(3 out of 5 stars)
"1.Basham Brothers vs. Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio(WWE Tag Team Championship) -- 9/10
2.Booker T vs. Heidenreich -- 5/10
3.6-man elimination match.(WWE Cruiserweight Championship)
Paul London vs. Akio vs. Spike Dudley vs.Chavo Guerrero vs. Shannon Moore vs. Funaki -- 7/10
4.Luther Reigns vs. Undertaker -- 7/10
Rookie Diva Contest
Joy Giovanni vs. Rochelle Loewen vs. Michelle McCool vs. Lauren Jones
5.John Cena vs. Kurt Angle(Winner becomes #1 contender at Wrestlemania) -- 10/10
6.First-Ever barbed wire steel cage match(WWE Championship)
JBL vs. Big Show -- 10/10
Another Smackdown ppv has arrived....
the one and only | I live south of Parts Unknown | 02/21/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"No Way Out 2005 will be remembered for the incredible one on one match between two of Smackdown's best superstars, Kurt Angle and John Cena. However don't think that was all that happened, there were two other matches worth watching, including the main event....
Heidenreich vs. Booker T
Seems like Heidenreich is still with the WWE. After his horrible feud with the Undertaker it is back to square one. The match was typical big man style.
Booker is great but Heidenreich tended to stick to weird facial expressions and bad wrestling. Heidenreich slams a chair into Booker's neck and gets disqualified. 7/10
WWE Tag Team Championships
Basham Brothers [champions] vs. Eddie Guerreroe and Rey Mysterio
A good tag team match, Eddie and Rey work well as a team. The Basham Brothers are improving, but definately not that good compared to other teams of the past. Lots of high flying by Mysterio. Eddie and Rey win after Eddie hits Doug, or Danny I'm not sure, with the tag belt. Good match. 8/10
Rookie Diva Competition
Ughh, so much valuable time is wasted with these girls. If they invested their money on women who can actually wrestle, maybe more people would watch, my opinion. Joy wins with practically 70% of the votes from the people at home. No score
Crusierweight Championship
Funaki [Champion] vs. Paul London vs. Chavo Guerreroe vs. Spike Dudley vs. Akio vs. Shannon Moore
Great high flying match. Maybe the WWE is finally wising up and giving the crusierweight divsion more attention. Paul London shined in that match, he literally faced all five other competitors.
His match with Akio is the best, both men took some great flying moves. And he even gave a neckbreaker to Akio off the top rope, great match. 9/10 Chavo wins after pinning london.
Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns
Now this is typical big men type match. Lots of power moves and huge spinebusters and tackling in this one. Reigns was just another small victim for the Undertaker leading into WM 21. Okay match and the Undertaker wins with a tombstone. 7.5/10
Finals of the #1 contenders tournament
Kurt Angle [in his hometown] vs. John Cena
Like their other two one on one matches together, this is definately great to watch. Both men really wrestle each other.
With Kurt giving three German Suplexes to Cena, and Cena with his "street fighting" and levelling Angle's head on the announce table over and over, great stuff.
Angle locks on the Ankle lock at least four times. I was expecting HBK to show up but he didn't. They are probably saving that for the show when Batista makes his contract signing. Great match. 9.5/10 Cena wins with the FU.
Barb Wire Steel Cage Match
WWE Championship
JBL [champion] vs. The Big Show
Very short, but very bloody. Big Show gets busted open almost immediately, JBL bleeds not long after that. As for the barb wire, not even used once. JBL did managed to get some wire cutters and tired to cut through, but Big Show stopped him.
Best moment of the match was when Big Show chokeslams JBL off the top rope and JBL goes right through the mat! Big Show walks out of the cage and thinks he has won, but JBL crawled out under the ring through the hole and retains his championshio. 8.5/10, just for the blood and the great chokeslam.
After the match Batista comes and destroys Jbl's cabinet members, then Cena comes out and takes out JBL.
This was definately a good ppv, maybe not worth 35 bucks, but well worth the 20 bucks when it comes out on DVD."
Another Great PPV Delivering Punch From WWE!
Irina Camp | Fairfax Station, VA United States | 03/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Whats wrong with you people leaving bad feedbacks on this PPV? This PPV was a success! A huge one!
Scoring: 100-93% = History! 92-85% = Awesome PPV! 84-80% = Good! 79-70%= Ok! 69-60%= Not Good! 59-50%= Bad! Less than 50% is trash :). There's 7 Matches so total score is out of 70.
1. WWE Tag Team Championship
Basham Brothers vs. Eddie Guerreo & Rey Mysterio
WOW! Great opener with some awesome Rey action packed! Plus Eddie did some cheating lying and stealing! He tied up 2 ropes to make it longer! Used the title to win! Woah! Great Match!
Winners: Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio
Score: 10/10
2. Rookie Diva Competition
Forgot the names of these girls , there are 4 of them. 3 Challenges! Evening gown, taletn and swimsuit! WOW! One girl bodyslammed Dawn Marie! Could of still been better!
Winner: Joy
Score: 6.9/10
3. Booker T vs. Heidenreich
An OK match, nothing too impresive until the end when Heindenreich got crazy and hit Booker with a chair in his neck. Chair raises the score!
Winner: Booker T
Score: 8.7/10
4. 6-Man Elimination Match For Cruiserweight Championship
Paul London vs. Akio vs. Funaki vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Spike Dudley vs. Shannon Moore
Great cruiserweight action packed match! Some great moves and fights ! A great match!
Winner: Chavo Guerreo
Score: 8.9/10
5. Undertaker vs. Luther Reigns
Another WOW match! Taker had some competition in this match against a freak!
Winner: Undertaker
Score: 9.1/10
6. #1 Contenders Match For WWE Champinship At WM21
Kurt Angle vs. John Cena
What can I say? 2 great guys going at it as one of the greatest Cenas matches in his history! Awesome wrestling! Couldnt been better!
Winner: John Cena
Score: 10/10
7. Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match
WWE Championship On The Line
John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Big Show
WOW! AWESOME MATCH! Blood everywhere! Big Show chokeslammed JBL through the ring. They even tried to cut the barbed wire. Cabinet tried to help out by opening the cage but Teddy stopped it. After the match Batista beat up the cabinet and John Cena sent JBL through HELL! It will go down in the history as one of the most brutaliest matches ever! Worth the DVD cost alone itself!
Winner: JBL
Score: 10/10
I also give bonus points for the music video of Fozzy Enemy! And the bonus material on the DVD!
Bonus: 0.4
Total Percentage is 91%! Which made up an awesome PPV! SO close to being a history! WWE better pull up a bit! Other than that, BUY IT NOW! Stop waiting and listening to all thsoe non wrestling fans who dont even know whats wrestling! Buy this now! Trust a REAL WWE Fan who knows whats best for WWE!"
WWE No Way Out 2005 = OK Event
Napolean Dynamite "flippen sweet" | 03/30/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was an ok paperview, but could've been so much better.
No Way Out Card:
1.WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Rey Mysterio/Eddie Guerrero vs.The Bashams Brothers
This match was a faboulas opener.Very high flying. Rey gives Eddie the tag title to hit Doug with, he does, pins him and Eddie and Rey win the titles.
2.2005 Rookie Diva Competition
Joy Giavaani vs.Rochelle Loewen vs.Lauren Jones vs.Michelle McCool
This was a waste of time.tyhe only reason this was here was because ther was'nt eough matches.Joy wins. Michell definately should've won.
3.Heidenreich vs.Booker T
Velocity quality match, only 6 minutes, Booket T wins by DQ after Heidenreich hits him in the throat with a steel chair.Booker T deserves a better opponent. Heidenreiech is a boring and terrible wrestler.
4.6-man elimination match for the WwE Cruiserweight Title
Funaki vs.Shannon Moore vs.Spike Dudley vs.Paul London vs.Chavo Guerrero vs.Akio
This is just like the cruiserweight open match at Wrestle Mania 20.
1.Paul London vs. Funaki
London rolls up and pins the cruiserweight champ after spike interferes
2.Spike Dudley vs.Paul London
Funaki comes in immediately and knocks out Spike with a super kick and London pins him.
3.Paul London vs.Shannon Moore
Very high-flying.Moore misses a corkscrew moonsault and London 450-Splashes him and pins him.
4.Akio vs.Paul London
London Hurricanrannas Akio from the top rope and Akio gets counted out and eliminated.
5.Paul London vs.Chavo Guerrero
Chavo rolls him up while holding the ropes and wins the cruiserweight championship
This was very entertaining
5.The Undertaker vs.Luther Reigns
OK match.Undertaker counters Luther's main move into as DDT and later on tombstones him for the voctory.
6.Finals of the #1 contedership to face the WWE champion at WrestleMania 21 tournament
Kurt Angle vs.John Cena
Amazing match.When Kurt attempts to hit Cena with Cena's steel chain, Cena FU's him and wins.
7.The 1st ever Barbed-Wire Steel Cage Match in WWE for the WWE Championship
The Big Show vs.JBL
The Bashams and Orlando Jordan interfere, but are thrown out by Theodore Long.JBL hits Show with Clippers that The Bashams brought in to break through the cage.I think the Barbed Wire was never even used, which ticked me off.Very bloody and brutal match though.JBL gets chokeslammed from the top turn buckle and amazingly goes trough the ring, but crawls out before Show can get out and JBL retains.After, Batista comes out and beats the crap out of The Bashams and Orlando Jordan while Cena beats up JBl.
Extras on the DVD:
1.JBL vs.The Big Show promo
2.Highlights from the No Way Out Press Conference
3.Michael Cole and Tazz explaining the rules of the barbed wire steel cage match
4.Kurt Angle interview
5.Rene' Dupree/Kenzo Suzuki vs.Charlie Haas/Hardcore Holly
6.Scenes of JBL being too back to the trainers room by Orlando Jordan and The Bashams
7.The Fozzy music video
8.Behind The Scenes of The Fozzy Music Video"