Unforgiven 2001
R.A. McKenzie | 07/10/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Although not as good as Summerslam the month before, Unforgiven was a good ppv.(But it WWE had a ppv like this in theese days it would be ppv of the year.) Anyways, on to the matches.
1. WWE Tag Team Champiosnship: Dudleyz vs Hardyz vs Big Show and Spike vs Lance Storm and Hurricane: Solid opener. kinda upset how Jeff Hardy wasn't in singles competition again because at Invasion and Summerslam he had two 10/10 matches with RVD. Anyways, Big Show teases a splash, and it really picks up when it gets down to the Dudleyz and the Hardyz. 9/10
2. Raven (with Terri) vs Perry Saturn: Terrible. Im very upset with how the WWE used Raven, because Raven is a World title caliber superstar. It was the luckiest day of his life when he got fired by WWE, because he went straight to TNA and in less then two years had a huge collection of great matches and a World title. Anyways, sucked. (But Terri is so damn hot.) 2/10
3. IC Championship: Edge vs Christian: Pretty good match. This was when Edge still wasnt an @$$hole that cheats on his wife with his best friends girlfriend. (Matt/Lita/Edge) Anyways, good match but not was good as their No Mercy match, and kinda dumb ending, with Christian driving a chair into Edges leg for the three count. 8/10
4. WCW Tag Team Championship: Undertaker and Kane vs Kronik Belive it or not I looked forward to this one, because a year earlier in WCW Kronik was like how the Undertaker and Kane were at this point, so the bad boys of WCW vs the bad boys of WWE. Pretty good bg man match, but pretty slow as well. 7/10
5. Hardcore Championship: Rob Van Dam vs Chris Jericho: Kinda like Van Dam vs Hardy from Invasion, because the fiorst time I watched it, I thought 'That's it!?! Everyone said this was such a goods match!' But then it grew on me to the point where I watch it over and over. Chairs, a Ladder, Garbage Cans, Fire Extinguishers ext. RVD wins. 9.5/10
6. WCW Championship: The Rock vs Booker T and Shane McMahon: This was another intresting feud because in WCW in 2000 Booker T was the biggest Rock ripoff EVER! He used The Rock Bottom or the "Book End" and he would even be known on occasions as the peoples champion! Anyways a pretty good match, better then expected. Damn Nick Patrick tries to screw The Rock. So does Test but Bradshaw gets rid of him. Rocky wins. 9/10
7. US Championship: Tajiri vs Rhyno: Sooooo glad they ended Tajiri's stupid reign and gave it to somebody deserving in Rhyno. Tajiri should never go past the Cruiserweight/Lightheacvyweight division. Rhyno, along with Raven, a former ECW superstar held back to a jobber by WWE. At least he gets the US title here. (Briefly however) Not very good. 6/10
8. WWE Championship: Stone Cold vs Kurt Angle: The ending of this match shouldve been at Summerslam, cause that match was better. Guess they wanted to save it for Angles hometown. Pretty good match and Kurt makes Austin tap. (So stu[id that Austin won the belt back just 8 days later.) Anyways awesome ending with Kurts family. 9/10"
A Memorable Evening In Pittsburgh, PA!
R.A. McKenzie | New York | 07/21/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"It's official - 2001 is simply one of the best years in WWF/WWE history, and UNFORGIVEN is another reason as to why. This is a PPV card that is a lot stronger than it looks!
1) Elimination Match - WWF Tag Team Championships
The Hardy Boyz v. The Hurricane (WWF European champion) & Lance Storm
v. Big Show & Spike Dudley v. The Dudley Boyz (WWF Tag Team champions)
---This was an exciting Elimination contest with neat spots, good wrestling, and a wild Pennsylvania crowd. The Dudleyz and The Hardyz always put on good matches, and the other two teams were in fine form. A perfect example of how the "Invasion" angle brought new talent and energy to the WWF.
"8.0 / 10"
2) Raven v. Perry Saturn
---The only non-title match on the card featured Saturn looking for "Moppy", with Raven as the culprit. Confused? Don't worry, you'll understand from the PPV. The crowd hated this match, but I think Saturn and Raven worked really hard considering this storyline had no respect from anybody (I thought it was pretty funny). Much better than the trainwreck everyone makes it out to be.
"5.0 / 10"
3) WWF Intercontinental Championship
Christian v. Edge (champion)
---In their first-ever one-on-one bout (to my knowledge), both men were still WWF wrestlers at the time, which was unusual for the "Invasion" PPVs. This was yet another solid contest with plenty of near-falls and unique exchanges. Also noteworthy is that both Christian and Edge were as good in singles competition as they were tag team wrestlers. One of the few tag team breakups that helped both superstars. The Ladder Match that took place a month later is the one everybody remembers (rightfully so), but this is an incredible match worth checking out.
"8.0 / 10"
4) WCW Tag Team Championships
Kronik v. The Undertaker & Kane (champions)
---Now for the real stinker: Bryan Adams and Bryan Clark made their first and last WWF match together as they challenged the WCW Tag Team champs (who were actually WWF talent). Taker and Kane worked so hard to make Adams and Clark look good, but Kronik no-sold just about everything thrown at them. The match was kept to a nice pace, but this match was so badly performed that you'll just stare in disbelief. I still recommend the match because it's so unbelievably terrible that it's good for a laugh.
"2.0 / 10" (but still worth seeing for some gut-busting laughs!)
5) WWF Hardcore Championship
Chris Jericho v. Rob Van Dam (champion)
---Now for some genuinely good news: this is my personal favorite Match from 2001! What a fantastic match! Mat wrestling skirmishes, ladders, chairs, and plenty of high-spots. One of the best matches that Y2J and RVD have put on in their careers! If you've seen RVD's ONE OF A KIND 2-disc set, than you've witnessed three incredible WWE matches. Well guess what? I still think this one is better than all of them. I can't wait to pop in my DVD again, just to see this!
"9.5 / 10"
6) 2-on-1 Handicap Match - WCW Championship
Shane McMahon (WCW Owner) & Booker T v. The Rock (champion)
---I didn't expect much out of this one, but it was a much better Handicap Match than I expected. What happened in this match was fairly 'believeable' - Shane and Booker kept an advantage, but The Rock kept the fight going. Plus, there was a nice tease with Shane possibly walking out with the belt instead of the crazed Booker T. With some Alliance and WWF interference thrown in, this was a pleasant surprise. It still holds up after a couple viewings. If you liked the SUMMERSLAM main event between Booker & Rock, then I think you'll enjoy this just as much.
"7.0 / 10"
7) WCW United States Championship
Rhyno v. Tajiri (champion)
---Why do so many WWF superstars have WCW belts, and vice versa? Never mind. This match was very good, but way too short. I don't remember how this one got booked, and the PPV doesn't do a good job of reminding me. If given even as much as 5 more minutes, this random contest would've become even better.
"6.0 / 10"
8) WWF Championship
Kurt Angle v. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (champion)
---In the main event, hometown hero Kurt Angle got another crack at Austin's WWF Championship, since Angle got screwed out of the title at SUMMERSLAM 2001. Once again, they both put on a solid match. Good psychology, plus a nice touch to have Angle's family at ringside (though they should never do interviews again). In my opinion, the other Angle-Austin encounters from 2001 were much better than this one. Angle's never-say-due performance from SUMMERSLAM was breathtaking, but this time, it felt more obligatory. But I'm nitpicking -- Angle and Austin didn't disappoint me. Whether you love it or just like it, this main event will be worth your time and money.
"7.0 / 10"
There are no extras on this DVD, which is very unfortunate because this was my favorite PPV of 2001. But the card on UNFORGIVEN 2001 is more than worth the purchase! Considering most sellers are only asking about 10 bucks for this DVD, I definitely recommend it to even the most casual wrestling fan - there's something for everybody!"
A decent PPV, but a poor DVD
gcwwhitechocolate | St. Louis, MO | 11/15/2001
(2 out of 5 stars)
"WWF Unforgiven 2001 was a PPV that was basically a rehash of the prior month's SummerSlam event. Here is a match by match review.1.) WWF TAG TEAM TITLES: Dudley Boyz (c) vs. Hardy Boyz vs. The Hurricane & Lance Storm vs. Big Show & Spike Dudley. A good opener to get the crowd going. ***.2.) Perry Saturn vs. Raven. A disapointing match that dragged on and on and on. Should have been on HeAT. 1/4*.3.) WWF INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE: Edge (c) vs. Christian. Not the classic we had been waiting for from these two. A decent match, with a dull finish. **1/2.4.) WCW TAG TEAM TITLES: Undertaker & Kane (c) vs. Kroni>|. Not worth the words to describe it. DUD.5.) WWF HARDCORE TITLE: Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Chris Jericho. Definitely the show stealer, but probably not a Match-of-the-Year Candidate. ****.6.) WCW TITLE HANDICAP MATCH: The Rock (c) vs. Booker T & Shane McMahon. It's academic who wins this one, and Shane McMahon's involvement was totally useless. *1/2.7.) WCW U.S. TITLE MATCH: Tajiri (c) vs. Rhyno. Decent, but short. *.8.) WWF TITLE MATCH: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (c) vs. Kurt Angle. Their worst match together, although still good. ***.
The matches themselves are decent enough to give this PPV a thumbs in the middle, but it's nothing special. But the DVD itself is terrible. There are ZERO extras. Nothing from Sunday Night Heat, no special interviews, or anything else. WWF DVD's usually tend to have at least a few good extras. This one wasn't one of them. Probably one to pass up unless you're a huge Kurt Angle fan."
Unforgiven 2001
gcwwhitechocolate | 01/07/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"1.4-Team Elimination Match For the WWF Tag Titles
Dudley Boyz(c) vs. Hardy Boys vs. Hurricane and Lance Storm vs. Big Show and Spike Dudley.(4*)(5 being the most *'s)
Good Opening. Parts are hilarious like when Big Show goes to the turnbuckle and starts to climb about to jump on everyone on the outside. I think Dudleyz win.
2.Perry Saturn vs. Raven with Terri
I don't think I have even watched this match yet because it was like so stupid.(0-1*)
3.Intercontinental Championship Match
Edge(C) vs. Christian
Pretty good match. Don't like it that much cause Christian wins but I hate them both.(3*)
4.WCW Tag Team Titles
Undertaker and Kane(C) vs. Kronik
Good match only cause Undertaker and Kane are in it. Steven Richards get chokeslammed through a chair at the end. Taker and Kane retain.(4*)
5.WWF Hardcore Championship
Rob Van Dam(C) vs. Chris Jericho
Awesome match! I really didn't care who won cause I like them both. RVD retains.(4.5*)
6.Handicap Match For The WCW Championship
The Rock(C) vs. Booker T and Shane McMahon
Good match. Though, I think it was stupid to put Shane in the match too. Rock retains.(4*)
7.WCW U.S. Championship Match
Tajiri(C) with Torrie Wilson vs. Rhyno
O.K. match. I think it should have not be the next to the last match though. Sorta quick match I thought. Rhyno wins title.(3.5*)
8.WWF Championship
Stone Cold(C) vs. Kurt Angle
Match of the night. It was just an amazing! Match is really long. Angle finally makes Stone Cold tap to the Angle Lock. I'm not a fan of Kurt Angle(Actually I hate him) but him winning the title in his hometown was pretty cool. All the superstars on his show and his family came to the ring and celebrated!(5*)
Overall this was a 5-star DVD. It is worth it to buy it."