February 17, 2002, Milwaukee, WI. A lethal virus has been unleashed on the World Wrestling Federation, it's called...The nWo. Hulk Hogan returns to the WWF! The day the World Wrestling Federation fans never thought they'... more »d see! The nWo is coming to the Federation! Scott Hall, Kevin Nash and yes... Hulk Hogan!« less
"I order no Way out on PPV and it was an experience to say the least. the nWo came out first and although i wasn't perticularly thrilled with the way they were introduced,they did the opposite of what was expected,so they get points for that. It is amazing to see Hogan,Hall,and Nash back in the WWF. Now on to the matches:Tag Team Turmoil: APA, Billy&Chuck, Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boyz, Christian&Lance Storm, and Scotty&Albert.-I didn't really get into this match. I was glad that the Hardyz came back and I think that Storm/Christian could make a really good tag team if pushed right. I think that Billy and Chuck are funny characters,but I can't stand their new entrance music. I give it **1/2 stars.
RVD vs. Goldust-I'm a big RVD fan,so I love most of his matches. This match dragged in some parts,but overall was very good. It was interesting to see these two wrestle since they both have vastly different wrestling styles. I give this match *** stars.
WWF Tag Team Championship: Booker T& Test vs. Spike&Tazz(champs)-I love Tazz and Spike as the tag champions. That said I don't like the pairing of Booker T and Test. Booker T is a great wrestler and so is Test,but there characters have been dragging. Test has pretty much stopped his immunity gimmick since the Alliance has ended and Booker T has gotten stale... There really wasn't any build-up for this match. I think it was announced the week of no Way out,so there really wasn't and feud to it. I think if it was built up more it could have been better. I give it ** 1/2 stars.
Brass Knucks on a pole match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Edge vs. Regal(champ)-I like both of the wrestlers,but their feud has grown stale. I was anxious to see this match however though because it is a classic WCW match. I think this match could have been better. I think the way that Regal won was really cheap and it gives him less credibility as a champion. ** stars.
Rock vs. Undertaker-I was excited about seeing this match as it is two of the biggest starts in the WWF going at it. Some people have said that the Undertaker has lost a step or two,but I don't think he has. His match at Vengeance w/RVD was awesome and definately his best in a while. The biggest problem I think in this match is that the Rock doesn't do a lot of moves. The sad thing is is that if you've seen some of the Rock's old matches he used to do a lot of different moves. I think they need to expand his wrestling style and give him a couple of new moves,so that his matches become less repetitve. *** stars just for nostalgic purposes.
Triple H vs. Kurt Angle w/ Stephanie McMahon as referee, winner goes on to WrestleMania X8 in an Undisputed Championship match...so this match seemed kind of pointless. However,the ending was very much a shocker and I would have loved it if they had kept it that way. I think that Angle/Jericho at Wrestlemania would have been awesome. alas it is not to be. very good match though even though the screw job by Stephanie was expected. overall though *** stars.
Undisputed Championship: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Jericho(champ)-The whole match I was waiting for the nWo to come down. I knew that Jericho was going to Wrestlemania,so I wasn't expecting much from this match. I'm a fan of both wrestlers,so it's always fun to see them wrestle. The ending was semi-predictable because of what happened earlier in the night. I give it *** stars just because of Hall spray painting nWo on Austin's back.Overall,this was a really good ppv. I think more could have been done with the nWo,but it is great to see them back in the WWF. They pretty much overshadowed all of the other matches. One note though. Hogan should never ever take off his bandana. It's true his bald head really shows his age. Other then that I think the nWo made a decent entrance into the WWF and a lot of the things that happened throughout let really well into Wrestlemania. I hope they put a lot of extras into this dvd as they should. It really is a monumental event and the next night's RAW is something that should not be missed."
No Way out 2002
The Best | florida | 11/26/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"No Way Out 2002
Best Performence - Stone Cold Steve Austin
Best Match - Kurt Angle vs Triple H -#1 Contender Stephanie McMahon Guest Referee
Opening Match Scotty 2 Hotty & Albert vs Christian & Lance Storm vs Hardy Boyz w/Lita vs Dudley Boyz w/Stacy Keibler vs Billy & Chuck vs APA - Tag Team Turmoil Title Shot at WrestleMania X8
Great return from the Hardy Boyz as they put on a high pace show. The Hardyz and the Dudleyz worked the best together but the match never got boring and the crowd was into the match. Nice opener.
Best Performence - Matt Hardy
Match Rating 8/10
2nd Goldust vs Rob Van Dam
Rob Van Dam was grounded most of the match as Goldust used his offensive for the majority of the match. The exciting points of the match were Rob Van Dam offensive but were few and far between. Goldust also didn't have much heel heat to make the match better.
Best Performence - Rob Van Dam
Match Rating 5.5/10
3rd Booker T & Test vs C-Tazz & C-Spike Dudley - WWF Tag Team Championship
Spike Dudley is terrible, Booker T put on a great show carrying Tazz and Spike Dudley even though Tazz can wrestle Booker put on a show. He looked very good and showed he should be in more important matches.
Best Performence - Booker T
Match Rating 4.5/10
4th Edge vs C-William Regal - IC Championship Brass Knuckles on a Pole
William Regal had a great match, he really showed he can wrestle but there was just too much going after the pole and not enough high impact moves after that. The brass knuckles really didnt come into play and Edge didnt show how well he can wrestle.
Best Performence - William Regal
Match Rating 6/10
5th The Undertaker vs The Rock
Well somehow this turned into a No DQ match because both men should have been DQ'ed and Counted Out in this match. The Undertaker dominated the early match with the Rock not having much offense until the end of the match. The owners got involved to keep this match interesting as in the beginning the match was a little poor.
Best Performence - The Rock
Match Rating 8/10
6th Kurt Angle vs Triple H - Hunter's WrestleMania X8 Title Opportunity Special Guest Referee Stephanie McMahon
The deck is stacked against the game but is quickly shifted when Angle clotheslines Stephanie. The match has some humor and some great wrestling from Angle and Hunter. I will never forget the elbow Stephanie dropped on Tim White, Great Moment.
Best Performence - Kurt Angle
Match Rating 9.1/10
Main Event Stone Cold Steve Austin vs C-Chris Jericho - Undisputed Championship
Austin showed why he was on of the best ever to wrestle but Jericho didnt live up to his ability. Jericho is a great wrestler but made to many mistakes. Again both men should have been DQ'ed and Counted Out but things happen. nWo.
Best Performence - Stone Cold Steve Austin
Match Rating 8.5/10
49.6/70 = 71%
Triple Main Event was right Three good matches and nice opener with crap in the middle. However the nWo returns and have funny altercations with The Rock and Stone Cold so I recommend this to all viewers.
Awesome PPV.
The Best | 01/09/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"My review for WWE No Way Out 2002
1. Tag Team Turmoil-8/10
2. Goldust vs. RVD-8/10
3. Spike and Tazz vs. Booker T and Test-7/10
4. IC title Brass Knucks on a Pole Match-7/10
5. The Rock vs. Undertaker-9/10
6. Triple H vs. Kurt Angle-9.5/10
7. Undispute title Y2J vs. Stone Cold-9/10"
Best WWF Pay-Per-View on DVD yet!
The Best | 04/19/2002
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Okay, so you've just paid 34.99 plus all taxes that brought your WWF pay-per-view to over 40 dollars. You taped it, you watched it, but it just lays dormant. If you missed it, you don't care as you find out what you missed easily. So why is this DVD so important to actually own you ask? The entire WWF soap opera goes through many so-called "eras". They stick with storylines for a great deal of time. If you are a newcomer to watching WWF Wresteling Entertainment Inc?, or missed so much of it that you feel you can't keep up, this is the DVD to buy. In years, the WWF never had so much for the fans to catch on to, to learn, to figure out. The owner bought out his competition, thus re-drafting many old and new favorite superstars in one year that made WWF fans heads spin, yet stick with the program. In the year 2002, with the release of even more new superstars on a constant basis, this became more impossible to figure out and nearly lost my attention until "No Way Out" aired. "No Way Out" introduced the world once again to the famous "Hollywood, Hulk Hogan", along with other old favorites. This was the start of the famous New World Order (otherwise known as the NWO) in the World Wresteling Federation. "No Way Out" was the start of a whole new era with new storylines developing, new superstars and superstars re-visited. I personally was at the event myself, and from seeing the DVD, they left out nothing. If you have just tuned into the WWF, are asking yourself "What is Hulk Hogan doing back?, or trying to get a new refresher that will answer all your questions pertaining to what is currently happening, this is the cheap DVD to own. You will learn it all, questions will be answered, you will see and love all your past-time favorites as well as all new ones and be less confused. Superstars include The Rock, Chris Jerico (Y2J), Steve Austin, Rob-Van-Dam, Goldust, Edge, Stephanie, Stacie, and more. You must buy this DVD, there is "No Way Out" of talking yourself not into buying it!!!!"
No Way Out 2002- The WWF Produced Another Blockbuster Event!
wwfmaxvideos | Long Island, NY | 02/24/2002
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The World Wrestling Federation had a lot to live up to coming into this February 17th mega event. Vince McMahon promised that the nWo (New World Order) would be at No Way Out. I do not want to spoil this event for you so I will just do a run down of this event. The nWo came out in the beginning and talked a lot of B.S. The opening contest was the tag team turmoil match with the winner receiving a shot at the WWF Tag Team Championship at Wrestlemania X-8. Many people expected the Hardyz or The Dudleyz to be victorious in this one but they were not. The ending of this was a huge surprise. I would give this match a 7.0 out of 10. Another match featured Goldust squaring off against "Mr. PPV" Rob Van Dam. This match was quite long and featured Goldust's first singles PPV match since returning at January's Royal Rumble. This match really reminded me of the 1996-1997 time period where Goldust had obessions with certain wrestlers and played some heavy mind games with them(ex: Razor Ramon and Roddy Piper). Many spots in this match were botched but al in all I give this one a 6.5 out of 10. The WWF Tag Team Titles were on the line as Tazz and Spike Dudley defended against Test and Booker T. This match was crap. I give it a 4.0 out of 10. William Regal defended the IC Title against Edge in the first ever "Brass Nuckles on a Pole Match". This match was probably the best of all 3 of Edge and Regals matches. I gave this classic encounter a 7.5 out of 10. Now we move on to the triple main event. The first match of these 3 was The Rock taking on The Undertaker. This match in my opinion was the best on the card. I gave this a 8.5 out of 10. Kurt Angle squared off against "The Game" HHH with Hunter's ex-wife Stephanie McMahon as guest referee. this match was good but not great. I have seen much better between the two. The stipulation in this match was that the winner would go to the main event of Wrestlemania o face the Undisputed Champion. I gave this a 6.5 out of 10. And finally the main event. The Undisputed Title was on the line as Y2J Chris Jericho fought Stone Cold Steve Austin. Great match with a little surprise from the nWo. I gave this one an 8.0 out of 10. So thats No Way out wraped up. I really enjoyed this event and can't wait 'till it comes on video. A must buy. Obverall this event was an easy 8.0 out of 10. Not perfect, but pretty damn good."