"Survivor Series has been one of those events that usually puts out a couple stellar matches and the rest fails. 2004 looks to be mighty impressive on paper but lets look at the booking committie-Vince HBK HHH, now with HBK out this could be verrrrry intersting, but Hulk Hoga....i mean HHH could still screw everyone over. I mean come on now Randy Ortan is good but he is no where ready to be a main eventer so what happens they force him down our throats, he reminds me of HBK ala 96 when the little girls and marks loved him but the true fans hated him, but thats what Vince does best, capitolize on the marks, thats why the WWE is number one....now if this ppv isn't marred by short matches and lame segments we got an event of the year...onto the card.
(SmackDown!) WWE World Heavyweight Title Match:
John Bradshaw Layfield (c) vs. Booker T.
this should be the end of JBL's reign in my view, he has been a lame duck champion, Booker T has been a dedicated hard worker from day one, he made a lame gimmick of he and golddust very entertaining, but now its time to give the Book man his dues, and now that they realize he makes a better face, here is a chance for Smackdown to have a worthy champ. possible ***1/2
(SmackDown!) Classic Survivor Series Match:
Kurt Angle (Captain), Mark Jindrak, Luther Reigns, and Carlito Carribean Cool vs. Eddie Guerrero (Captain), Rob Van Dam, The Big Show, and ?
Another very good looking match, my guess is Cena is gonna be the mystery man and take a break from his movie for this one match to get revenge on Cool Boy. If this doesn't begin a RVD movement, then who knows, but expect RVD, Jindrak, Angle, Guerrero to be the main guys to make this match good...possible ***** match
(RAW) Classic Survivor Series Match:
Triple H (Captain), Batista, Gene Snitsky and Edge vs. Maven, Chris Benoit (Captain), Chris Jericho and Randy Orton
Maven and Snitskty(master of the mic and hair and looking like he is 12) get a big opportunity in this main event match. Screw Randy Orton, only reason he is getting pushed is cause he is HHH's buddy, much like Hogan pushing his friends...hint hint. Benoit and Jericho should be the major title contendors now Johnny Unitis look a like. Adding Edge for the heels makes this match even more incredible looking....possible ***** match
SmackDown! Match:
The Undertaker vs. John Heidenreich
here comes a dud, Undertake just sucks period, is this the early 90's.....no, go home Mean Mark Callous, as for Heindenreich, get some muscle, his body is pathetic, lay off the roids, get some character but mostly get some skill...just another Undertaker domination in my view, cause rumor has it they are gonna build taker/angle for wrestlemania
(RAW) Intercontinental Heavyweight Title Match:
Shelton Benjamin (c) vs. Christian
two amazing athletes, this is bound to be a serious contender for the show stealer.....possible ***** match
(RAW) Women's World Title Match:
Trish Stratus (c) vs. Lita
I hate womens matches but this one has a good story behind it and has two women who can actually wrestle, hopefully that new diva slut doesn't play a role cause this could be a good match..possible ***1/2 match
(SmackDown!) World Cruiserweight Title Match: Four-Way Match:
Spike Dudley (c) vs. Rey Misterio vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Billy Kidman
another possible show stealer, i look for a title change, but wouldn't be suprised if Spiker retains, i really expect a lot from this but then again Vince could careless about the cruisers.possible ***** match
there you have it, with the possibility of putting on 4 ***** matches, this could be the PPV of the year or one of the greatest events of all time, do i see that happening, nope, i expect short matches and lame finishes to some......lets hope someone books the hell out of this event as a classic"
Pretty Good 18th Survivor Series
Scotty 2 Hotty 24 | Back Woods, GEORGIA | 08/11/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"2004 was a good year and the Survivor Series is one of the reasons why it was. This Survivor Series hosted two Survivor Series Matches and a pretty good mid card to back them up.
1. Fatal Four Way for the WWE Cruiserweight Title
Rey Mysterio vs. Spike Dudley vs. Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrero
This was a pretty solid opener, I really enjoyed trying to keep my eyes on the action. The match had good high risk. Spike took a hard dropkick right to the jaw in the early going. Rey & Chavo put on a good showing. There was some nice 1 on 1 wrestling. Solid opener. 4/5
2. Intercontinental Title
Shelton Benjamin vs. Christian w/ Tomko
These two gave an awesome wrestling match, and Tomko's intereference didn't hurt the match at all either. It started off with some solid wrestling and then it was taken to the outside for a little while. Christian really gave the bad mouth to Shelton in this one. It had some nice counters and Chritian gave some cheap shots to Shelton at some points in the match. It also had very close near pin falls. It ended pretty good as well with the counter into the T-bone suplex. A good title match up. 4.5/5
3. Classic Survivor Series Match
Big Show, Eddie Guerrero, RVD, & John Cena vs. Kurt Angle, Mark Jindrak, Luther Reigns, & Carlito
It started out with Cena trying to get his hands on Carlito which they fought all the way into the back where Carlito got a way in a car leaving Angle's team to a 4 on 3 disadvantage from the start. Eddie really gets isolated for the better part of the match. It had some clever eliminations. Nice match up but I felt it could have been better. 3/5
4. Undertaker vs. Heidenreich w/ Paul Heyman
This match was pretty much a slugfest. It had a pretty good brawl on the outside. Heidenreich pulled off some nice counters on Taker. Taker pulled off some nice counters and moves as well and even added a little high risk to the match. I was very impressed by this one. I also felt this match was much better than the match placed before it. Pretty good big man match. 4/5
5. Women's Championship
Lita vs. Trish Stratus
This match was very personal especially after all the cheap shots and dirty things Trish did to Lita earlier in year. Lita really took it to Trish in the beginning & just giving her some hard right fists. It soon gets stopped short after due to Lita's stong quest to destroy Trish and thats what she did in this one. Lita broke Trish's nose which stopped the match. Lita really got payback on Trish in this one. 2/5
6. WWE Championship
JBL vs. Booker T
It started out as a good brawl and it went outside where it got pretty physical out there. Once back in the ring, JBL trys to wear down Booker with some nice holds. Booker even pulled off a hard Bookend to JBL on the floor. It had some pretty good counters and reversals. Good title match up and the interference didn't really hurt this match either. 4/5
7. Classic Survivor Series Match
Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, & Maven vs. Triple H, Edge, Snitsky, & Batista
The winners of this match ran Raw for the next four weeks. Orton's team also had a 4 on 3 disadvantage from the start. Maven would soon make a come back and try to clean house. Maven also takes one of the hardest chair shots ever. The were some oppropriate and good elimination spots. The match had a pretty strong ending and it was a good way to end the show. Great match. 4.5/5
Survivor Series '04 was a pretty strong ppv. It had some good one on one matches and a great Survivor Series match. Good ppv to add to your collection."
Better Than Expected
R.A. McKenzie | New York | 07/20/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I really didn't think I was going to enjoy this PPV very much, but it actually turned out to be my favorite PPV of 2004! How's that for a shocker? Here's the scoop...
Cruiserweight Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Spike Dudley (champion)
---An energizing crowd-pleaser. Basically, the action never stops, which is exactly what you expect from the WWE's Cruiserweight division. I usually don't care for Spike Dudley, but he did some good work here. In fact, all four men delivered a fast-paced opener that any kind of fan will like.
"8.0 out of 10"
Intercontinental Championship
Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin (champion)
---I love Shelton Benjamin; he's a phenomenal athlete and if used right could go onto great things. I really hope he makes it big in his career. Christian is up to his usual heel tricks, and almost always delivers good IC Title matches. This is more of a methodically-paced match instead of a faster-paced type you might expect from either man. But, it's slow in a way that keeps your attention. A worthy entry in the card.
"7.0 out of 10"
Survivor Series Match
Kurt Angle, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak, & Carlito vs.
Big Show, Rob Van Dam, Eddie Guerrero, & John Cena
---Some may frown at Carlito's early departure. While I hated the Cena/Carlito feud, tonight's storytelling of that rivalry was effective and cool. This is one of the better Classic Elimination matches I've seen in a while. The only complaint I have is that there are moments where the action goes so fast that the cameras and the commentary aren't in synch. See RVD's elimination as an example. Also, I wish Kurt Angle would be given a little more respect on WWE TV lately. Still, a good match. If you think SMACKDOWN delivered a good Elimination Match, wait 'till you get a load of RAW's!
"7.0 out of 10"
Heidenreich vs. The Undertaker
---Am I the only one a little disappointed with this one? When I hear Tazz and Cole talk about Heidenreich is giving Taker a run for his money, I don't see that on the screen. Heidenreich's a weird character, and his in-ring performances are hard to describe. I guess I just can't buy that Taker would have such a hard time putting this particular opponent away. Not a bad match, but Heidenreich needs a little tune-up before The Undertaker can make him famous.
"6.0 out of 10"
Women's Championship
Trish Stratus (champion) vs. Lita
---I'm not even going to write a grade for this one, because the match ends within 2 minutes! Lita and Stratus are the two of the best women athletes in WWE, but this was a pitiful way to reward fans for the all of the sweet buildup.
"No Grade"
WWE Championship
JBL (champion) vs. Booker T
---I really do not like this match that much. Booker T and Layfield work too slow to keep things going. I actually liked Orlando Jordan's interference, because it kept the match going at a smoother pace than JBL and Booker were. Maybe I need to watch this one again, but I wasn't hooked at all, and couldn't wait for the end to come.
"4.0 out of 10"
Survivor Series Match
Winners Gain Control of RAW
Batista, Triple H, Gene Snitsky, & Edge vs.
Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, & Maven
---Thank God this is the main event instead of Booker/JBL! I honestly didn't know if Maven would show up. I'm glad he did so that the Handicap cliches didn't start showing their ugly faces. This match is out of control! Even HHH's team can't keep things going; their tense egos get themselves into deep trouble. Even when it's down to a handicap situation, the match never slows down. A very good finish to a surprisingly good SURVIVOR SERIES PPV.
"8.0 out of 10"
You might wonder how I can call this the best PPV of the year when I have a below-average score, plus a match that isn't graded. Well, the positives outweight the negatives by a longshot, so I stopped caring about the sore spots. 2004 was not a good year for WWE, especially because SMACKDOWN had a terrible year overall, and RAW was doing good TV but mediocre PPV. But on this night, the WWE was in top form. SURVIVOR SERIES was a pleasant surprise back in November, and it holds up very well."
Who Will Survive?
James W. Taylor | North Augusta, SC United States | 04/29/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Fatal Four Way
Spike Dudley vs Chavo Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio vs Billy Kidman 9/10- great way to kick off the ppv. high flying action galore. brings back memories of WCW days.
Raw meets Smackdown moment: Heidenreich & Gene Snitsky
Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin vs Christian 8.5/10- a very good match. these 2 have improved greatly. Tyson Tomko is at ringside. Benjamin is quick as a cat. the future of Raw.
Raw meets Smackdown moment: Kurt Angle, Edge & Eugene
Survivor Series Elimination Match
Team Angle(Kurt Angle, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak & Carlito Carribean Cool) vs Team Guerrero(Eddie Guerrero, Rob Van Dam, Big Show & John Cena) 9.5/10- awesome match. perhaps the best match of the night. goes a long time without an elimination, then they start dropping like flies. a must see beginning before the match ever begins.
Maven is brutally attacked during an interview.
Heidenreich vs Undertaker 7/10- a fairly decent match from these 2. Heiden is still a little too green. he needs some seasoning. Taker carries the big guy well. Paul Heyman is at ringside.
Women's Championship
Trish Stratus vs Lita 6/10- the return to the ring for Lita after a 6 month absence. this match is very short but intense and brutal. best ladies match in a long while.
WWE Championship
John Bradshaw Layfield vs Booker T 9.5/10- a much better match than i anticipated. Orlando Jordan is at ringside. Booker's best match ever in WWE. he was on top of his game. JBL gets better and better each time. this would have gotten a 10 except for the screwjob ending. this should have been the main event.
Survivor Series Elimination Match
Winning Team Runs Raw For A Month
Team Evolution(Triple H, Batista, Edge & Gene Snitsky) vs Team RKO(Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho & Maven) 9/10- an excellent match. surprised to see Maven get a big push so quickly. Snitsky plays the monster role better than Heidenreich. Ric Flair is at ringside. the action is excellent in this one. a must see.
overall, Survivor Series was very good. better than the previous year. The extras are good. they include a Smackdown match after the ppv. 2nd best PPV of 2004."
Wow Survivor Series 2004!
heartbreakid | Killen, Alabama | 01/08/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"I'm a big fan of Survivor Series it's my 2nd favorite PPV(Wresltmain of course being first)
1.Fatal Four-Way Match For The Cruiserweight Championship
Spike Dudley(champ) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Billy Kidman
O.K. match. I hate it how Spike wins though. He picks up the scraps of someone(can't remember who for sure) and gets the pin(7*) 10 being most
2.WWE Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Benjamin(Champ) vs. The SLB Chistian
Good match. Shelton and Christian do a good job in this match. Shelton retains.(8*)
3.Smackdown! Classic Survivor Series Match
Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, Rob Van Dam, and John Cena vs. Kurt Angle, Carlito Caribbean Cool, Mark Jindrak, and Luther Reigns
Good match, but of course the Raw classic match is better. It gets down to Eddie, Show, and Cena, vs. Angle. Cena F-U's him and get the pinfall.(8*)
4.Undertaker vs. Heidenreich with Paul Heyman
Good match. Both do awesome though I hate Heidenreich. He's retarded. Right now the Royal Rumble is coming up and they are having another match, a Casket Match. Thats the match I want to see of them. Undertaker wins this match but does look pretty freaked out after the match.(7*)
5.WWE Women's Championship
Trish Stratus(Champ) vs. Lita
Good match for like the minute it lasted. Lita gets Tris outside and slams her against the baricade. Then smashes her nose several time with a chaor and is disqualified. These two have a rematch for the title 3 or 4 weeks after this on Raw and its a classic Divas match. Lita wins the title(not tonight but on Raw a couple weeks later).(no stars... not really a real match.
6.WWE Championship Match
JBL(Champ) vs. Booker T
Good match till JBL cheats, yet again, top regain the title. Booker T should have won though. But now the Royal Rumble is coming up and JBL has to defend his title in a Triple Threat Match against Kurt Angle and The Big Show. I hope Big Show kills em both(not litterally lol).(7*)
7.Raw Classic Survivor Series Match
Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, and Maven vs. Triple H, Edge, Batista, and Gene Snitsky
Awesome match! Best on the card. It gets down to Randy Orton fighting Triple H, and Edge I think. In the end, Edge goes to spear Orton but he moves and Edge spears HHH by accident. Edge turns around and is laid with an RKO and then a pin. Triple H also eventually gets RKO'ed out of no where and Ortons team wins. During the 4 weeks they control Raw, Eugene and William Regal become Tag Team Champs, Lita wins the Womans Title, and their becomes no World Heavyweight Champion after Edge taps to the crippler at the same time Benoit is pinned in a Triple Threat match against Triple H so there is no World Heavyweight Champion."