One of the Best No Way Outs Ever!
Bryan Michael Carli | 02/16/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I give this ppv a solid A. The crowd was into it the whole night which always makes it better and the matches were awesome. Best thing about this was hard too predict with how the matches turned out.
The first chamber match was the better one in my opinion. Undertaker, HHH and Jeff Hardy put on awesome performances. Kozlov was okay and big show was pretty good. Edge...well he was eliminated in like 4 mins which i don't think any one saw coming because it has always come down to the champ and someone else. Great spots though, great back n fourth wrestling, and it coming down to HHH and Undertaker made the match that much better. Actual match lasted like 37 mins as well. 10/10 2nd best chamber match of all time
Orton vs. Shane was a very brutal match-up. They slowly beat the living h*ll out of each other and there were plenty of spots. Orton's cut was just nasty and it played to his sick character really well. Shane going from the coast to coast to the flying elbow drop was just awesome. I have never seen anyone go from a big spot to another with in about 30 seconds. Great Match with no disappointment's...except Orton winning. 10/10
Swagger vs. Finlay was decent. Some good old school wrestling but the problem was...this match followed a chamber match and a no holds barred match that both lived up to the hype soooo this match in some ways was boring. Should of been first or 2nd or mayb just not on the card. 6.5/10
JBL vs. HBK was put together very well. There is a couple times when it seemed like HBK might just lose. HBK's wife being ringside though sitting there crying really made the match that much better. The sweet chin music that HBK hits JBL with was justas beautiful as always. Good match, very entertaining and HBK wins. 8/10
There's a lot to say about this match, first of all Edge takes Kingston's place after beating him down, Mysterio surprisingly eliminates Kane, then Y2J eliminates Knox, then here comes edge who puts on a good show with Mysterio and Y2J and then good old 8 to 9 move Cena comes in, beats the h*ll out of edge and then right when he was going to hit the F-U, Y2J hits the codebreaker which leads to the 619 and then a spear and then...guess what, Cena is gone. So guaranteed new champ. Mysterio eliminates Y2J after rolling out of the Walls of Jericho and then this is when it gets very exciting. Mysterio in my mind was MVP of last night with all his spots he pulled off. He came so close to winning on about 4 pinfalls but once he ran to Edge and was thrown into the bulletproof glass...that is when it was all said and done. Edge the n hits the spear and the guy who lost title then won another.
Overall this was a great ppv and the road to Wrestlemania is so fat very good. Be interesting to see what the two title matches are now that Edge and HHH are the guys to beat!"
The Chambers Return & Are Full Of Suprises
D.P. | California | 03/23/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Elimination Chamber Match: WWE Champion Edge vs. Triple H vs. Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Big Show vs. Vladimir Kozlov - This match would set off a chain of events full of suprizes thoughout the night. However, I feel that this is easily the worst Chamber match they've done because due to the 10 min. period where it was first Kozlov just beating up Jeff Hardy who didn't get in any legit offense before Big Show entered & just joined in taking turns beating up Hardy. Normally, the Chamber match is like how the Royal Rumble or Money In The Bank Ladder Match is where it's just non-stop action but that wasn't the case here as that Big/Kozlov/Hardy period just seemed to drag, got boring, and took the crowd out of it. Eventhough this match had a bunch of fun highlights like the shocking first elimination along with the final showdown at the end, it wasn't a bad chamber match but all the other ones they've done have were better. And for those history buffs, this is the first time in the history of the WWE Championship that it's ever changed hands in some type of official cage match.
Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton - Normally when it comes to a "Shane McMahon" match, it's full of him taking a bunch of bumps weather it's in the ring, outside the ring, or the entry way with the occassional comedy relief at times but that wasn't the case here as this resembled the HBK/Jericho matches from Unforgiven & No Mercy in that this took a more serious tone instead of trying to be a hardcore weapons spotfest. This was a slow but intense brawl that saw some tables come into play, Shane's "Coast To Coast/Van Terminator" and even some blood spilled by Orton.
ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs. Finlay - Unfortunally, this is one of those incidents where your spot on the card can hurt more than help because eventhough this was a good wrestling match with both men putting on good performances with their storytelling & inring wrestling but they couldn't follow the previous two matches which lead to a dead crowd reaction. Again, good match but this would probably been recieved better if it was the opening match.
Shawn Michaels vs. J.B.L. - With the stipulation for HBK being that he could either win from or lose everything to J.B.L., this match told a great story. Bradshaw was in full mode here by willing to win any way he could by going as far taunting HBK throughout the bout & even getting in his wife's face at one moment while Shawn had to keep resisting temptation, controlling his temper, and never giving up. Good match here was based on the storyline & emotion more than the inring wrestling...which wasn't bad either.
Elimination Chamber Match: World Champion John Cena vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Mike Knox - As if the previous chamber match wasn't full of suprizes & certain highlights, this one topped it. Various highlights include what happened to Kofi Kingston, John Cena's time (or lack of) in the chamber, and Rey Mysterio being the M.V.P. of the match by putting on his best in-ring performance in over a year with his various "spiderman" moments using the chamber walls & his interaction with Edge throughout the match. This was the best chamber of the night as it had non-stop action from the beginning to middle to the end.
Bonus Match:
Unsanctioned Fight: Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton - This was the match that you would expect from Shane McMahon as it had a quicker pace with these guys fighting on the floor & in the crowd but the real highlights here was everything that happened afterwards involving members of the McMahon family...including one that would resemble the phrase "art imitating life"
The other DVD extra was an interview with the new World Champion after the event but overall, this was the second No Way Out to use the "double chambers" concept and this event was better than last years when it came to the undercard which delievered for the most part. The RAW World Title match was what you would expect from the Elimination Chamber & even pulling out some of the best performances from people we've seen in a while (Mysterio & to a lower extent, Mike Knox) while the second one had a good beginning & great ending but got so dull...maybe even boring...during the middle but overall, the entire event was solid quality that I would recommend going to get."
No Way Out 2009
A. Pierre | Somewheres | 03/19/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship (Smackdown):
Edge VS Triple H VS Undertaker VS Vladimir Kozlov VS Jeff Hardy VS Big Show-The big shocker was Edge was pinned quickly by Jeff Hardy and a new champion would be crowned. I hate Edge but will admit, he puts on a good show. Kozolv comes in and bores me to tears, I fast fowarded until anther superstar entered. Big Show and Kozlov beat on Hardy for a long, boring while and do not bother to pin him but rather go after each other. Triple H comes in and cleans house and the process is repeated when Taker enters the fray. This match had a few good spots but the match was disappointing overall. I would have loved to see Hardy as champion but WWE isn't ready to let a smaller, quicker wrestler hold the belt. I know Hardy was champion for a few months but it felt as a there you happy? gesture by WWE and he lost within a few months to Edge. Triple H wins the title in the end and this is why people do not watch WWE anymore. Same people holding titles (Cena, Triple H, and Edge) and boring storylines that have been over and over again.
Randy Orton VS Shane McMahon: I've always enjoyed Shane O'Mac in hardcore matches but you know who would win the match. Still, a hell of a hardcore match.
Jack Swagger VS Finlay: I hate Hornswoggle and wish WWE would do away with him. Finaly is not a clown like Doink and he doesnt need this useless midget around him. Swagger is the next generation but needs wrestlers like Evan Bourne or Christian to shine. Finlay is a good brawler but he's old school.
JBL VS HBK: Ok, i'll admit it-JBL is a great heel. He cannot wrestle like he use to, but he can rise to occassion. This match felt more like a Raw main event rather then a PPV match up. A decent match but everyone already knew the outcome.
Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship (Raw)
John Cena VS Edge VS Chris Jericho VS Rey Mysterio VS Mike Knox VS Kane: Kofi Kingston is taken out by Edge before the match and gets locked in a pod, jeez who is going win this match? I thought Kingston would be a welcome change to the match rather then have the usual suspects. Knox was a change but he is a power guy with little upside. Jericho and Mysterio steal the match and make it worthwhile. Edge of course wins in the end and even though I hate him, eight title reigns in two years? Thats a hell of a feat.
Overall, a pretty good PPV. Edge sets anther record by wrestling in two chamber matches, someone loves Edge over at the WWE offices. I'd add this to any wrestling collection."
WWE Keeps Rolling Strong On Their Way To Wrestlemania 25
Scotty 2 Hotty 24 | Back Woods, GEORGIA | 03/18/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Elimination Chamber Match has became an annual event now for the No Way Out PPV. Last year we witnessed two Elimination Chamber Matches to determine a new #1 contender at Wrestlemania 24. This year the Elimination Chamber Matches contested either the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship. And at this year's No Way Out, nobody saw what was to occur in both of the Elimination Chamber Matches. So both Champions John Cena and Edge were at a disadvantage from the start.
Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship
Edge (C) vs. Triple H vs. Undertaker vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Big Show
For the second time in under two years, a WWE Title Match opened up a PPV (last time was at No Mercy 2007). The biggest shocker of this match was Edge being eliminated within the first four minutes of the match. So with Edge being pinned first, we were guaranteed a new WWE Champion. Everybody has a good showing in this match, even Kozlov. Undertaker and Triple H put on a tremendous dream match for everybody that people wanted to see for a very, very long time. If they didn't performed like they did being the final two, this match could've been close being the worst ECM in history. But overall, awesome match and a great way to start things off. Match of the night for me. 5/5
No Holds Barred
Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon
It was very nice to see Shane back in the square circle. He didn't look to be showing any rust since not wrestling in about two years or so. The match went very good but don't expect anything like Shane's previous Street Fights with the likes of Kurt Angle and Test (RIP). Shane takes two thundering shots through two tables. Orton takes some sick shots from Shane and a kendo stick. But in the end as Shane tries to punt Orton to avenge his father, Orton hits Shane with a sudden RKO for the win. A very good match, even with a small cameo appearence from Orton's Legacy. 4.5/5
ECW World Championship
Jack Swagger (C) vs. Finlay
If this match didn't follow the Elimination Chamber and the No Holds Barred Match, it would've been better then what it was. The crowd was completely dead during this match except for the early "WE WANT CHRISTIAN" chants in the match. Swagger applies some old school wrestling moves to wear down the arm of Finaly. A decent ECW Title match but really couldn't deliver like the first two matches placed infront of it. 3.5/5
All Or Nothing Match
Shawn Michaels vs. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
A very good follow up to the ECW Title match. The crowd started to come back alive here in this match. JBL was a classic heel in this match, taunting HBK's wife who was sitting at ringside. At times it seemed JBL was going to put away HBK. Even taking out HBK with two hard hitting Clotheslines From Hell. But after Shawn's wife slapped JBL, Shawn delivered, and to quote from Michael Cole, "The Sweetest Sweet Chin Music of his life" to get the pin. A good match and with Shawn's wife crying at ringside made it more then what it already was. 4/5
Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena (C) vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Mike Knox vs. Kane
Before the match got underway, Edge came down during Kofi Kingston's entrance, took out Kingston, and then locked himself into one of the chambers. Mysterio and Jericho has impressive showings here in this match. Mysterio brought new things to the chamber that we haven't seen before. Kane being eliminated first was the shocker of the match to me. Also Cena being eliminated as quickly as he was became a shocker as well. Edge and Mysterio put on a good battle being the final two. But they didn't deliver like Undertaker and Triple H did. A very good match but the endig was a little weak to me. Especially after seeing the awesome showdown between Taker and Triple H. But still a good main event nevertheless. 4.5/5
The extra's consist of Todd Grisham interviewing Edge after making history by competing in two Elimination Chamber Matches in one night and becoming the new World Heavyweight Champion. Also the Un-Sanctioned Fight between Shane McMahon and Randy Orton on RAW where Orton punts Shane and then RKO's Stephanie McMahon.
Overall I recommend getting this PPV. No Way Out along with the Royal Rumble were very good starts to the new year of 2009. If WWE keeps delivering PPV's like No Way Out and the Royal Rumble, 2009 should be one great year."