WWE Summerslam 2001: One Word=Excellent
Sniper3:16 | Perth, WA, Australia | 08/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"WWE Summerslam 2001: One Word=Excellent
WWF Intercontinental Championship
Lance Storm (c) vs. Edge
I rarely enjoy the opening matches of wwe pay per views because nine times out of ten they are pretty boring. Although this match was fast paced and solid that quickly grasped my attention. Edge and Storm matched up really well with each other a lot of great manoeuvres displayed by both of them making it really hard to determine the victor. Christian's interference did not discredit the match at all I though it placed more excitement into it making Edge's victory more greatly deserved. 8.5/10
Spike Dudley & the APA vs. Test & the Dudley Boyz
A brutal and solid six man tag team match resulting in Spike being brutally double teamed throughout the match. APA did their best although Shane O Mac comes to Test's aid and saves the day for the alliance. Good Match 6.5/10
Light-Heavyweight championship vs. Crusierweight Championship
X-Pac vs. Tajiri
A great high flying match between these two in which I did not expect. X-pac to me is an average wrestler although here in this match he really impressed me with picking up the win. 8/10
Rhyno vs. Chris Jericho
A very solid match between these two that was better than expected. Rhyno gores Jericho as he was flying in mid-air on the outside. Steph gets lip-locked off the apron that leads to Rhyno tapping the walls of Jericho. 7.5/10
WWF Hardcore Title Ladder Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy (c)
Two great hardcore competitors meet in the first ever ladder match for the WWF hardcore championship. Ladders were used in a variety of fashions such as Suplex of the ladder, power bombs of the ladder and leg drops on ladder etc. Fantastic match! in which where the crowd did not care who won because they are both fan favourites. 10/10
Cage Match for WWF tag team championships vs. WCW tag Team championships
Kane & Undertaker vs. DDP & Kanyon
Not a great technical match although a hell of an ass-kicking of a match. Undertaker & Kane dominated the entire match and then finally let Kanyon go and the two brothers beat the absolute crap out of DDP. A match to only see WCW gets the hell beaten out of them which is still entertaining enough. 7/10
WWF Championship Match
Kurt Angle vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (c)
This wasn't a wrestling match it was more like a street fight. Angle gets all bloody from getting thrown into the ring post about 8 times. Austin receives a couple of suplexes on the floor and Angle gets about 4 stunners throughout the match and still kicks out. Also about four referees get taken out by Austin and then finally he gets dq by WCW ref who gets the ankle lock by Angle. 10/10 One of Stone cold's best match and Austin does not get angle slammed off the top rope which some reviewer said in their review before.
WCW Championship Match
The Rock vs. Booker T (c)
Great match between Booker T and the Rock in which where we see the Rock bottom vs. the bookend. Shane O Mac appears gets clotheslined by Bradshaw and then rockbottomed on the floor by The Rock. I love the ending where Booker T had everything going for him and then suddenly ROCKBOTTEM!!!! Great match although Austin vs. Angle should've been the main event. 9/10
66.5/80 which is 80% making Summerslam 2001 in my opinion was just as great as WM17 every match delivered what it needed to do which makes this DVD essential to any wwe DVD collector. Thankyou for reading my review on WWF Summerslam 2001."
Sniper3:16 | 10/19/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was one of the best PPVs ever, Here are the matches:
Intercontinental Title
Lance Storm vs Edge
Sweet Opener, great counters and moves
with Edge hittin the Edgecution for the
win 7/10
Test & Dudleyz vs Spike & APA
Good tag match, with some fast paced action,
interference from Shane, and a sick table bump
by Spike 6/10
Light Heavyweight Title & Cruiserweight Title Unification
Tajiri vs X Pac
Wow much better than expected, great moves and counters
with Albert costing Tajiri the match, but still gettin
misted 6.8/10
Chris Jericho vs Rhyno
Good solid match where Rhyno really shines. If watch the
crowd, you'll see some funny signs about Steph's upper
package after gettin liplocked by Jericho. 6/10
Hardcore Title Ladder Match
Rob Van Dam vs Jeff Hardy
Holy S*** this was amazin Countless high spots, Great
and innovative ladder use like powerbombs, moonsaults
and a springboard Whisper in the Wind, all ending with a
nod to each other from both men for an excelent performance. 10/10
WCW & WWF Tag Team Title Cage Match
Undertaker & Kane vs DDP & Kanyon
Entertaining Squash, where DDP & Kanyon actually don't
do too bad, even though DDP still gets an ass whoopin of
a lifetime, courtesy of the Last Ride. 5.5/10
WWF Title
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle
A great, intense match. Angle got rammed into the
ringpost sooo many times, bleedin like crazy, but
still puttin up the fight of a lifetime. The ending
sucks big time though(DAMN YOU NICK PATRICK) 9.5/10
WCW Title
Booker T vs The Rock
Yet another great title match, with Shane gettin knocked on
his McMahon ass by the APA, and the Great One layin the
Summerslam Smackdown on Booker T's candy ass to become the new
WCW Champion. 9/10
The Extras are good too, with the hillarious Austin Appreciation
Night, where Angle gives the Alliance its daily dose of dairy.
Probably the best of the WWF vs. Alliance era!
Sniper3:16 | 01/27/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"In fact, this respectable PPV is the only thing that makes me call it an era rather than a valley in WWF history; that is, the WCW/ECW "teaming up" to "invade" the World Wrestling Federation, when everybody knew it was s**t and both wrestling companies had been out of business for months.
But I digress. Summerslam 2001 was, as usual, one of WWF's great PPVs, probably second only to Wrestlemania. (Especially that year.) The action was vivid and intense, and all the matches were watchable (Not always a feat the WWF could boast of, even back before they completely tanked.) But it was like everyone in the crowd forgot to drink their coffee that morning. It was just too damn quiet, and only the best superstars got good applause. Memo: WWE should be sure to always select venues where the fans will make the most possible noise.I.C. TITLE: LANCE STORM(C) VS. EDGE
Pretty good for the opening bout. You'll gasp at how Edge comes back in the end. He probably should have beaten his brother Christian the next month at Unforgiven, too. 5/10.SPIKE DUDLEY AND A.P.A. WITH MOLLY HOLLY VS. TEST AND DUDLEY BOYZ
Let's see...Test jumps to the Alliance and actually gives a good interview about it...the imaginative love story between Spike and Molly was out of gas...there's a table involved...guess who wins? It may have been predictable, but it was still pretty good, for a match involving Test. Chairshot by that weasel Shane McMahon is the best move in the bout. 5/10.LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE VS. CRUISERWEIGHT TITLE: TAJIRI VS. X-PAC
I'm glad the WWF got rid of X-Pac early the next year. He's a great competitor, but the guy is just getting old. Not that he shows it in this likeable match. It involves high flying and speed all the way. Screwy ending tainted it. 5/10.CHRIS JERICHO VS. RHYNO
OMG, you would not believe the trash Jericho was talking to Stephanie McMahon in this period. Funny, but also really malicious. Steph gives Rhyno a shot at Y2J at Summerslam, since he's never lost to him before. Kick-@ss match. 7/10.HARDCORE TITLE LADDER MATCH: JEFF HARDY(C) VS. ROB VAN DAM
This was one of the best matches I've ever seen either of these men involved in. Some of the bumps with the ladder were beyond brutal, and probably took a few years off of these guys' wrestling careers. Sets the standard for the rest of the night, ladies and gentleman. Worth the price of the whole thing. 8/10.WCW TAG TITLES VS. WWF TAG TITLES IN A CAGE: DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE AND KANYON VS. UNDERTAKER AND KANE
I don't think the WWF has come up with much stuff that was sicker (or dumber) than DDP stalking 'Taker's wife, Sara. Undertaker has her name tatooed on his throat. You'd think that would persuade DDP to look for a date elsewhere. But no, he's got sick videos of her and this sick shrine on RAW...dear God. You know, if this were about actual competition, it wouldn't score so good, 'cause DDP and Kanyon get the crap beat out of them. But this is kind of about revenge on DDP, and Undertaker absolutely destroys him. Fun to watch, so I'll rate it accordingly. 6/10.WWF TITLE: STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN(C) VS. KURT ANGLE
OK, get ready. Are you ready?
This match was un...F-ing...believable. It was emotional, brutal, and awe-inspiring. Angle gets seven German suplexes on Austin. Austin slams him mercilessly into the ringpost and announce table. Angle kicks out of the Stunner. Austin kicks out of the Angle Slam. Only the disappointing ending stopped it from being my match of the year, but even so, it's still the best match in the show. The fact remains: Steve Austin can not beat Kurt Angle, especially not for the WWF Title, and that would be proven a month later anyway. But what a match!! Even paying the WWF's ridiculous PPV price, you still would've gotten your money's worth. 9/10.WCW TITLE: BOOKER T (WITH SHANE MCMAHON) VS. THE ROCK
As far as gut-wrenching drama and physical intensity went, Angle-Austin was Summerslam's winner. But as far as a buildup between two men, both claiming they are the most electrifying men in sports-entertainment, goes, this match is king. You get the feeling these two could have put on a better match than they did, but at least Shane gets mauled by the A.P.A. (sweet revenge!), and Rock's sensational return (he was out since Wrestlemania in early spring) makes up for it, capturing the crowd's adulation yet again. 7/10.
And Summerslam, too, captures the crowd's adulation. Always a premier event, the silly Alliance story was not enough to sully SS when you got right down to the wrestling. At least you get to see Jim Ross yell at Paul Heyman."
Hot Show, Bad Booking
js346170 | Niskayuna, New York United States | 10/01/2001
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Everything on this show, besides the usual ... from UT and the Acolytes, is amazing. Starting with an amazing Storm v. Edge matchup, all the way to the match of the year in Austin v. Angle. Man those two are so good its scary. The main problem with this show is that the wrong people go over in almost every match. There was no reason what so ever for Rock to go over Booker T and there was no reasson what so ever why that should have been the main event. They had to come on after a godlike performance from Angle and Austin and could not match it. Anyway just jump past the two bad matches and the rest is GOLD."