WWE SummerSlam 2009
R. Marsiglia | New Jersey, USA | 08/24/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This was a very strong ppv effort from WWE. Most of the matches were very good including an excellent main event with a good aftermath that sent the fans home happy. Yes, I'm talking about the return of the Undertaker. For a show that was hyped up extremely poorly by WWE, it definately delivered far better than expected. The wwe title match was bizarre, but I give them credit for trying something different. This is a dvd that I definately recommend adding tom your collection, it's worth the price. Matches are rated out of 5 stars (*****).
1. Intercontinental Title Match
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler
This was actually a hell of an opening match. Crowd was very into it by the end, and they had lots of near falls. Ziggler even had some very audible chants from the crowd in his favor. Rey wins by reversing a gutbuster off the top rope into a huracanrana, but the match was so well worked that this loss didn't hurt Ziggler. ***3/4
2. MVP vs. Jack Swagger
Decent match, but it was too short to really get going. They cut a promo before the match billing this as the spoiled jock vs. the ex-con tough guy. Somewhat of a surprising finish having MVP go over, but in the end it doesn't really matter. This came off like filler on TV. **
3. WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Chris Jericho & Big Show (c) vs. Cryme Tyme
Pretty good match. It took a little bit to get going but people started to get into it by the end. The finish came a little abruptly for my taste, and it really didn't do much to elevate Cryme Tyme, but there wasn't a whole lot to complaign about. Worth a look. **1/2
4. Kane vs. The Great Khali
This was foul. A poor, poor match to say the least, which is exactly what most sane individuals were expecting. It wasn't Sharmell vs. Jenna from TNA Victory Road, but there was absolutely nothing of merit in this match. It wasn't even good filler. -*
5. Shawn Michaels & Triple H vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase
Very good, long match. Crowd was very into DX. DX got the win in the end, but they did a good job of elevating Legacy and making them look like credible oponents. Plus, it's always great to see HBK in the ring again. All around I thought this was a definate thumbs up, and everyone worked hard. ***1/2
6. ECW Championship
Christian (c) vs. William Regal
Match lasted less than 10 seconds. The bell rang, Regal turned around to take his robe off, and Christian hit the Killswitch for the three. After the match, Zeke Jackson and Kozlov beat down Christian. They were probably short on time, but couldn't they have cut Kane and Khali instead of gypping the fans on what could have been a pretty good match? Nothing to see here. (NR)
7. WWE Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena
This was a strange one to say the least. Match was good until the finish, when Orton shoved the ref and intentionally got DQ'd. Lillian Garcia, in an epic moment, said the winner and new WWE champion is Randy Orton. Then she said Vince McMahon ordered the match to restart, under a new set of rules claiming Orton would lose the belt if DQ'd again. Orton quickly got himself counted out and again the match was ordered to restart, this time stating that if Orton was DQ'd or counted out the belt would change hands. Orton then pinned cena using the ropes, and another ref came down and got the match restarted again. Cena finally got the upper hand and had Orton in the STF, and right when it seemed Randy would tap a "fan" ran in the ring and broke it up. Once the confusion died down, Orton hit the RKO for the pin. Basically, Cena looked like a fool 4 times. Anyway, I give them credit for trying something different, because they've fueded so much in the past, but this was one of those finishes that you either liked or hated. ***
8. World Heavyweight Championship TLC Match
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. CM Punk
Tremendous main event. They didn't have quite as many spots as you might expect, but their timing was superb and everything they did looked good. The last spot in particular, which I won't spoil but involved a big ladder and an announce table, was phenominal. Punk gets the clean win and the title in a great match. After the bout, Undertaker returned to a huge pop and chokeslammed CM Punk, so at least the crowd got a happy ending. ****1/4
This was a very enjoyable ppv. The wrestling was of a very good quality overall, and I don't think anyone who sees this show would feel slighted of their money's worth. It's worth having in your collection and would be nice to go back and watch from time to time, and it seems like it's been a while since I said that about a WWE ppv."
The Biggest Party Of The Summer Full Of Memorable Returns &
D.P. | California | 01/02/2010
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler - Anyone who saw their match at Night Of Champions knows that Dolph had an impressive performance & this was no different as Dolph grounded Mysterio & focused on his neck making moves like a lariat he gave more high impact. Mysterio as usual did use his high flyin' moves like doing this standing moonsault from the top turnbuckle off of countering a backdrop in the opening moments while also getting caught by Ziggler with a dropkick in midair. Great opener & another impressive performance from Dolph.
M.V.P. vs. Jack Swagger - The storyline, even down the prematch promo, between these two was very well done. However, the match itself was really just average between the two that didn't follow the previous match leaving the crowd very dead for the most part. The match wasn't bad or came off as a filler but it was just placed in the wrong spot IMO.
Unified Tag Team Champions Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. Cryme Tyme - This was a better match than I expected as eventhough I find Cryme Tyme's antics entertaining, I don't care for their matches. This was the best performance from Show & Jericho as a tag up to this date while Cryme Tyme held their own here. There wasn't anything that good out but it was a good above average performance.
Kane vs. Great Khali - I was at this event live just knew based off how bad WrestleMania 23 was that this was the time to take a break to get something to eat & boy was a right when I saw the replay as this match was bad & unless they really needed a buyrate from Khali's home country, there was no reason for this match to be on here.
D-Generation X vs. Legacy - Damn, DX sure knew how to make an entrance to introduce their latest run as a team under "The DX Army" & also marks the in-return of Shawn Michaels since WrestleMania. This tag match was completely different than the previous one as this was a very strong match from start to finish as Legacy not only held their own here against DX but delivered a real breakout performance as this match had nice wresting, a good brawl on the outside, and enough time to materialize into something special as the crowd was hot from start to finish. This is one of those matches where eventhough Dibiase & Rhodes lost, they left with more credibility than they did coming into it.
ECW Champion Christian vs. William Regal - For the second year in a row, the ECW title match results in a "don't blink or you'll miss it" match. This was more about what happened afterwards but a complete waste of time...they made up for this at Breaking Point.
WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena - How ironic is it that the first time they met for the WWE Championship was two years earlier at this same event & to this point, that was the best one on one match they had against each other. The started of good on the mat before Cena turned it up quickly with his offense while Orton did his "Viper" like offense by being so cold & calculating. The crowd was heavily for Orton & against cena even down to where it was so obivious during a dueling punch showoff between the two. In the end, Orton's "champions" advantage kept backfiring on him while an incident happened that shocked everyone there (to the point where TNA did the same thing two months later) leaving the door for this feud to continue. I guess SummerSlam has a positive effect when it comes to these two as SummerSlam has delivered the best matches between these two up to this point.
TLC Match: World Champion Jeff Hardy vs. C.M. Punk - This match was very similar to how Edge & Jeff Hardy had their ladder match months earlier in that this wasn't a non-stop spotfest more than a match where they used the weapons to make moves more high impact & trying to tell a story. It's a TLC match so all elements were used as expected along with various moments such as Punk slamming Hardy onto an open chair to the backrest hit his spine, Hardy missing a splash & crashing through a table on the outside, Hardy reversing Punk's running knee kick/bulldog combination into a toss to the outside table, and of course Jeff Hardy being the human highlight reel with the swanton bomb that you have to see to believe...and I still didn't believe I saw it when I was there. This was a great one on one TLC match from both men while what happened to end the show was probably just as shocking as we saw another WWE return & great way to end the show.
I was at this show live & with WWE put in heavy effort to try to put SummerSlam over as their second biggest PPV of the year behind WrestleMania with all the celebrities in attendance along with their weekend activies & weekend long Fan Axxess (which I was at & won a year subscription to WWE magazine...which I stil haven't recieved), the quality they produced here was definately the best they've done in years eventhough there was some low points (Kane/Khali & two years in a row ECW gets a "don't blink" match?) so this is a show worth checking out.