John Cena Returns....On A Really Bad Show
D.P. | California | 05/18/2009
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Elimination Match: Shawn Michaels, Cryme Tyme, Rey Mysterio, Great Khali vs. J.B.L., M.V.P., Kane, John Morrison, The Miz - Before I get started, if you look at the members of each team and just compare their characters to each other...these are probably the two biggest "odd couple" teams in Survivor Series history. Anyways, this first match would showcase a pattern throughout the night in that it had some booking decisions that hurt more than helped as they had around 3 quick eliminations right from the start...including one of them being Kane. If you can get past that, the match itself was a good solid opener that did it's job in getting the crowd fired up and I'll make an extra note here in that I really enjoyed the commentary as well as Matt Striker clearly showed why he's one of the best commentators in wrestling (not just WWE) today.
Elimination Match - RAW vs. SmackDown: Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Jillian, Candice Michelle, Kelly Kelly vs. Michelle McCool, Maryse, Victoria, Natalya, Maria - This match was just bad as there were just too many botches here that even WWE post-production couldn't edit around or take out like they normally would do on a PPV replay to the point where it sounded like the crowd started to turn on this match at one point. The only other thing noteworthy here was that despite the fact that they were fighting for their brands, McCool & Maryse still kept getting into it due to their feud over the Divas title...something that often gets forgotten about when they put the faces & heels together in tag matches like this. Anyways, this was botchamania that's only worth looking at if you like watching car crashes.
Casket Match: Undertaker vs. Big Show - After their two previous encounters, this match was a big dissapointment. I'll give some credit here in that Big Show played the storyline well about him being afraid of the casket to the point where he kept yelling at the referees to shut the lid for him because he didn't want to touch the casket and even later turning it over. Eventhough the ending was a new twist on how to win a casket match, it was a very weak ending and this match disappointed. If you get the chance, look up the cage match they had on SmackDown weeks later that made up for this one.
Elimination Match: Batista, R-Truth, C.M. Punk, Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Shelton Benjamin, Mark Henry, William Regal - This match was booked better than the first one as the only quick elimination here was William Regal (he was sick so they got him out early) which resulted in a funny moment of Layla throwing her shoe at C.M. Punk. Good match all around and everyone had their moments in one way or another and was without a doubt the match of the night.
WWE Champion Triple H vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs.... - This was one of those "bait & switch" tactics as Jeff Hardy was suppost to be the third guy in this triple threat match but WWE ran a story (that even got picked up by the national media) about Jeff Hardy being found knocked out at his hotel forcing him out of this match after the entire buildup surrounded him going back to his "extreme" ways on both HHH & Kozlov to get into this match. Triple H tried with the grounded wrestling they did but it wasn't a PPV quality title match and this match seemed longer than it actually was to the point where you heard chants from "We Want Hardy!" to "TNA! TNA! TNA!" to the point where it was just dead silent they didn't even bother to chant anything at all. It once again became a triple threat match because "he's here!" and the ultimate opportunist in Edge returned (looking like Mike Knox little brother with that beard) with Jeff Hardy finally making an appearence before Edge stole another championship victory. For this match, the only part worth watching was the last 5 mins. as the angle involving taking Hardy (the most over challenger in the match) out at the last minute was a bad bad that TNA decided to pull the same angle two months later on their PPV.
World Champion Chris Jericho vs. John Cena - Just like Jericho's main event with Batista at Cyber Sunday, this was another match that you had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen going into it as the entire promotion behind Survivor Series was about John Cena returning to WWE in his hometown (well, as close to it as he's going to get). After what I thought was a real good series of matches between each other in 2005 (Vengance with Christian, SummerSlam, and their final match on RAW), this one was another disappointment as Cena had some ring rust here that showed here while Jericho targeted his previous injury & focused on the neck. The match wasn't bad but they would put on a better performance at Armageddon the next month but it didn't live up to the expectations based off their series years earlier.
So in the end, 2008 was probably the most solid year of WWE PPV's since 2001 (or maybe even 2002) but this was easily the worst one of the year as this heavily reminded me of the average TNA or old school WCW PPV there were too many bad booking decisions here along with disappointing & just bad matches here. The only two matches good here were the male elimination matches (again, if you can get past some of the booking there) but that's not enough to save this PPV so this is one you can skip or try for a rental at best.
Average at best, poor at worst
Jesse Dell-ross | 01/15/2009
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This was the first wwe show I'd been to since Summer Slam a few years back. To say I was underwelmed would be an understatement.
1st match: SS Emlimination match
Team Micheals vs. Team JBL
Pretty good opener. I was into it and so was the rest of the audience. Good spots and bad. Good finish. 5/10
2nd match:Divas SSE match
This was a big letdown when it could have been very good. The main problem was that the better wrestlers on both teams, victoria, candice michelle, natalya, and mikie james, were eliminated at the beginning and middle of the match. It was so bad that beth phenoix, a heel mind you, got cheered for beating maryse and winning the match for her team. Not bad but not good ether 4/10
3. Taker vs. show casket match
Another big letdown with so much potential. Neither man put a lot of energy into this match and it showed. My favorite part of the match was takers entrance (a must witness for any wrestling fan). A match with this much set up and with a man (taker) who is great despite his age should have been better. 3/10
4. SSE match
Team Orton vs. Team Batista
Match of the night hands down. Lots of great spots and great excitement. The crowd ate this one up big time. It was bittersweet for me because I wanted to see CM Punk, my favorite male wrestler, get a bigger match then what he got. Orton and Rhodes win for their team. 9/10
5. HHH vs. Koslov (wwe title)
Worst match of the night. The crowd (including myself) turned on this one big time. It was clear to all that koslov had no place in this match. HHH tried to carry him as best he could but as good as he is, he ain't a miricle worker. If jeff hardy had been in the match, it would have been much better simply cause the fans love to see hhh and hardy go at it. I actually enjoyed seeing edge come back and win the title just cause it took the boredom away. Plus my gf is a huge jeff hardy fan and I wanted to see him compete and win the title for her sake. Didn't happen (that night) so I was dissapointed. 1/10
6. Jerico vs. Cena (WHC)
Second best of the night (which is not saying much). Cena's ring rust was evident but he did the best he could. Jerico was his usual strong self. Great spots with bad. My personal favorite is when jerico hit his finishing move and cena kicked out. This is mostly due to the fact that I thought that was it. That is when I fully got into the match and cheered when cena won. Its always nice to see the home-town boy win the big one. 6/10
Overall, this ppv was below average. It could have been better but wasn't."