THE BIGGEST WWE DVD RELEASE OF THE YEAR: It?s the biggest event of the WWE year, when the Superstars of Raw, Smackdown, and ECW come together to create moments of immortality featuring top superstars John Cena, Batista, La... more »shley, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Edge, Randy Orton, Kane, Rob Van Dam, and so many more.« less
"Beyond the actual Wrestlemania 23 event, the complete listing for the 3 DVD version of Wrestlemania 23, which will be released later this month, will feature:
*2007 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in its entirety.
*Steve Austin announced as Special Guest Referee 3/5 Raw
*Shawn Michaels & John Cena vs. Undertaker & Batista 3/65 Raw
*Maria interviews CM Punk Before WrestleMania 23,
*Carlito & Ric Flair vs. Gregory Helms & Chavo Guerrero - Tag Team Lumberjack Match (Wrestlemania 23 Dark Match)
*"Bobby Lashley Exposes Mr. McMahon's New Bald Head" 4/2 Raw
*Batista Demands his Rematch - 4/6 Smackdown
Not The Best WrestleMania But Its Still Good
Ervin Griffin | Bluefield, WV | 06/16/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Jeff Hardy Vs. Matt Hardy Vs. King Booker Vs. Finlay Vs. C.M. Punk Vs. Mr. Kennedy Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Edge (Money In The Bank Ladder Match) - This was the opener for WM and it was pretty good. Last year's MITB was better but it did have one high spot with Jeff Hardy putting Edge through a ladder! It ends when Mr. Kennedy prevents C.M. Punk from reaching the briefcase and claims it himself. A good way to start off WM.
Kane Vs. The Great Khali - Got to give Kane credit, he tried to make Khali look awesome but just couldn't. Sad because Khali DOES have a good look but just no skill. He can't even make his basic moves look that painful. It did have a "nod" moment to WrestleMania III when Kane slammed Khali but that was it. Khali wins with his weak-a** version of the chokeslam.
Chris Benoit Vs. MVP (WWE U.S. Title Match) - This match proves that Benoit should be in the Hall Of Fame one day because he made MVP look very good. The best that I've seen him and helped him start the roll that he is on now. Ends when Benoit (after failing in several submission attempts at both the crossface and the sharpshooter) uses his flying headbutt to finish off MVP and retain the title.
NOTE: I wrote this review before the tragic events that took place between June 23-25 involving Chris Benoit. This match now makes me sad that such a talented individual will forever be known as a man that murdered his family. Despite the fact that doctors have now discovered that Chris Benoit had brain damage and that he may have had dementia which can lead to irrational actions (I know because a family member once tried to kill me as a child and he had similiar brain damage), his career will be overshadowed by this horrible tragedy.
The Undertaker Vs. Batista (World Heavyweight Championship) - Before I begin, let me say that I agree with most fans in that this match should've been last! All due respect to the fabulous WWE title match, this one deserved to go last.
Now, as for this match, this one was a sprint but a very good sprint! This has to be Batista's best match since his Hell In The Cell match with Triple H in 2005. These two hit power move after power move and kept coming back for more. I especially loved when "The Animal" powerslammed "The Dead Man" through the ECW commentator's table! Ends when UT gets his Tombstone piledriver. Great bout!
ECW Originals Vs. The New Breed - This one was okay but the re-match two nights later on ECW On SciFi was much better as it was under hardcore rules! Overall, not bad but being that this was WrestleMania, this one is the one that SHOULD'VE been under Hardcore rules.
Bobby Lashley Vs. Umaga - This was the "Battle Of The Billionares" match with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as the referee. The match was average but the storyline is what made it entertaining. Ends when Lashley spears Umaga after receiving a "Stunner" from Austin! From there, per pre-match stipulation, Vince McMahon gets shaved bald! Donald Trump also gets stunned by Austin after the shaving.
Ashley Vs. Melina (WWE Women's Title Match) - Weakest match on the card without a doubt and I am not saying this because its the women because there has been some great women's title matches at PPV's. This wasn't one of them! About the only thing good about this match is that Melina retained the belt and seeing all those beautiful women get inside the ring and rumble!
Shawn Michaels Vs. John Cena (WWE Title Match) - This match I have to say was, for the most part, dominated by Shawn. Cena is, at best, a compentent grappler with plenty of charisma. Shawn has as much charisma plus more talent! I didn't expect much from this bout BUT this one I really enjoyed though I still feel UT/Batista should've been last!
As for this match, it was a good way to end the card. I personally think Shawn should've won this one BUT business is business.
This set also comes with plenty of extras including the Hall Of Fame show on Disc 3! Worth a buy!
Wrestlmania 23
BIG T | 04/14/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Mr. Kennedy vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker vs. Finlay vs. CM Punk
This match was very exciting and fun to watch. Alot of great spots. The best of them all was when Jeff Hardy did a leg drop off the top of a ladder onto Edge who was on another ladder on the outside. Jeff broke the ladder in half with his leap. Jeff said he was going to steal the show at Wrestlemania again, and he did it. There were plenty of other spots like an RKO to CM Punk from the top of a ladder among many others. Hornswoggle even makes an apperance but gets beat up by Kennedy who the goes on to win after hitting Punk with a ladder. Overall a very good match
Winner: Mr. Kennedy
19 Min.
Kane vs. The Great Khali
I'm a big fan of big man vs. big man, but this didn't live up to my expectations. They should of added a stipulation like Last Man Standing or something. Kane's hook comes into play and he low blows Khali with it. Kane also slams Khali. That was the highlight of the match. Khali wins after a double handed chokeslam.
Winner: The Great Khali
5 Min.
MVP vs. Chris Benoit (US Title)
MVP used a red white and blue atire signifying that he was the next US champ, and early in the match he wrestled like it too. He countered almost all of Benoit's submissions. He was beating Benoit at his own game. Benoit changed the momentum when he hit the triple Germans on MVP. Then he went up top for a diving headbutt and got the 1-2-3.
Winner: Chris Benoit (Still US Champ)
9 Min.
Batista vs. The Undertaker (World Heavyweight Title)
First off I don't know why they would put this match 4th when it should have been the main event. But anyways this was a phenominal match. Non stop action from beginning to end. Batista dominated early on but Undertaker changed that with a flying chlothsline. He then hit his signature leg drop off the appron sending thc=e champ to the floor. They stayed on the outside untill Batista slammed Undertaker through the announce table. When they got back in the ring Batista was back in control untill Undertaker hit the last ride. But Batista kicked out. Undertaker then hit the chokeslam and Batista still kicked out. Then after Batista recovered he hit the Batista Bomb. But Undertaker kicked out. Batista then tried to steal The Undertakers tombstone but failed. Undertaker hit the tombstone and won the title. If only it was given more time it would have been one of the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history.
Winner : The Undertaker (New World Champ) (15-0!)
16 Min.
PS Undertaker also did a suicide dive over the top rope like he did last year against Mark Henry.
ECW Originals (Rob Van Dam, Sabu, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer) vs. The New Breed (Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, Matt Striker)
This was okay. Why it wasn't extreme rules is beyond me, but it was allright. The beginning was slow with freequent tags from The New Breed as they isolated Tommy Dreamer. Later it picked up with more high flying action from Sabu and RVD. RVD pinned Striker after a 5 Star Frog Spash. The extreme rules match from the ECW show would have been a better fit for Wrestlemania, but this was okay.
Winners: ECW Originals
6 Min.
Battle Of The Billionaires
Bobby Lashley (Donald Trump) vs. Umaga (Mr. McMahon)
Special Guest Ref. Stone Cold
For me this ranks higher on the entertainment scale than on the wrestling scale. Back and forth until Stone Cold gets involved phisicly with Umaga. Umaga got sick of it and hit the Samoan Spike on Austin. Shane McMahon then came in and hit Coast To Coast on Lashley. Then he got out his ref. shirt and started to count out Lasley. But Stone Cold pulled him out and rammed him into the steel steps. Trump then runs around the ring and chlotheslines Vince. Umaga goes for the spike again but Austin has other ideas. He ducks and stuns Umaga. Then Lashley spears him to win the match. Mr. McMahon tried to get away and keep his hair, but Lashley went up the ramp and brought him back to the ring. McMahon was stunned by Stone Cold. Then Lashley and Trump shaved his head bald. Then Stone Cold delivered a stunner to Donald Trump.
Winner: Bobby Lashley (Donald Trump)
14 Min.
Lumberjill Match for the Women's Title Ashley vs. Melina
Women's matches suck. Why do they give this stupid match a stipulation and not one for Kane/Khali or for the 8-Man Tag. I think the entrances are longer than the match itself. There were no good moves. Infact nothing about this is good. The only good women's match I've ever seen was Trish Status vs. Mickie James at last year's Wrestlemania. But this one was a dud. SKIP IT!
Winner: Melina (Still Women's Champ)
3 Min.
John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels (WWE Title)
This match had a much slower pace than th other world title match. HBK took the early advantage as he was out wrestling Cena. A few minutes into the match HBK hit a moonsault on the announce table. Later in the match HBK got busted open when he hit his head on the ring post. He then unintentionally super kicked the ref. HBK then took advantage as he pile drove Cena on the steel steps. Another ref came down and Cena kicked out of Sweet Chin Music. Michaels also kicked out of the FU. But Michaels couldn't escape the STFU. He had no choice but to tap. Cena retains. A marithon of a match ends with the wrong man winning!
Winner: John Cena (Still WWE Champ)
28 Min.
Overall this is a great PPV for both world title matches, the battle of the billionaires and the ladder match. Highly recommended.
20 Years Later, They Return To Detroit...All Grown Up
D.P. | California | 06/20/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This WrestleMania turned out to be the biggest event in the history of the company with it being completely centered around the fact that they return to Detroit 20 years after the historic WrestleMania 3...hense the nickname of "All Grown Up." Thoughout the night, you'll see WWE revisit & try to recreate classic moments from that event such as Aretha Franklin returning to WrestleMania to sing the National Anthem once again. And one thing to really check out was all the different & unique entrances.
"Money In The Bank" Ladder Match - Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. King Booker vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk vs. Mr. Kennedy...Kennedy (sorry, I had to do that) - Damn, they knew how to kick this PPV off in style and this was the best Money In The Bank match to date. Not every participant was able to get a "highlight reel" spot but everyone held their own & was able make this the one of the best matches of the night. Some great moments to look out for where Edge's elimination from the match thanks to Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton recieving the Bookend off the ladder, and even Finlay's Hornswaggle getting in on some of the the return of the spinarooni!!!!
Kane vs. Great Khali - I guess the appeal here was two giants fighting each other but past that & WWE trying to recreate the "Hogan slamming Andre" moment, this was a poor match.
United States Champion Chris Benoit vs. MVP - This match got the least amount of hype than any other match on the the point where Benoit didn't even appear on the final edition of SmackDown before the PPV. We all know the quality Benoit can bring to a match but the shock was how much MVP was able to hold his own in the ring & display some technical wrestling of his own. This was the "sleeper" match of the night.
World Champion Batista vs. Undertaker - Taker's Undefeated Streak vs. Batista's Title and I'll be point blank honest, this was the match that should have ended the show. This was Batista's best showing since he returned from his injury as he stepped up his game & didn't show any lack of effort like most of his previous performances. This was a classic "big money" WrestleMania match & the match of the night for me as you saw the crowd off the chain thoughout the bout & even moments where it looked like Batista was going to end the streak & one spot to look out for would be Undertaker's big dive onto Batista. It's ironic that this was the 20 year anniversary of WrestleMania 3 but Undertaker walks out of his WM the same way he did 10 years a champion.
ECW Originals vs. New Breed: Rob Van Dam, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu vs. Marcus Cor Von, Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn - This match was actually the biggest shock of the night because the ECW originals won which alot of people didn't expect. This match wasn't long enough for everyone to standout but it was good for what it was. If you happen to get the Blockbuster Video exclusive version of this DVD set, you'll see their Extreme Rules rematch. For those trivia fans, this was the WM debut for everyone in this match except RVD.
"Battle Of The Billionaries" Hair vs. Hair Match with special referee Stone Cold Steve Austin - Umaga w/Vince McMahon vs. Lashley w/Donald Trump - If you eliminate all the hype featuring McMahon/Trump...this was just an average match as Lashley & Umaga didn't really do anything here outside of their normal routine to the point where the match got dull at times & Shane McMahon's "Coast 2 Coast" was the most impressive move in the bout. The eventual ending happened with Umaga getting a stunner & spear before Mr. McMahon got a "Mr. Clean" haircut...and Donald Trump got a stunner.
Womens Champion Melina vs. Ashley - Instead of following the formula done at WM20 & 22 where the Playboy diva was put into a seperate attraction match, this was a repeat of WM21 where the girl gets a Womens title match only because she got naked in the magazine. Melina tried her best to carry Ashley but she just wasn't any good as the best move she did in the match was an elbow drop from the second rope. Looking at all the divas at ringside & the catfight afterwards couldn't have saved this match.
WWE Champion John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels - Cena's entrance for this WM heavily makes up for this "Chicago mobsters" entrance from last year...and for those who saw the PPV live, the streaker has been edited out of the DVD release. As I said earlier, this match should have switched places with the Taker/Batista match as it would have been an outstanding undercard match but it wasn't a match that was worthy of being the main event. HBK showed some good storytelling by working on Cena's leg thoughout the bout but unfortunally, Cena gave the performance that anti-Cena marks use when labeling him "superman" in that he no-sold his hurt leg at times & along with the piledriver on the steps he got earlier. This match was very much like his main event match with Triple H which means that it was a great match for what it was but it wasn't the quality that people would expect from a WrestleMania main event.
Now there are three different versions of this DVD (why? I don't know!). One version is just the event itself (which is the one that I saw) while the other is loaded with other extras such as highlights from the WM press conference, the preshow lumberjack match with Ric Flair & Carlito vs. Gregory Helms & Chavo Guerrero, and the Hall Of Fame ceremony honoring Mr. Perfect, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Dusty Rhodes, Mr. Fuji, Wild Samoans, Nick Bockwinkle, and The Original Sheik. The third version is the Blockbuster exclusive that includes bonus extras such as the contract signing for the Battle Of The Billionaries match along with the Extreme Rules match between the ECW originals vs. New Breed from ECW on Sci-Fi.
Overall, this was an good WrestleMania as the only matches that were poor were the Womens match along with the Kane/Khali match. However I would recommend the Ultimate Edition along with the Hall Of Fame to get the most bang for your buck...unless you can get your hands on the Blockbuster version. I recommend but try to get the most bang for your buck & get one of the other two versions instead of just the event only edition."
Cena, taker, and a great event
BIG T | Louisville,kentucky | 11/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Im back with a wrestlemania 23 review. so thanks for reading and please comment.
Money in the bank ladder match-edge vs. jeff hardy vs. randy orton vs. booker t vs. cm punk vs. mr.kennedy vs matt hardy vs. finlay
This match is 19 min. of awesome. This was very fast paced through the whole match and is very enjoyable and has some Joey Styles Oh My God moments. This match is Highflying, exciting, and freckin brutal. I wasn't happy that mr.kennedy won because he was still a rising star here. Awesome moments when edge went through the ladder, punk getting rkoed off the ladder, booker t pulling out a mini ladder, and edge having a spear fest. A lot of moments that stole the show. But the stupidest thing is that Jeff Hardy wasted a perfect time to become the number 1 contender to the wwe or world title.
match rating:8/10
Kane vs. The great khali
This was the stupidest match on the card. this match shouldn't have even been at wrestlemania, this wouldn't even be a main event match on smackdown. This match was lame and slow paced. Not a good match to watch and should have been the opener.
match rating:1/10
United states championship-chris benoit(C) vs. MVP
This match was okay. There is a lot of technical wrestling in this match by benoit. Suplexes, submissions, and some dirty work by mvp. I honestly think their match at backlash and judgment day is better and more physical. Another average match on the card with benoit pulling off the win to retain.
match rating:6/10
World Heavyweight championship-Batista(C) vs. Undertaker
This match is great. Way better than the mitb match. To me, this and the wwe title match is the matches of the night. To me, this match was definatly worth getting match of the year for 07. Great match with some great mania' moments like batista power slamming taker through the anounce table, the dive over the top rope, the batista bomb, and the winning tombstone. stupid that this wasn't the main event because taker' won the rumble, but this match stole the show.
match rating:10/10
ECW originals(tommy dreamer, rvd, sandman, sabu) vs. new breed(Marcus Cor Von, Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn)
This match was also okay. But had some extreme moments with sabu and rvd. The originals pulled off almost a big win. Also, ECW originals earning a spot for ecw in the wwe. This match isn't as good as their extreme rules match on ecw.
match rating:7/10
Battle of the billionares(hair vs hair match)-Umaga vs. bobby lashely(special guest ref. stone cold steve austin)
This a good match here. Impressive action between two big guys like bobby lashely and umaga. Funny moment when mr.mcmahon got attacked by trump. Great moments when shane did a coast to coast, a stunner and spear on umaga, mr.mcmahon getting a michael jordon shave, and trump getting stunned. This match was what headlined wrestlemania, but was mostly hype. These two had a good rivalry going and had a solid match with some brawling from trump and mcmahon. Funny moment at the end when stone cold stunned trump.
Match rating:7.5/10
womens championship-Melina vs. Ashley
This match didn't deserve to be the match before the main event. This match, like all the other diva matches, stunk to.
Match rating:2/10
WWE championship-John Cena(C) vs. Shawn Michaels
Great match here. Also, standing ovations for both men. HBK had the biggest pop, but cena had the best entrance crashing a brand new mustang through the mania' glass. This was a regular, yet extreme match. Extreme moments with a moonsault on the announce table and a piledriver on the steps. a coward moment when michaels slaped cena at the begining. But cena pulling off another impressive win over HBK with the stf. This match is really fast paced and is great, but didn't deserve to be mania's main event.
match rating:9/10
Overall, a great event here. This is my second favorite wrestlemania 20 years after wm 3 in detroit. This dvd is mostly worth getting for the money in the bank, world title, and wwe title matches."