"9 times outta 10...whenever WWE has joint RAW/SmackDown PPV's, they're great because they only put the best of the best on there & not wasting time with filler matches. With the expection of one match, this Survivor Series was no exception.
Vacated United States Championship
Best Of Seven Series
Match #1
Booker T(w/ Sharmell) vs Chris Benoit - Not a bad match here & a great opener. This doesn't top any of their previous matches in either WWE or WCW but it's still good.
Women's Championship
Raw vs Smackdown
Trish Stratus(w/ Micki James) vs Melina(w/ MNM) - Honestly, with the womens division down to only 3 women who can wrestle & the rest who only have a job because they look good in a bikini...this has been the best womens title match in over a year. Melina can actually go & Trish didn't have to carry another wrestler. MNM & James at ringside helped the match too. The only thing I can say that's bad is Tazz doing commentary & tryin' to talk over Joey Styles the whole match.
Last Man Standing
Triple H vs Ric Flair - This along with the cage match at Taboo Tuesday is a big F-U to those who say Flair has no business in the ring. I enjoyed their cage match better than this but it was still one of the best matches of the night.
"The Cutting Edge" segment with Edge & Lita was entertaining. This Rated R Superstar gimmick is a perfect fit with Edge.
WWE Championship
Special Guest Referee: Daivari
John Cena vs Kurt Angle - Boy, they were tryin' so hard to have people cheer for Cena & boo Angle that it completely ruined this match. Too much outside interference with the referees & worring about the Davari factor. It's watchable but it's too obivious they're tryin' too hard to FORCE the people to cheer for Cena.
Raw vs Smackdown
Eric Bischoff vs Theodore Long(w/ Palmer Canon) - Remember when I talked about that one exception earlier, this is it. It wasn't even really match...it's just them catfighting (and that's putting it lightly) until Boogeyman came out & did his usual stick with Bischoff. Dud.
Raw vs Smackdown
Elimination Match
Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Kane, Chris Masters & Carlito vs Batista, Rey Mysterio, Bobby Lashley, JBL(w/ Jillian Hall) & Randy Orton(w/ Cowboy Bob Orton) - FIRST OF ALL, PRESS THE MUTE BUTTON because Tazz & Cole (mostly Tazz) just wouldn't shut up. Instead of tryin' to actually call a match, they're "shooting" & talking over the RAW announce team a majority of the time...even to the point to where Joey Styles gave up & just sat quietly. They cared more about "shooting" on King & Coach & Styles more than anything going on in the ring.
As for the match itself, typical Survivor Series match where the newcomers were the first ones elimated quick to give the veterans they're time to shine. Dull at some parts but overall enjoyable.
The return of the Undertaker came at the end where he basically beat up the "B" SmackDown superstars before staring down Randy Orton (if your wondering why Matt Hardy has been jobbing lately, watch him leave the ring while everyone else is getting beat up).
DVD extras include Shane McMahon visiting Teddy Long backstage before being confronted by the Boogeyman, Kurt Angle & Davari's visit to the WWE.com's interview area after his match, and Maria asking what Vince McMahon's favorite S. Series moment was (of course he mentioned Bret Hart being screwed) followed by video clips of Survivor Series moments."
R.I.P Eddie Guerrero
D.P. | 11/13/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Today is the without a doubt the biggest shock in WWE history. There not 100% sure, but many believe he died of a heart attack. So if i can take this moment, i wanna say thank you to eddie for all the good years of wrestling from his days in ecw wcw and wwe. Ull be missed 4 ever. This PPV will be for you eddie.RIP"
WWE Survivor Series 2005
Brendan | 07/02/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"1. Match #1 of the Best of 7 Series for the United States Championship: Chris Benoit vs. Booker T w/ Sharmell
A good opener, the crowd really gets behind Benoit in this one. Booker seems a little sloppy at times, but its forgiveable and doesn't ruin the pace of the match. A little slow at parts too, but overall a good match to start the show. 7/10
2. WWE Women's Championship Match: Trish Stratus (c) vs. Melina
Not a bad women's match, but skip this, there are matches on here more worthy of your time. 4/10
3. Last Man Standing Match: Ric Flair vs. Triple H
Wow. Just when I thought I knew what brutal was, this comes along. This match is nothing but a methodical, physical dissection (as good ol' J.R. would say) of the Nature Boy. Triple H sends Flair to hell and back in this one, and this is a great match. Many weapons used, including a screwdriver, steel steps, and The Game's favorite, the sledgehammer. These two work very well together, and its a well paced and entertaining match. 9/10
4. WWE Championship Match: John Cena (c) vs. Kurt Angle
These two have had many, many matches together, and they are all good, but this one falls a bit short. I'm not sure if its the special referee stipulation, or maybe they've just run out of things to do with each other, but this one is a little more boring then most of them. Still a good title match, but it isn't anything special. Crowd really gets into this one, and they're split about 50/50 between Cena and Angle. A decent match, but these two have done much better together. 7/10
5. General Manager vs. General Manager Match: Eric Bischoff vs. Theodore Long
Skip this. I'm not sure why this is even on the card, its pretty much a time waster, and thats what it will be for you if you choose to watch it. Stay away, and get to the main event. 0/10
6. Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: Team Raw (HBK, Kane, Big Show, Chris Masters and Carlito) vs. Team Smackdown (Batista, Randy Orton, JBL, Rey Mysterio, and Lashley)
As usual, Survivor Series delivers a great 5 on 5 elimination tag match. I liked the fued that they built this match around, but the commentators take it too far by practically screaming at each other during the entire match. Its not unbearable, but it gets close. The match itself is very good, each team member looks like they belong, and does their job well. Everybody puts on a good performance, and there are some very cool eliminations, including a couple good ones by the Showstopper (as if there was any doubt). The ending is good, especially with the Deadman himself, The Undertaker, making his presence felt on his return. 9/10
Overall, this is a good Survivor Series, and has a very solid card, with only one dud (Bischoff vs. Long). Some matches leave a little to be desired (Benoit vs. Booker, and Cena vs. Angle), but they are still decent/pretty good matches that shouldn't be overlooked. This show is definitely worth your time and money, there is a lot of entertainment here.
Match of the Night: The Elimination Tag match: Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown. Very entertaining match, with some great eliminations and good performances from the veterans as well as some of the younger talent on both shows (Lashley, Masters, and Carlito). This PPV ends on a good note too, with 'Taker making his return."
And the better brand is...
Dusty_110 | Michigan | 04/02/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Match 1: Chris Benoit vs Booker-T w/Sharmel for the United States Championship
This match was match one of the best of seven series. This was a pretty good match, but not as good as some other matches these two have had. Booker-T wins it when he rolls Benoit up and uses the ropes and Sharmel for leverage.
Winner: Booker-T
Rating: 7.5/10
Match 2: Trish Stratus w/ Mickie James vs Melina w/ Nitro and Mercury for the Woman's Championship
I think this match was an above average woman's match. Melina, who is becoming a decent wrestler, and Trish, the greatest woman wrestler on the planet, impressed me with this match. The outside interference wasn't to bad either, as Nitro and Mercury were banished from ringside. Trish wins it with a modified Stratusfaction.
Winner, and still Woman's Champion, Trish Stratus.
Rating: 7/10
Match 3: HHH vs Ric Flair in a Last Man Standing Match
I thought that this match was very good, as both men took a lot of punishment. The match started before Flair got to the ring, and blasted HHH with some heavy kendo stick shots. HHH tortured Ric Flair throughout most of the match, bur Flair had a few moments of strong offense, such as back body dropping HHH through the announce table. HHH wins it after 3 pedigrees and a sledgehammer shot.
Winner, HHH
Rating: 9/10
Match 4: Kurt Angle vs John Cena fot the World Wrestling Entertainment Championship with Daivari as the special guest referee.
This was a good match, even though the feud was getting old. The beginning wasn't special, but it started to pick up. The end came when Cena flung Angle into Daivari, knocking Daivari out. Cena then won it with the F-U, which was counted by a Smackdown referee.
Winner, and still WWE Champion, John Cena
Rating: 8/10
Match 5: Teddy Long vs Eric Bischoff
Total waste of time. The only thing keeping this from getting a zero is the Boogey Man helping Teddy get the victory, because he is awesome.
Winner, the SD! GM, Teddy Long
Rating: 3/10
The Main Event: Team Smackdown (Batista, Rey Mysterio, JBL, Randy Orton, and Bobby Lashley) vs Team Raw (Carlito, Chris Masters, HBK, Kane, and The Big Show)
This was a very good main event, and the match of the night. It was full of great performers. The first elimination came when Lashley was Chokeslammed by Kane from the ring apron. Kane was next to go after a Batista Spine Buster. Batista was then eliminated by a double chokeslam from Big Show and Kane (who was already eliminated). Big Show was next to go after multiple JbL clotheslines and a Rey Misterio West Coast Pop. Carlito and Masters were then easily dispatched, and it is Rey, Orton, and JBL vs HBK. When Rey tried a West Coast Pop, HBK reversed it into a Superkick and pinned him. JBl was eliminated by Michaels with Sweet Chin Music seconds later. Orton finally eliminated HBK with the RkO (and JBL distraction).
Winners, Team Smackdown. Survivor: Randy Orton
Rating: 9/10
While the whole Smackdown lockeroom were celbrating in the ring, the Undertaker hit the ring and destroyed everyone in sight as we go off the air..."
Tonster "Tony" | 03/24/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Match #1 of the Best of 7 Series for the Undisputed United States Championship:
Chris Benoit vs. Booker T - an ok opener. kinda long and was dragged along. it wasnt the best match. 6/10
Women's Championship (interpromotional):
Tish Stratus (c) vs. Melina - an average womem's match with some good moves. Melina impressed me even after Mercury and Nitro got thrown out. 5/10
Last Man Standing Match:
Triple H vs. Ric Flair - an awesome match. it almost topped their cage match and it kinda went the same way (triple h dominates most of the match and than ric falir comes back) i loved the ending. it definetely showed how tough Flair can be and how much heart he has to not give up even after 3 pedigrees. 10/10
WWE Championship
SPecial Guest Referee: Daivari
John Cena (c) vs. Kurt Angle - the referee thing was so stupid. it mihgt have been a good match if the referee thing didnt happen. it ruined the whole match. the ending was OK when they used the Smackdown referee because Bischoff got pissed. 8/10
Raw General Manager vs. Smackdown! General Manager Match:
Eric Bischoff vs. Theadore Long - this match ruined the night! no disrespect to T-Lo but he cant wrestle at all. bischoff had to go slow so he could get away. it was pretty cool to see the Boogeyman come out but as much as i hate him i think Bischoff deserved and shoulve gotten the win. 4/10
Team Raw (Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Kane, Chris Masters, and Carlito) vs. Team Smackdown (Batista, Rey Mysterio, Bobby Lashley, JBL, and Randy Orton - this match was definetely the best match of the night. the eliminations were awesome the way they happend and i liked the way how even if it was just for one night Orton, JBL, and Batista could get along. the Big Show elimination was funny. for the 3rd stright year Randy Orton is the Sole Survivor 10/10
Undertaker comes out of a burning casket while Orton was celebrating.
i give SUrvivor Series 2005 a 9/10. definetely a MUST BUY!!