten your seat belts for all 34 original episodes plus Hilarious, High-Speed Extras that will keep you awake at the wheel straight through to the Finish Line!« less
J. A Hayes | Montgomery, AL United States | 07/24/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"October 19 brings a promising release of Wacky Races, the series where many different characters compete in races in their custom cars. Sadly I dont think Cartoon Network plays these shows anymore so many kids may not know what this is. Adults will remember it though and it certainly is a show the entire family can enjoy. The characters:
Luke and Blubber Bear in the Arkansas Chugabug
The Slag Brothers, Rock and Gravel, in the Boulder Mobile
The Gruesome Twosome in the Creepy Coupe
Professor Pat Pending in the Ring-A-Ding Covert-A-Car
The Red Max in the Crimson Haybailer
The Sarge and Private Meekly in the Army Surplus Special
The Ant Hill Mob in the Bulletproof Bomb
Peter Perfect in the Turbo Terrific
Penelope Pitstop in the Compact Pussycat
Rufus Ruffcut and Sawtooth in the Buzzwagon
Dick Dastardly and Muttley in the Mean Machine
The show follows a similar pattern: Dick Dastardly and Mutley cheat every way they can to win but never do, and Muttley always laughs about it. Different riders would win on each episode, often with dilemmas within the race (mostly caused by Dick Dastardly/Muttley). It is a simple but fun show that I loved watching and I am glad we are getting the complete series of 34 episodes on dvd. There look to be good extras included on here, and each episode has been remastered to look better than ever before. Amazon's price of $[...] is a steal for what you get so I encourage fans of 60s/70s animation as well as first-time fans to pick this bargain up. It is fun for the whole family, old or young. Episodes listing of the show:
1 See Saw To Arkansas
2 Creepy Trip to Lemon Twist
3 Why Oh Why Wyoming
4 Beat the Clock To Yellow Rock
5 Mish Mash Missouri Dash
6 Idaho A Go-Go
7 Scout Scatter
8 Free Wheeling to Wheeling
9 The Baja-Ha-Ha Race
10 Real Gone Ape
11 By Rollercoaster To Upsans Downs
12 The Speedy Arkansas Traveller
13 Rhode Island Road Race
14 The Great Cold Rush Race
15 Eeny Miny Missouri Go
16 The Super Silly Swamp Sprint
17 The Zippy Mississippi Race
18 Traffic Jambalaya
19 Hot Race At Chillicothe
20 The Wrong Lumber Race
21 Wacky Race To Ripsaw
22 Oils Well That Ends Well
23 Whizzin' To Washington
24 The Dipsy Doodle Desert Derby
25 Speeding for Smogland
26 Race Rally to Raleigh
27 The Dopey Dakota Derby
28 Dash to Delaware
29 Ballpoint Penn. Or Bust
30 Fast Track to Hackensack
31 Race to Racine
32 The Carlsbad or Bust Bash
33 The Ski Resort Road Race
34 Overseas Hi-Way Race
Hope this convinces you to buy this set, it looks to be a great release of some classic animation from the 60's and 70's.
Childhood memories at their best!
McHenry John | McHenry, Illinois United States | 10/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"When I heard that "The Wacky Races" was coming to DVD, I jumped for joy. I hadn't seen these cartoons in decades...and thankfully I was not disappointed. The cartoons have been digitally restored with brilliant color and sound. You'll snicker along with Muttley as he and Dick Dastardly try to cheat their way to the finish line. Each race is goofier than the last! Lots of silly puns and play on words! Lots of goofy fun and plenty of nostalgia!"
And Now Here They Are!...
J. Rose | Greenwood, MS USA | 04/25/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Wacky Racers ride again on this 3-disc set, the first in a classic Hanna-Barbera triptych consisting of WACKY RACES, DASTARDLY AND MUTTLEY IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES and THE PERILS OF PENELOPE PITSTOP.
At the time of this show's release upon the airwaves, Hanna-Barbera had come under fire from worried parents for the violence present in their adventure programs such as SPACE GHOST, BIRDMAN AND THE GALAXY TRIO, FRANKENSTEIN JR. AND THE IMPOSSIBLES, and THE HERCULOIDS. (Incidentally, we're still waiting for proper releases of these on DVD, Warner Brothers. Ahem.) HB responded with this series, which not only returned them to wild slapstick comedy as featured in YOGI BEAR and HUCKLEBERRY HOUND, but gave them their first recurring cartoon villains: the ignoble, treacherous, completely inefficient Dick Dastardly and his wheezing, snickering canine sidekick Muttley.
The plot of each episode is simple: eleven cars, each one a distinctly and fantastically customized vehicle (see other reviews for the complete lineup) compete in car races throughout North America for the title of The World's Wackiest Racer. The rules seem to be highly flexible: each car has certain attributes that allow its owner(s) to gain the advantage from time to time, often in ways that would be considered unsporting in a real-life car race. Despite this, Dick Dastardly and Muttley (voiced by Paul Winchell and Don Messick) still spend most of each race trying to win through extremely elaborate and badly-planned booby-traps (sometimes contributing heartily to their own demise: in the very first episode, D.D. has the race in the bag until the narrator (Dave Willock) mentions "photo finish" at which point Dastardly stops at mere INCHES from the finish line to pose for a photo).
Where the plot thickens is in the diverse range of cars and racers: though Dastardly, Muttley and Penelope Pitstop were the obvious breakout stars, this is Hanna-Barbera's largest ensemble cast (23 characters!), scoping a wide range of personalities; nutty inventor Pat Pending; hyperenthusiastic Rufus Ruffcut and his pet beaver Sawtooth; the incoherent cavemen Slag Brothers (Rock and Gravel); laid-back hillbilly Lazy Luke and his fretful pet Blubber Bear, and the ubitiquous Ant-Hill Mob, to name but a few. The cars, all tailor-made to their racers, are excellently designed and the source of numerous gags: the Gruesome Twosome and their Creepy Coupe's "dragon power" with real dragon; the Compact Pussycat, which dispenses full salon conveniences to its owner Penelope Pitstop; and the Red Max's Crimson Haybailer, both car AND aeroplane in one. There's even a bit of irony: bumbling Peter Perfect's Turbo Terrific falls apart constantly, while Dick Dastardly, whose Mean Machine is perhaps the fastest car of the lot, could have won a race if he just didn't stop to cheat.
The three-disc set is colorfully packaged with nice artwork featuring a group shot of all the Wacky Racers in the foldouts. The discs themselves contain commentary on four episodes from noted personnel at HB and two featurettes detailing the history of WACKY RACES and a look at its spinoffs DASTARDLY AND MUTTLEY IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES and THE PERILS OF PENELOPE PITSTOP.
This package is a nicely conceived set, and showcases one of Hanna-Barbera's most fondly remembered series; its release can only mean that more of HB's finest is soon to come. (Warner Brothers: please re-read the above. AHEM.)"
How "Wacky Races" corrupted me
Christopher Cook | Cumming GA, USA | 08/02/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Hanna-Barbera's cartoon show "Wacky Races" premiered on CBS at 9:30 AM EDT Saturday September 14, 1968 , and was subsequently blackballed by the TV watchdog group Action for Children's Television. Because the show was bankrolled by game show producers Merrill Heatter and Bob Quigley (NBC's "Hollywood Squares"), ACT president Peggy Charren charged that the show enticed children to make monetary wagers on the outcome of each race. Hogwash. I took the over/under on how many times Dick Dastardly's machinations would backfire on him.
In actuality, the original premise of the show was to have children write in to predict who would win each of the thirty-four races, with prizes given to drawn winners, but CBS nixed the idea. "Wacky Races" was principally devised in response that that superhero cartoons that permeated Saturday mornings over the previous two seasons were too violent. For all the atypical Hanna-Barbera standards of limited animation for 1968, "Wacky Races" still stands as classic cartoon slapstick from a more innocent time before double-entendres and grossouts became cartoon standards. It would spin off two shows the following year--"Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines" (the first known cartoon where the villains are the stars) and "The Perils Of Penelope Pitstop."
Eleven cars with a veritable spectrum of offbeat drivers race cross-sountry from point A to point B, each race with a connecting story sandwiched. Sight gags and visual surrealism permeate, and with any Saturday morning, they're hit or miss. With Dastardly, many of them are hits (literally and figuratively). Warner Home Video has released the entire series on a three-disc set. And it's a hit-and-miss affair as well.
On the hit side, it looks as fine on disc as it did when the show first aired. It's got three bonus features, including a look back at the show by designer Iwao Takamoto, voice Janet Waldo, character designer Jerry Eisenberg (whose dad, Harvey Eisenberg, drew many H-B comics for Dell/Gold Key in the early 60s), and contemporary artist Scott Jeralds. On the miss side, instead of each half hour program as CBS aired it, the cartoons are broken down into 34 individual episodes. This means, no mid-point interstitial asking viewers to stay tuned for part two (featured once as an extra). Also, the episodes are as Cartoon Network aired them, which means the end title narration by Dave Willock (the announcer) and Paul Winchell (Dastardly) is gone save for the end of the episode "Ski Resort Road Race."
However, the hits outnumber the misses here, and it's a blast from the Saturday morning past.
MMAfan | USA | 11/20/2004
(5 out of 5 stars)
"FINALLY. This is a great show. I remember watching this when I was little and I liked it so much. I hope I still like it as much. Anyone that's a fan of cartoon network shows should get this 3 Disc set. It has all 34 parts. There are 2 parts per episode and each episode is 25 minutes long. Your getting a lot here for a little bit of money. You will be satisfied with this if you're a fan of cartoon network or Hanna Barbera shows.
#0 Dick Dastardly & Muttley
#1 The Slag Brothers
#2 The Gruesome Twosome
#3 Prof. Pat Pending
#4 The Red Max
#5 Penelope Pitstop
#6 Sarge & Pvt. Pinkley
#7 The Ant Hill Mob
#8 Luke & Blubber Bear
#9 Peter Perfect
#10 Rufus Ruffcut & Sawtooth
Episode 1- See-Saw To Arkansas and Creepy Trip To Lemon Twist
Episode 2- Why Oh Why Wyoming and Beat The Clock To Yellowrock
Episode 3- Mish Mash Missouri Dash and Idaho A Go Go
Episode 4- The Baja-Ha-Ha Race and Real Gone Ape
Episode 5- Scout Scatter and Free Wheeling To Wheeling
Episode 6- By Rollercoaster To Upsan Downs and The Speedy Arkansas Traveler
Episode 7- The Zippy Mississippi Race and Traffic Jambalya
Episode 8- Hot Race To Chilicothe and The Wrong Lumber Race
Episode 9- Rhode Island Road Race and The Great Goldrush Race
Episode 10- Wacky Race To Ripsaw and Oils Well That Ends Well
Episode 11- Whizzin' To Washington and The Dipsy Doodle Desert Derby
Episode 12- Eeny, Miny Missouri Go and The Super Silly Swamp Sprint
Episode 13- The Dopey Dakota Derby and Dash To Delaware
Episode 14- Speeding For Smogland and Race Rally To Raleigh
Episode 15- Ballpoint Penn. Or Bust and Fast Track To Hackensack
Episode 16- The Skit Resort Road Race and Overseas Hi-Way Race
Episode 17- Race to Racine and the Carlsbad or Bust Bash