A good PPV for 2007, however it was only average.
G. Murphy | Dallas | 08/27/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This was the 20th annual Summerslam PPV, and I was expecting it to be spectacular and feature some of the greatest 5-star matches I've ever seen. Well, I didn't see any 5-Star matches, but I did see some pretty good ones, but 2 VERY horrible main events.
Kane Vs. Finlay
This match was just thrown on there at the very last minute for some reason. This feud, if it was a feud, didn't even get started. It didn't even have hornswaggle! I love Finlay and Kane, but these 2 don't work well together in a match. Still it was a decent opener. 6/10
Diva Battle Royal
I don't really keep up with ANY of the diva matches, all I know is that this was an okay match seeing a LOT of divas trying their best to win. It was just a filler to poddibly give the Women's division a boost. 5/10
Triple Threat for the Intercontinental title: Umaga Vs. Carlito Vs. Kennedy
This match was very short, but oh so very sweet. I loved this match and is one of the few contenders for Match of the night. Pretty fast paced action, and one of the very few matches where I don't know who to cheer for. Even though Umaga retained, I was still pulling for either of them. Although, it would have been really cool if Kennedy won. But it was very nice seeing Carlito and Kennedy hold their own against Kennedy. It would have been better if it was longer. 8/10
STONE COLD! This segment was worth it alone, seeing Stone Cold come out to a chalening MVP in a beer drinking contest! The only suprise was that Matt Hardy didn't get stunnered, but it was nice seeing Stone cold arrive, drink beer, kick a**, leave. Too bad the US title match was scrapped because of MVP's heart condidition.
Rey Mysterio Vs. Chavo
This was a very great return match. It was fast paced, and full of crusierweight action. Chavo and Rey have the ability to put on the best dang show, and these 2 work really well together. Nice to see Rey back in the ring. 7.5/10
ECW Championship: John Morrison (c) Vs. CM Punk
This was definately the best match I have seen from their long feud. It was more fast-paced, and action packed than ever. You really got to see the ROH side of CM Punk in this match. Amazing moves, and I'm glad Morrison retains because he is seriously the best thing ECW has right now, and is the furture of WWE. another Match of the night contender. 8.5/10
Triple H Vs. King Booker
I was so happy to see HHH back in the ring, and it was weird seeing him with fans seeing as how he was always the heel character, and people never cheer them. Booker T is amazing in the ring, as well as HHH, but he really needs to go back to being Booker T, the King gimmick is way overdone, and only Kurt Angle played the "king" role good. Anyways, this match was very good, and nothing like normal return matches. you got to see the best of both of their abilities, and the best of their signature moves. It was a WMXIX rematch, and was very great. On the short side though. The last contender for Match of the Night. 8.5/10
World Heavyweight Championship: Khali (c) Vs. Batista
What the heck? These 2 can't carry a match for the life of them, so why put them in a match together? And how many more times will we see Batista get a title shot and lose? I'm so tired of seeing Batista, he is stale and isn't as good as he was before the injury. Khali is a huge waste of space, and can't wrestle, so why did WWE decide to give him the gold? This match was terrible. 7 minutes long, and 3 1/2 was a lame shoulder grip by Khali. Terrible, terrible match. 3/10
WWE Title match: John Cena (c) Vs. randy Orton
Well, I wasn't upset with thismatch. I wanted Randy to win, but I knew it wasn't gonna happen because Cena overcame the odds, again. I'm so tired of Cena having the stupid spinner title, it's making me not want to watch WWE at all. This match was very good however. I was so glad to see these 2 finally put in a match against eachother since they came to WWE the same time. Too many headlocks form Randy, but it was a great bakc and forth match. pretty fast-paced and Randy pretty much had Cena down the whole match, but, as always, Cena pulled the 5 moves of doom out and won. I'm not complaining because this match was pretty good, but please give someone else the belt! 7/10
So overall, this PPV was good. 2 weak PPV's, but 3 VERY good matches and a few decent ones. I would suggest buying this DVD when its at a reasonable used price. The triple threat, HHH return, Stone Cold, and Morrison/Punk match are worth it.
I compare this to Summerslam 2002, a VERY weak main event, but the undercard is what makes the PPV awesome. overall, I give this PPV a 7.5/10.
This was my first Review,too. tell me what you tihnk of it :)
One Of The Best SummerSlam's In Years
D.P. | California | 10/23/2007
(3 out of 5 stars)
"After two years of SummerSlam being a huge disappointment, WWE came back with a nice edition of what is suppost to be their "Biggest Party Of The Summer." This isn't like the 2002 edition where it was something you need to go out of your way to see but it's definately NOT like the SummerSlam's of the previous 2 years where it wasn't worth the time to rent & watch.
Kane vs. Finlay - A good opener with Finlay working over Kane's injured ribs and Kane overcoming the pain. Also look out for some comedic moments as well involving the Crusierweight Champion.
Intercontinental Champion Umaga vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. Carlito - This was a fun triple threat with both Kennedy & Carlito always targeting Umaga whenever he was in the ring showing he was the main threat in the match by going to the extreme like hitting him with the monitor, kicking his head into the steps & trying to double team him various times in the match. Good effort from all 3 men involved.
Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero - Before I get started, what was Rey thinking with that bodypaint? He came off as someone who forgot to rub in his lotion instead of the intended "Silver Surfer" character. This surpassed their match last year but not their greatest encounter (which I thought was their Bash '04 match). Chavo working on Rey's leg that he injured a year ago & Rey heavily selling it made for good inring storytelling.
Divas Battle Royal - This wasn't a straight T&A segment and was actually a nice little battle royal as well. Nothing noteworthy but enjoyable.
Right around here was a segment involving a beer drinking contest between MVP & Matt Hardy's substitute & the star of The Condemned..."Stone Cold" Steve Austin that resulted in the usual...Austin stunning the guy & having a beer bash.
ECW Champion John Morrison vs. CM Punk - I'm sorry but the DVD I rented had a bad scratch on this match & kept skipping so I can't comment.
Triple H vs. King Booker - Booker got a shot here & there but for the most part, he was just a body for Triple H to dominate & defeat in his return.
World Champion Great Khali vs. Batista - This was awful & boring...in other words, your typical Khali match. Being an "attraction wrestler" can't carry your behind when the bell rings if your opposition isn't a spot money, which Batista isn't.
WWE Champion John Cena vs. Randy Orton - This had the crowd the hottest they've been non-stop all night during a match. Orton & Cena meshed well here together to give you a match that I enjoyed despite what happened in the last 3 seconds & who got their hand raised. It went back & forth with Orton bringing forth his best inring effort I've seen in months while Cena broke out of his sterotypical "5 holds" moveset with holds like a legdrop drop the top rope & even his old "throwback" hangman's neckbreaker. Great match & effort from both men.
DVD extras include the ending to the SmackDown Khali vs. Kane match before the PPV & Triple H's return to RAW the next night during Carlito's Cabana guest startting Mr. McMahon.
In the end, this PPV under any other circumstances would be just an average PPV but concidering the very LOW quality of PPV's that WWE has been cranking out since Backlash...this looks alot better in comparison. One review called this a "house show"...well, if that's the case then it was an enjoyable house show. I recommend as this was one of the best during a very bad year for WWE."