Cena, taker, and a great event
BIG T | Louisville,kentucky | 11/11/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Im back with a wrestlemania 23 review. so thanks for reading and please comment.
Money in the bank ladder match-edge vs. jeff hardy vs. randy orton vs. booker t vs. cm punk vs. mr.kennedy vs matt hardy vs. finlay
This match is 19 min. of awesome. This was very fast paced through the whole match and is very enjoyable and has some Joey Styles Oh My God moments. This match is Highflying, exciting, and freckin brutal. I wasn't happy that mr.kennedy won because he was still a rising star here. Awesome moments when edge went through the ladder, punk getting rkoed off the ladder, booker t pulling out a mini ladder, and edge having a spear fest. A lot of moments that stole the show. But the stupidest thing is that Jeff Hardy wasted a perfect time to become the number 1 contender to the wwe or world title.
match rating:8/10
Kane vs. The great khali
This was the stupidest match on the card. this match shouldn't have even been at wrestlemania, this wouldn't even be a main event match on smackdown. This match was lame and slow paced. Not a good match to watch and should have been the opener.
match rating:1/10
United states championship-chris benoit(C) vs. MVP
This match was okay. There is a lot of technical wrestling in this match by benoit. Suplexes, submissions, and some dirty work by mvp. I honestly think their match at backlash and judgment day is better and more physical. Another average match on the card with benoit pulling off the win to retain.
match rating:6/10
World Heavyweight championship-Batista(C) vs. Undertaker
This match is great. Way better than the mitb match. To me, this and the wwe title match is the matches of the night. To me, this match was definatly worth getting match of the year for 07. Great match with some great mania' moments like batista power slamming taker through the anounce table, the dive over the top rope, the batista bomb, and the winning tombstone. stupid that this wasn't the main event because taker' won the rumble, but this match stole the show.
match rating:10/10
ECW originals(tommy dreamer, rvd, sandman, sabu) vs. new breed(Marcus Cor Von, Elijah Burke, Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn)
This match was also okay. But had some extreme moments with sabu and rvd. The originals pulled off almost a big win. Also, ECW originals earning a spot for ecw in the wwe. This match isn't as good as their extreme rules match on ecw.
match rating:7/10
Battle of the billionares(hair vs hair match)-Umaga vs. bobby lashely(special guest ref. stone cold steve austin)
This a good match here. Impressive action between two big guys like bobby lashely and umaga. Funny moment when mr.mcmahon got attacked by trump. Great moments when shane did a coast to coast, a stunner and spear on umaga, mr.mcmahon getting a michael jordon shave, and trump getting stunned. This match was what headlined wrestlemania, but was mostly hype. These two had a good rivalry going and had a solid match with some brawling from trump and mcmahon. Funny moment at the end when stone cold stunned trump.
Match rating:7.5/10
womens championship-Melina vs. Ashley
This match didn't deserve to be the match before the main event. This match, like all the other diva matches, stunk to.
Match rating:2/10
WWE championship-John Cena(C) vs. Shawn Michaels
Great match here. Also, standing ovations for both men. HBK had the biggest pop, but cena had the best entrance crashing a brand new mustang through the mania' glass. This was a regular, yet extreme match. Extreme moments with a moonsault on the announce table and a piledriver on the steps. a coward moment when michaels slaped cena at the begining. But cena pulling off another impressive win over HBK with the stf. This match is really fast paced and is great, but didn't deserve to be mania's main event.
match rating:9/10
Overall, a great event here. This is my second favorite wrestlemania 20 years after wm 3 in detroit. This dvd is mostly worth getting for the money in the bank, world title, and wwe title matches."