No Taking Sides In A Rumble. The year kicks off with one of the most anticipated events of the year. The Superstars of Raw and Smack down! Collide at the biggest free-for-all of them all.
"The 2005 edition of the Royal Rumble was one of the best in recent memory. The Rumble match itself was great, and the undercard didnt have a single weak spot.
Shawn Michaels v. Edge
We all know what Shawn Michaels is capable of, and when you put Edge in a match with a talented guy, you're going to see a very good much. All Shawn Michaels matches are kind've similar but nonetheless this match was a fun watch and a great way to kick off the show.
Undertaker v. John Heidenreich in a Casket Match
Although not a bad match, this was certainly the weakest match on the card, probably saved only by the fact that it was a gimmick match. Heidenreich is a mediocre wrestler, and the Undertaker isnt quite the presence he once was. But this was a very violent match and fairly enjoyable to watch.
JBL (C) v. Big Show v. Kurt Angle
I always find triple threat matches to hold alot of excitement, and Kurt Angle almost always puts on a very good match. Granted, neither the Big Show nor JBL are especially good wrestlers, Angle carried them through a respectable match, with, albiet, a predictable ending.
Triple H (C) v. Randy Orton
This was another solid match with a predictable outcome. For all the complaints about it, Triple H is still one of the best wrestlers in the business and Randy Orton looks great when he works with someone talented. Not much to complain about here except for the predictability.
2005 Royal Rumble Match
The main event was one of the best Royal Rumble's in recent times, featuring some humorous moments, alot of great wrestling but unfortunately a predictable ending (notice the theme here?). The match started out great with Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero, and Rey Mysterio and Edge carrying the Final Four. Once the match got down to Batista and John Cena it got a little dull, as Cena only looks good with an exceptional wrestler, and Batista is good, but not amazing.
Overall, this was a very good event. If you're looking for surprises, though, this isnt the Royal Rumble for you. Every match except maybe the Michaels-Edge match was easily predicted. Despite this, there was alot of excitement, and this is definitely worth the investment if you're a fan of the Royal Rumble."
Royal rumble is an awsome ppv
alex fryling | erie pa | 01/04/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
1. Edge vs. Shawn Michales- This was a good way to kick off the ppv. It was about 18 minutes long which is a good idea sience there were only four matches ans a royal rumble so i dont think it was to long. Also there werent that many slow spots non stop action. Winner Edge. Match Rating 9/10.
2. Undertaker vs. Heidriech in a casket match- This was a different kind of match for the undertaker. I thinnk it was the worst casket match that he had ever been in. It had some funny spots were kane was in the casket and helped out his brother. The bad part about the match was there was no items used. It was still a decent match. Winner Undertaker. Match Rating 7/10.
3.Jbl vs. Kurt Angle vs. Big Show for the wwe title- This was a preatty good match. The one problem that i had with the match was that it was to short. It was only 12 minutes or so i think. I think that is to short for a smackdown main event. There was a nice table spot and also when big show spears jbl through the wall. Decent match. Winner and still wwe champ jbl. Match Rating 8/10.
4. HHH vs. Randy Orton for the world heavywieght title- This was also a good match. About 20 minutes i think. There were alot of spots were HHH worked on the knee of orton. A nice ddt by HHH neae the end of the match. Good match. Winner and still World Heavywieght champ HHH. Match Rating 9/10.
The royal Rumble match- These are always hard to rate. I thought this one was a really good one. They started things off well with chris beniot and eddie guerrero. Good choice because these to work really well together. There was good action even a part were raw and smackdown went at it. A really funny spot were Hussian once he got in the ring was attacked by all the wrestlers. A nice ending as well. The winner of the royal Rumble Match Batistia. Match Rating 10/10.
Well there you go. The Royal Rumble gets a rating of 43/50 which is a 86% which means it is an awsome ppv and i think that you should get it. There is not a bad match on the card at the smae time there is not a 10/10 either. Still a great ppv. If you dont mind tell me if you thought the review was helpful or not. I would appericate that. Also you can check out my other reviews unforgiven 2005, summerslam 2003, taboo tuesday 2005, Judgement day 2005, Wrestlemania XX, and Vengence 2005. Thank you for reading my review."
Royal Rumble 2005
Jordan S | Johannesburg, SA | 02/20/2006
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Edge vs. HBK
A relatively long match that was good to start the show with. Some good counter moves from these men. However it did suffer with a few pretty boring minutes that hindered the overall quality.
RATING: 80/100
Heidenreich vs. Undertaker
A good match. Very happy that Undertaker won and not Heidenreich, as the latter with a victory in this match would have been truly pathetic booking. Unfortunately the no-dq rule that goes with casket matches was only exploited with interferences and not with good weapon use.
Still very solid enjoyable match.
RATING: 83/100
Big Show vs. JBL vs. Angle
Disappointing WWE Title match (first main event). Nothing exceptional here and possibly one of the worst triple threat matches on PPV I have seen period.
RATING: 67/100
Orton vs. HHH
I was expecting a lot more out of this match and a lot better counter wrestling with close kickouts and nearfalls. I was disappointed that this match failed to deliver on that. It was still a good match that was solid all the way through however.
RATING: 78/100
Royal Rumble
Good Royal Rumble match that met the standards of the past but didn't really set new standards. Controversial ending added interest. Very enjoyable, good match.
RATING: 86/100
78% - Very good PPV that was extremely solid the whole way through. Scored highly because of no horrific matches. Great start on the road to Wrestlemania.
WWE: Royal Rumble 2005
Jordan S | 08/26/2005
(3 out of 5 stars)
"1. Shawn Michaels vs. Edge....7 out of 10 stars
A descent opener. Some spots really were dragged out, especially for an opener. I was impressed with Edge's Heel technique and his submission move: The Edgecator. The ending really dissappointed me, for being a straightforward match.
Winner: Edge by Pin-Fall
2. Casket Match
Undertaker vs. Heidenreich....5 out of 10 stars
A lot of people seemed to like this match. For me, it didn't live up to the hype. The interferance actually helped the match. The only part watching is the leg-drop by Undertaker on Heidenreich while he's in the casket. Everything else is basically a bore fest.
Winner: Undertaker
3. Triple-Threat WWE Championship
John "Bradshaw" Layfield vs. Kurt Angle vs. Big Show.... 8 out of 10 Stars
Surprisingly a good, fast-paced match. The pace was good. The action was great. The storyline was confusing, but that's besides the point. The only thing that dissappointed was the ending, but what do you expect with "The Wrestling God", J.B.L?
Winner: J.B.L. by Pin-Fall
4. World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs. Randy Orton....9 out of 10 Stars
A great match. I was shocked how much better this was from their Unforgiven bore-fest. The crowd was really into it. The most shocking thing was that there was NO INTERFERANCE by Ric Flair or Batista. The only thing that prevented me from giving this a 10 Star match was the ending, again.
Winner: Triple H
5. The 30-Man Royal Rumble...9 out of 10 Stars
I always love Royal Rumbles. This one ranks as one of the better modern-day ones. There were better superstars in it than last year's. However, it was slower paced. Of course, you always get those jobber wrestlers they stick in for the heck of it: Daniel Puder, Hurricane, Scotty 2 Hotty, Simon Dean, etc. The ending was again screwy, as John Cena and Batista were thrown out at the same time (Even though you can clearly see the Batista hits the floor first). Vinnie Mac restarts the match, and Batista wins it, to go on to Wrestlemania XXI.
Winner: Batista
To sum it up, all of the matches are at least average or above all with dumb endings: The Opener with Edge and his feet on the ropes, The World Title Match with Orton's "Concussion", Interference in the Smackdown! matches, and a near-draw ending for the Royal Rumble. I still recommend buying it for what it's worth."
Best Rumble in years!
Jordan S | 02/15/2005
(5 out of 5 stars)
"The Rumble did not disappoint this year. Not one bad match on the card , and a great main event.
Edge vs Shawn Michaels
Great opening match! Back and forth action throughout the match. I love Edge's new submission move! HBK fought out of it and was then rolled up by Edge and Edge used the ropes for leverage and stole the victory! Good match though. 8/10
Casket Match
Undertaker vs Heidenreich
Pretty good casket match. Haven't seen one in a while, but it didn't disappoint. Snitsky came down and helped Heidenreich, but then Kane popped out of the casket and chased Snitsky out of the ring. Taker then tombstoned Heidenreich and rolled him into the casket for the win! Good set up to Mania here! 8/10
WWE Championship
JBL vs Kurt Angle vs Big Show
Much better than I expected! All 3 men put on a great match. Good table bump by Show in this one! JBL pretended to be hurt, but he came in the ring, hit Angle w/ the Clostheline from Hell, and then got the win while Show was preoccupied by Jindrak and Reigns. Really good match! 8.5/10
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs Randy Orton
Didn't expect this match at the Rumble, but still it was very good. I figured it would be at Mania, but oh well. Really good back and forth match, with HHH cheating numerous times. Randy suffered a concussion, and almost pulled it off, but HHH hit the pedigree, and retained the title. Great match. 9/10
The Royal Rumble Match
Great, Great Rumble match! It was great to see Benoit and Eddie start off against each other. Another good moment was Dan Puder getting punished by Eddie, Benoit, and Hardcore. However, my personal favorite was Muhammad coming to the ring, and being thrown out immedieately! Ha Ha Ha!! Another moment came when HBK eliminated Kurt Angle, who then returned to the ring and eliminated HBK, and busted him open, and applied the Angle lock on the outside of the ring! I am already looking forward to their match at Wrestlemania(trust me on that one). Batista and John Cena were the final 2 in the ring. Their confrontation at first had the crowd roaring!! Batista and Cena both hit the floor at the same time. This brought out Vince who ordered the match to be restarted! Batista then threw Cena out and is now going to Wrestlemania! Hopefully he will face HHH. 10/10
Another fantastic Rumble! I highly recommend this to anyone, you will not be disappointed."