Pretty Much a one match show
Murphinator | 08/15/2006
(2 out of 5 stars)
"New Year's Revolution was not a good PPV. It looked pretty good on paper, but injuries plagued this one.
1.Eugene and William Regal vs. Christian and Tyson Tomko(World Tag Team Championship)
This was an OK match to open the show. The crowd was really into this one, especially when Eugene came into the ring. Regal apparantly broke his nose and Eugene dislocated his kneecap when he landed from a dropkick. He was still able to roll up Tomko though. 6 out of 10.
2.Trish Stratus vs. Lita(Women's Championship)
This one could have been great, but another injury hurt this one. Lita went to do a Lou Thesz Press off of the apron but when she landed, I believe she hyperextended her knee. She courageously tried to fight back. Not a good match, but I'll add some points for Lita's toughness. 4 out of 10.
3.Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven(WWE Intercontinental Championship)
These two are exceptional athletes. I was looking forward to this match the most on the pay-per-view. Instead of a great match, I got two,yes two!, horrible matches. First, Maven complains for about 5 minutes about the fans heckling him. When he finally got in the ring, he lost within 5 seconds because of a rollup. Then, he asked for a rematch because that last match didn't count. After insulting Shelton, he lost within 5 seconds because of a T-Bone suplex. That's exactly what happened. 1 out of 10.
4.Muhammed Hassan vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler
OH MY GOD! I thought that the IC title match was one of the worst matches I've ever seen. But this match takes the title of the worst match ever.This match made me consider committing suicide. It was incredibly boring, and no commentators meant that we had to hear Daivari speaking Arabian or whatever he speaks.0 out 10.
5.Gene Snitsky vs. Kane
This match saved my life. If this match was anything like the previous 2, I would've went crazy and caused bodily harm to either myself or somebody else. But this match was pretty good. It wasn't really that slow, even though we had two big guys and there were some pretty good spots. Second best match of the night by far. 8 out of 10.
6.Elimination Chamber Match(World Heavyweight Championship)
Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Triple H vs. Chris Jericho vs. Batista vs. Chris Benoit
This match was awesome. Every wrestling fan should see this match but I know that they won't because they won't buy the whole PPV for one match. But this match was just as good as the first Elimination Chamber match and better than the second.I haven't seen the fourth but I heard it sucked so this is probably better than that too. The match highlights are a diving headbutt off the top of the glass chamber, a powerbomb onto somebody on the mat and Jericho getting thrown onto the cameraman. 10 out of 10.
If you can get this for under $5.00, then get it. No one AND I MEAN NO ONE, should ever pay more than $5.00 for this."
Nyr results
kkk kkk | 03/21/2006
(1 out of 5 stars)
"Eugene & William Regal vs. Christian & Tyson Tomko
eugene and regal win when eugene rolled up tomko
2.Women's Cahmpionship
Lita vs. Trish Stratus
trish wins with a chick kick
3.Intercontinental Championship
Shelton Bejamin vs. Maven
Benjamin wins twice first with a roll up then with a t-bone suplex
4.Muhammad Hassasn vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler
Muhammad wins with the help of Daivari
5.Kane vs. Snitsky
kane winswith a tombstone
6.Elimination Chamber Match for World Heavyweight Championship SR:HBK
Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho vs. Edge
1.edge gets eliminated by jericho with a lionsault but before hbk sweet chin music edge
2.jericho gets eliminated by batista when batista spinebustered jericho on top of benoit
3.benoit gets eliminated by batista with the batista bomb
4.batista gets eliminated by a lowblow then an rko by randy orton
5.orton gets eliminated by hhh when the eliminated batista clothsline orton then hhh pedigrees orton
hhh become the new world champion"
D- pap-per-view
Murphinator | 11/20/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Scoring Sytem
DUD= Alwful
*= bad
**= ok
***= good
****= great
*****= classic
1. Eugene and Willam Regal vs. Laraistance
A really sloppy match to start the match. This was like a see on tv match and when the action start to pick up guess what Eugen got hurt. One bad opener.
*1/3= A around 7 minute match you could of saw on Raw.
2.Womens Title
Trish vs. Lita
Just like the last one really boring, but for a womens match it was average. These 2 can put on a better show than this and did. Try to compare the womens divison now and back then it's a big difference.
*1/2= This match was like 8 minutes and was really slow. But,was better than the match before.
3.IC Title
Maven vs. Shelton
WTF. I bougt this crap for 20$ and get 2 Raw matches and a really, really, bad heat match. Skip this match.
DUD= This was a 20 second match. Well at least there not going to figh twice and Maven waste 15 minutes talking.
4.IC Title
Maven vs. Shelton
WTF times 2. This was the quickest match i ever saw which doesnt bother me, but right before the match Maven wastes 15 minutes talking. They could of just had 1 12 minute match. maven can wrestle.
DUD: 5 second match. Dont even rewind,because just watching it will take faster.
5.Kane vs. Snisky
I dont know why people dont like this match or the one they had at Taboo Tuessday i think they work gret together. This match starts at slow the fist 5 minutes then speeds it up.
***= 18 minute match with a coupal slam spots. This was about as good as there match at Taboo Tuesday.
6.Jerry Lawyer vs.Muhhamed Hassan
After this match i dont think even the best match ever in wrestling history could save this show. A really boring DUD.
DUD: 6 minutes of all highpace boring actions acutally it feels like a hour. So if you dont want to fall a sleep skip this one.
7.Elimantion Chamber
HHH vs. Edge vs. RKO vs. Batista vs. Jerico vs.
A really great great match. This is better then the one at Summerslam, but not as good as the fist. If you just want to see this match for boken glass asadley enough there's none, but Chris Beniog German Suplexs someone off the chamber. And Jerico does a moonsault off one too. Ulike the other Elimanation chamber matches this one spends most of it's time on the out side still dont get this show.
****1/3= Just to let every one know the 1st Elimantion chamber i gave a 5* and the 2nd I gave a 3*, so stay away from this and get the first. Around 40 minutes.
A+= Classic a must get.
A= Probally a show of the year.
A-= A really great show that a should get.
B+= Try to get it, but dont try to spend your time on Ebay for it.
B=Good show. Iwould call it opitnal.
B-=Might have maix choices . Check a online review first.
C+=Rent before buy.
C=Rent it if it's 8$ and under.
C-= Only rent when really bored.
D+=Dont rent it.
D= Probally go over friends house to watch it.
D-= Only watch it if you have a day to relax at your friends house.
F+=Dont waste your time on it.
F=Dont even waste reading a review for it.
F-= Tell your friends not to ever get that DVD.
D-= A 1 4 star match and a 1 3 sa=tar match. Thats all. Pleace dont buy this crap.
Review for 2005 New Year's Revolution
kkk kkk | 09/24/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"The more things change, the more they stay the same. With new world title contenders and a new women's champion we enter this year's first ppv with a great deal of uncertainty.
World Tag Team Championship- Eugene and William Regal(C) vs. Christian and Tyson Tomko
Wierd match, tries hard to be entertaining but comes across as retarded. They should've let Cristian win the title to spice up this division. Anyway I liked the ending but it pains me that Eugene is a champ.
Match Rating- 4/10
Women's Championship- Lita(C) vs. Trish Stratus
An awful match because of Lita getting injured. That was a killer of a chick kick though. The match where Lita took the title was amazing. That should have been on ppv.
Match Rating- 2/10
Intercontinental Title- Shelton Benjamin(C) vs. Maven
Awful match, if it was a match. Maven? in a title match. What a great title but couldn't find a better contender?
Match Rating- 1/10
Muhammad Hassan vs. Jerry "THE KING" Lawler
AN old skool style match but wasn't exciting and the crowd wasn't into it. King did a great job letting Hassan show his massive potential.
Match Rating- 6/10
Kane vs. Gene Snitsky
This should have been a specialty match with how intense a rivalry this is. The ending and the match were both predictable.
Match Rating 4/10
Elimination Chamber- Edge vs. Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit
Simply this is one of the best matches I've ever seen. I wish they would've let Orton have the title even if just til the Rumble. But this match was a classic from start to finish. All of these guys deserve to be main eventers. Unforgettable match.
Match Rating- 9/10
This PPV was a little bit dissapointing because I was expecting the women's championship match to be a classic and for someone besides Triple H to win the title. Realistically this was a great ppv considering a weak card. This dvd is worth buying just for the elimination chamber match. I watch it all the time but skip the other matches.
Event Rating- 6/10"