"Tombstone: The History Of The Undertaker tells a roughly 6 hour story about this WWE Superstar's rise to main event status from 1991 until 2004. Aside from the bad packaging, I was very pleased with this DVD. Now, here is what you'll find on here:
Disc 1
Undertaker Vs. Hulk Hogan (WWE Championship) - The Undertaker wins his first WWE title after being in the organization for only a year! Guest appearance from "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.
Undertaker Vs. Yokozuna (RIP)(WWE Championship Casket Match) - This ends up being more of a gang mugging as several WWE stars help out Yoko! Still significant as it shows the fighting spirit of UT in a losing effort.
Undertaker Vs. Diesel - This was from WrestleMania 12 and one of Kevin Nash's better bouts!
Undertaker Vs. Mankind (Buried Alive Match) - Foley, as usual, takes a beating from UT! UT wins the match but ends up getting buried alive by Mankind, The Executioner (Terry Gordy in a mask/RIP) and several other heels!
Undertaker Vs. Mankind (WWE Championship Match) - Undertaker had just won his second WWE title a month earlier. Foley takes another beating including a head first dive into a table!
Undertaker Vs. Bret Hart (WWE Championship Match) - "HBK" Shawn Michaels is the special referee in this one as this was otherwise a classic bout! Guest appearances from Paul Bearer, Owen Hart (RIP) and Brian Pillman (RIP). The ending leads up to the brief but brutal Michales/Undertaker feud!
BONUS MATCH: Undertaker Vs. Bret Hart from One Night Only in England! Awesome bout! Perhaps better than their Summerslam encounter.
Undertaker attacks Hogan in the Funeral Parlor
Undertaker builds a casket for Yokozuna
Undertaker talks about Diesel in the graveyard
Undertaker talks about Mankind in the graveyard
Undertaker interrupts Mankind's interview
Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels (In Your House: Ground Zero) - This was the first bout and it is a wild affair with guest stars HHH and Chyna!
Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels (Hell In The Cell) - The first ever Hell In The Cell! Set the bar for future HITC bouts!
Undertaker Vs. Kane (WrestleMania 14) - This bout was the first ever meeting between these two and probably the best between these two!
Undertaker Vs. Kane (Inferno Match) - Not a great bout BUT does have an awesome dive by 'Taker over the fire onto Kane and Vader!
Undertaker Vs. Mankind (Hell In The Cell) - The worst beating of Mick Foley's life. People can talk about HHH ending Foley's career in this same type of match but, in my eyes, it was UT that shortened Foley's career as the beating he gave Mick was far worse than what HHH did to him!
Undertaker Vs. The Rock (WWE Championship Match) - Very entertaining in that The Rock is his usual defiant self against UT! Guest appearance from HHH in this one!
Undetaker interview right after SummerSlam '97 concerning Shawn Michaels
Undertaker talking to her parents' tombstones
Undertaker interview where Kane burns their parents' tombstones
Undertaker breaks into Paul Bearer's house and mauls him!
Undertaker Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (WWE Championship/First Blood Match) - Your basic brawl! Interference from HHH, The Rock, Shane McMahon and Vince McMahon.
Undertaker Vs. HHH (WrestleMania X-7) - Probably one of the best WM bouts ever!
Undertaker Vs. Hulk Hogan (WWE Championship Match) - This is a rematch 12 years later for the same championship!
Undertaker Vs. Brock Lesner (WWE Championship Match/Hell In The Cell) - One of the top 5 HITC bouts ever! Taker bleeds like a stuck pig! Not for the squemish!
Undertaker Vs. John Cena - Interesting to see John in heel mode here! Actually does a good job staying with 'Taker.
Undertaker Vs. Mr. McMahon (Buried Alive Match) - Not much of a bout but McMahon takes a HUGE A** WHIPPIN' HERE! 'Taker loses when Kane interferes.
Undertaker Vs. Kane (WrestleMania 20) - Nowhere near as good as their original encounter BUT the entrances make it worth viewing.
Undertaker talks about HHH
Undertaker promo on Hulk Hogan
Undertaker talks about Hell In The Cell
Undertaker in the graveyard promo on Mr. McMahon
BONUS MATCH: Undertaker Vs. Kurt Angle from Smackdown in 2003!
This a good set even if the packaging was not up to par! I would also recommend getting Undertaker: This Is My Yard as well as it goes more into UT's career BEFORE WWE! Between those two DVD's, you'll have his whole career up until 2004! Recommended set!
Great look back at the Dead Man's career....
the one and only | I live south of Parts Unknown | 08/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The History of the Undertaker takes a look back at some of the most famous matches in history as the Dead Man goes through the Phenom stages up to his American Badass stage and now presently back to the Dead Man era...
With Matches against: HBK, Bret Hart, Mankind, HHH, Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and others, this is one DVD set you NEED to own!!!!
Disk One Matches:
WWE Championship Match vs. Hulk Hogan: Good match and very legendry as the Dead Man wins his first championship match. Some outside interferance by Ric Flair and Undertaker wins. 8.5/10
Casket Match vs. Yokozuna: Okay, about 10 different guys including Bam Bam Bigelow and Diesel interfere and UT basically fights back but gets overwhelmed. Some weapons were used in the beginning and this was the famous moment after the match when the Undertaker "Rose Up" from the dead. 8/10
Wrestlemania vs. Diesel: Basically big man moves, not the best WM match of the UT's. Undertaker wins. 7/10
Buried Alive Match vs. Mankind: This was a great match. Steel steps and chairs made appearances. Both men get knocked around and Mankinds head hits the barricade especially hard. Some guys interfere, including HHH and Goldust, to bury the UT alive after Taker wins the match. 9/10 [For the match itself]
WWE Championship vs. Mankind: Best match of the first disk. I thought this match was brutal. It wasn't No DQ, but both men used weapons and Mankind even gets knocked off the ringside area and went HEADFIRST through an announce table, best spot of the match. Undertaker wins with the tombstone and then lights a fireball into Paul Bearers face. 9.5/10
WWE Championship Match vs. Bret Hart: Great match, I'm a fan of any Bret Heart match. Some technical wrestling by Bret, and even some fast moves by the UT. 9/10
Disk 2 Matches:
WWE Championship Match vs. Shawn Michales: Okay match and this led up to their epic match inside the Hell in a Cell. Shawn was great as the crowd both booed and cheered him. A great match for the second disk. 8.5/10
Hell in a Cell Match vs. HBK: One of the top three Hell in a Cell matches. Steel Steps, chairs, the cage itself, and some interference by Kane caused this match to give it a perfect score. Watch UT give a HUGE chairshot to Michales near the end of the match. Great match. 10/10
Wrestlemania match vs. Kane: Best time these two faced each other. Undertaker leaps off the ring ropes and goes crashing into an announce table after missing Kane. Awsome ending with three tombstones!!! UT wins and continues his streak. 9/10
Inferno Match vs. Kane: Great match, the first of its kind! Vader interferes and UT gives a huge leap out of the flames onto both Vader and Kane. A chair and even a drum set were used on both Kane and Paul Bearer. Kane losses when his arm catches fire. 8.5/10
Hell in a Cell match vs. Mankind: One of the most famous moments in history when Taker threw Mankind off the cage. Chairs, steps, and tacks were used in this epic match. 9/10
WWE Championship vs. The Rock: Alwright match, dont really see the significance of it though. Both men fight all over the arena and Rock actually takes some punishment being thrown against the barricades. HHH interferes and UT wins with the tombstone. 8/10
Disk Three Matches:
First Blood Match vs. Stone Cold: The best match in Disk Three and my personal favorite. The atmosphere and the excitment were off the charts. Shane McMahon and X-Pac, plus Mr. McMahon make an appearance in this match. Stone Cold wins after busting the UT wide open. 10/10
Wrestlemania Match vs. HHH: One of Takers best WM matches, if not THE best. They fight all over the place with chairs and even the sledgehammer makes an appearance. Taker even chokeslams HHH off the side of a monitor tower. The UT wins despite getting hit over the head with the hammer and continues his undefeated streak at WM. 9/10
WWE Championship Match vs. Hulk Hogan: Okay match, just shown to show when Taker won his fourth title. Mr. McMahon makes a brief appearance, gets the crap kicked out of him, and then Taker levels Hogan with a chair and wins the title. 8/10
Hell in a Cell Match vs. Brock Lesnar: Would have been better if not for Heyman's moaning, it was really annoying. Taker bleeds heavily, and Brock wins his undeserving Hell in a Cell victory. Steel Steps and a chair make an appearance in this match. 8.5/10
Vengeance Match vs. John Cena: Pretty good for the rookie at that time. The Vengeance crowd that night was great, so it helped this match. Taker hurt his ribs and bleed from the mouth, but fought back and won with the last ride. 8/10
Buried Alive Match vs. Mr. McMahon: On paper this sounds like a must see match, but all Taker does in beat the crap out of McMahon with a shovel and steel steps and McMahon bleeds heavily. Kane interferes and buries the UT alive. 8/10
Wrestlemania Match vs. Kane: One of the best ring entrances in quite some time. But I think the entrance by Ut was even longer than the match itself! Nothing special, and Ut wins to continue his streak. 7/10
Well, there you have it. The one thing I see wrong is that all three disks are packed on top of each other instead of a different holder for each of them in the DVD case. Would have been a lot professional looking if they werent stacked on top of each other. Other than that this is a great DVD collectible."
Talk about collectible.
Mrs. Paula M. Griebel | Las Vegas, NV USA | 08/07/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD looks like the best DVD WWE has put out.
The matches...............
Disk 1
Survivor Series 1991 vs. Hulk Hogan
Royal Rumble 1994 vs. Yokozuna
WrestleMania XII 1996 vs. Diesel
In Your House Buried Alive vs. Mankind
In Your House Revenge of Taker vs. Mankind
SummerSlam 1997 vs. Bret Hart
DVD 1 Extras
Undertaker attacks Hulk Hogan at the Funeral Parlor
Undertaker builds a casket for Yokozuna
Undertaker in the graveyard talking about Diesel
Undertaker in the graveyard talking about Mankind
Undertaker interrupts Mankind's interview
Disk 2
In Your House Ground Zero vs. Shawn Michaels
In Your House Badd Blood - Hell in a Cell Match vs. Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania XIV vs. Kane
Unforgiven 1998 - Inferno Match vs. Kane
King of the Ring 1998 - Hell in a Cell Match vs. Mankind
King of the Ring 1999 vs. The Rock
DVD 2 Extras
Undertaker interview about Shawn Michaels
Undertaker talking to his parents' tombstones
Undertaker interview - Kane burns his parents' tombstone
Undertaker breaks into Paul Bearer's house and mauls him
Disk 3
Fully Loaded 1999 - First Blood Match vs. Stone Cold
WrestleMania XVII vs. Triple H
Judgment Day 2002 vs. Hulk Hogan
No Mercy 2002 - Hell in a Cell Match vs. Brock Lesnar
Vengeance 2003 vs. John Cena
Survivor Series 2003 - Buried Alive Match vs. Mr. McMahon
WrestleMania XX vs. Kane
DVD 3 Extras
Undertaker interview about Triple H
Undertaker promo on Hulk Hogan
Undertaker talking about the Hell in a Cell
Undertaker in the graveyard promo on Mr. McMahon
The only thing I wish they would do is continue it till WM 21. And possibly add his matches at No mercy 2004,Survior Series 2004, or Royal rumble 2005 instead of Survior Series. And stop at WM 21. I dont think that three disks is enough to cover one of WWE's greatest wrestler's ever. This DVD looks great. I'm buying it for sure."
M. Tobin | somewhere in Boston | 11/03/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Undertaker is my favorite wrestler, and it was awesome to see some of his matches and other assorted footage and appearances from the past 15 years. The packaging isn't the best, but the DVDs more than make up for it."
Some Great Highlights of Takers career.
R.M. | Georgia, USA | 10/25/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I gave this DVD set a 4 because i'm a big Undertaker fan. Maybe it deserves a 3 but I could have let my fandom of Taker to bump it up to a 5.
This set has some truly great matches. I drooled at the idea of being able to watch Undertaker and Mankind in Hell in the Cell whenever I wanted. The set is worth buying just for that match alone.
I like how you can follow the evolution of the character through this set. You can compare the way he speaks in his few promos, the way he dressed, his in-ring moves and tactics. Now that i've watched it I find that I look at his character in a new light compared to when I first watched this stuff. I still see how great Undertaker is but I can now admit some of the flaws and notice things like how goofy some of his storylines were.
My major problem with this set is that it doesn't talk much about the set-up of matches. One match he might be a face, one match he might be a heel, one match he's sort of in between. A few less matches and some more background would have helped. Or maybe just a fourth disc to make some more space for some much needed backstory.
One other thing that would have helped would have been to have fit the Extras promo section in between the matchs instead of having to jump back and forth to follow them in order.
Hopefully Taker will still give a few more highlights to add his story before his last ride. :)"