Get more Undertaker Action! — This Double feature includes Undertaker's Deadliest Matches and Undertaker: He Buries Them Alive. — In Deadliest Matches, he's the most ominous presence in the history of Sports Entertainment, k... more »nown for his remarkable WrestleMania streak and taking the souls of scores of superstars. Now the Undertaker's most dangerous conflicts are collected in this DVD set, Undertaker's Deadliest Matches. This set includes Casket Matches, Buried Alive Matches, Hell in a Cell, Last Ride Matches, Body Bag Matches, Boiler Room Brawls, Concrete Crypt Matches and numerous other brutal bouts.
In Undertaker: He Buries Them Alive, step back in time and visit the early years of the Phenom known as Undertaker. Five classic matches that set the stage for one of the most feared and popular Superstars in WWE history. Matches Include: Undertaker vs. Undertaker vs. Kwang vs. Yokozuna vs. Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart vs. Jerry 'The King' Lawler.« less