Another great WWF ppv at a great price
Luke D. Bolland | Perth, Western Australia. | 12/29/2001
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Card for this one was as follows:Mark Henry & D-Lo Brown vs Val Venis & The Godfather.The Headbangers Vs Golga & Kurrgan.Steve Blackman Vs Owen HartThe Brood Vs The J.O.B. Squad.Goldust vs Jeff Jarrett in a "Strip Tease" Match.The New Age Outlaws vs Ken Shamrock & The Big Boss Man for the tag team titles.Mankind vs The RockSteve Austin Vs The Undertaker in a "Buried Alive" Match.A very good price for this 1998 ppv... check it out!"
Luke D. Bolland | 08/16/2000
(4 out of 5 stars)
"The Buried Alive Match was ok, but could have been much better and Mankind and The Rock wasn't one of their better matches either. Overall, this ppv is pretty good but I would rent it!"
This Event Could Have Been Great
Luke D. Bolland | 06/20/1999
(3 out of 5 stars)
"With so many great matches in this event, the average person would find nothing wrong with this. But, I don't think everything went as great as it could have. For the event that began setting up Wrestlemania, it could have been ten times better. The Buried Alive match was good, but really, how many times can we see Austin vs. Undertaker?"