Oct. 2004 - Continental Airlines Arena - East Rutheford, NJ
JayRo | New york | 10/05/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Solid effort by the Smackdown brand. There is nothing spectacular in the match, but most of the matches are good.
1. Eddie Guerrero vs. Luther Reigns
Good opener. Mark Jindrak came to ringside with Reigns. Actually, a good performance by Luther who is proving he has what it takes to make it big. Of course, a great performance by Latino Heat. Kind of a stupid, but ingenious ending. (7.5/10)
2. Spike Dudley vs. Nunzio (Cruiserweight Title)
The Dudleys came to ringside with Spike and Johhny Stambolie was with Nunzio. People didn't seem to like this match, but I enjoyed it. It was not a very fast paced match, but it was still good. Strong finish with some near falls. (8/10)
3. Billy Kidman vs. Paul London
Paul London is going to be a great talent. Very good match. Probably the match of the night. Plenty of high spots. Watch London do the Shooting Star Press. He gets so hight. Great post match action. (8.5/10)
4. Kenzo Suzuki & Rene Dupree vs. RVD & Rey Mysterio (WWE Tag Titles)
Another good match. Very innovative and exciting offense between Mysterio and RVD. Dupree had one of his better performances. I hope they finally do a Mysterio/Kidman fued. (8/10)
5. Kurt Angle vs. Big Show
Probably, the second worst match of the night. (And, this is coming from a die hard Angle fan). Angle tried his best to carry Show, but just couldn't do it. There just wasn't much going on in this match, except for the top rop Chokeslam by Show on Angle. Very disappointing. (7/10)
6. Booker T vs. John Cena (U.S. Championship/Best of 5, Match #5)
The second worst match of this series, only behind the Summerslam match. You figure they would have saved the best for last. Cena is a great character, but he definately need to hone his wrestling skills. Booker T is starting to become washed up. Not a good match. (7/10)
7. Dudley Boys & Dawn Marie vs. Charlies Haas, Rico, & Jackie (Intergender Tag Match)
It is too bad Haas is not utilized the way he should be. He is a great talent. The Dudley's are getting washed up. (6/10)
8. Undertaker vs. JBL (WWE Title/Last Ride Match)
Slow match, but good. Great chair shot by JBL on Taker. JBL takes some serious bumps in the match. (Will somebody please give him some credit). Taker Tombstones JBL on the steps and Taker Chokeslams JBL from one announce table to the next. Good spot. Kind of surprising finish. Good post match action. (8/10)
I recommed to pick up this DVD because most of the matches are pretty good.
Overall Rating: 8/10"
Maybe the best Smackdown ppv from 2004
Scotty 2 Hotty 24 | Back Woods, GEORGIA | 10/22/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"No Mercy was a good follow up from Summerslam on Smackdown's part. This ppv ended a lot of the feuds that were happening and started some very good ones that carried all the way over to the Royal Rumble.
1. Eddie Guerrero vs. Luther Reigns w/ Mark Jindrake
I enjoyed this opener very much. this is probably reigns best match while in the wwe. Reigns mostly stays in control of the match. It had a classic Eddie ending with "lyin, cheatin, and stealin" to his victory. A strong opener. Pretty good match. 4/5
2. Cruiserweight Title
Nunzio vs. Spike
this wasn't your typical high flying, fast paced cruiserweight match. Spike and Nunzio kept the match on the ground and tryed to have a ground based match. The dudley boyz interefered on spikes behalf and helping spike to retain his title. 2.5/5
3. Billy Kidman vs. Paul London
Wow, what a mind blower. This match was just great. Kidman was starting to become a heel during this time and he pulled it off so good in this match. He consistently kept on going back to the ribs of London and adding more punishment to them as the match went on. The after math added more to the match as well. A good cruiserweight battle from London and Kidman here. 4.5/5
4. WWE Tag Team Titles
RVD & Rey Mysterio vs. Renee Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki
Kenzo & Dupree has to be the most untalented tag team champs of all time. RVD and Mysterio saved this match from being a complete waste. Their style meshed in so well together as team. They helped to make Dupree and Kenzo look a little bit decent in this match which made this match alright to watch. Not the best but not the worst of the night. 3.5/5
5. Big Show vs. Kurt Angle
This was another good match to watch. The story went off with Show being "raped of his dignity" by having his head shaved by Angle. Angle was for sure selling his fear of the big show. This had to been one Show's best matches since coming to the wwe. Angle did a good job selling his fear and even using a chair at times on show. The chokeslam from the top rope is something to see as well. A good match. 4/5
6. Match 5 for the United States Title
John Cena vs. Booker T
This was the final match of the series. Booker did a good job bringing out the wrestling sense in cena. I believe the best run in cena's career was when he held the US title. Cena and booker had a good competitive and back and forth match. A solid match up. a good match to end the series and this feud. 4.25/5
7. Dudley Boyz & Dawn Marie vs. Charlie Haas, Rico & Miss Jackie
This was just a filler to set up the wwe title match but this turned out to be a good match to watch. Rico added humor and comedic spots to the match. Maire and Jackie had a good cat fight at some points in the match. A match worth a watch here. 3.25/5
8. Last Ride Match for the WWE Title
JBL vs. Undertaker
this match defiantely made up for that little brawl they had at summerslam. As other reviewers pointed out, this match is just brutal and violent as they say it is. jbl takes a viscious beating from the deadman.
this match was a straight up fight. jbl was bringing out some of his old school "bradshaw" style to the undertaker. a couple of weapons used in the match. jbl also gets very bloody after being tomebstoned on the steel steps. this match had a good table spot. A brutal, brutal and violent match. the intereference from heidenrich didn't hurt the match either in my opinion. another good match to end this feud as well. 5/5
no mercy is one i recommend in picking up to see sometime if you have some spare cash around. the last ride match is something to see and the undercard is pretty good as well."
No Mercy 2004
Scotty 2 Hotty 24 | 06/12/2006
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This was a great paperview and its definitly worth the money. Heres my ratings for each match out of 10.
Eddie Guerrero vs. Luther Reigns
Rating- 7.5/10. This was a good match, slow at times but still enjoyable. Good choice for an opener.
Cruiserweight Championship
Spike Dudley vs. Nunzio
Rating- 8/10. I loved this cruiserweight match. It was fast paced and never slowed down with good counters. Exciting match.
Billy Kidman vs. Paul London
Rating- 9/10. This was an awesome match. WWE should really have more cruiserweight matches like this and all of their paperviews should deliver.
WWE Tag Team Championships
Kenzo Suzuki and Rene Dupree vs. Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio
Rating- 9/10. This was a great tag team match. Rey and RVD work so great together as tag partners and it makes this a great match.
Big Show vs. Kurt Angle
Rating- 8/10. I actually liked this match. Big Show's ruthlessness added to this match and it was a great big man/small man match.
United States Championship
Booker T vs. John Cena
Rating- 8.5/10. This was a great match and these two work real well together. I didnt like the FU outta nowhere though cuz there was no build up to the end of the match whatsoever.
Dudleyz and Dawn Marie vs. Charlie Haas, Rico, and Miss Jackie
Rating- 8/10. This was a very enjoyable match. Nothing spectacular but a good match before the main event.
Last Ride Match for the WWE Title
Undertaker vs. JBL
Rating- 9.5/10. This match was brutal and i loved it. This really wasn't a wrestling match it was more of a brawl with several highlights.
Overall, i would give no mercy 04' a 9/10. It was a great paperview with no bad matches. Buy It!"
One Of The Best SmackDown PPV's Of The Year
D.P. | California | 05/11/2007
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Eddie Guerrero vs. Luther Reigns - This was Luther's best match in his short WWE career as this was a good opener to get the crowd going. It's slow at times but overall, enjoyable & the ending with Eddie "lyin', cheatin', and stealin'" is just classic Guerrero.
Spike Dudley vs. Nunzio - The DVD I rented had a scratch on this part & kept skipping so I can't comment.
Paul London vs. Billy Kidman - I must be dreaming because there are two crusierweight matches on the same card! They actually had a good storyline going into this match along with Kidman having a personality for the first time since his fued with Hulk Hogan (which I'm sure most of us would like to forget). These two mesh well together & is actually one of the best matches of the night & the aftermath with the shooting star presses were something to see.
WWE Tag Team Champions Kenzo Suzuki & Rene Dupri vs. RVD & Rey Mysterio - Just like this PPV gave Reigns the best match of his career, this PPV also gave Kenzo Suzuki the best match of his career. It was very fast paced which works well in the favor of RVD & Mysterio. Watchable & solid.
Big Show vs. Kurt Angle - This was one of the best Big Show matches he's had in his career as he's going for revenge after he was "raped of his dignity" (tribute to Andre The Giant). It was a great performance out of both since Angle sold his "fear" of Show while Show looked ruthless.
United States Champion Booker T vs. John Cena - This was the last match of their series and this was another solid encounter as Booker T was one of the guys who brought out the best in John Cena. Back & forth action here and was another enjoyable performance for the night.
Dudleyz & Dawn Marie vs. Rico, Charlie Hass, Miss Jackie - This was based off a storyline where Dawn Marie was implying that she was having an affair with Charlie Hass...who was engaged to Miss Jackie. The match itself was suppost to be a filler but turned out to be very enjoyable as Rico's gimmick made the match comedic at times such as begging for D-Von to give him the "Whazzup!" headbutt to his crotch. Good solid match up.
Last Ride Match: WWE Champion JBL vs. Undertaker - This was a brutal brawl including chair shots & steel steps between the two that heavily makesup for their lackluster SummerSlam encounter. One of JBL's best encounters and a good way to end the show.
The DVD extras that I can remember were a post match Cena interviews with Luther Reigns & John Cena along with a pre-match interview with Booker T. Overall, this was one of the best SmackDown PPV's of the year (the other being No Way Out earlier that year) and is a solid PPV from top to bottom that I recommend."
Great PPV but dont pay to much for it
Mike Rules | Knoxville, TN USA | 01/25/2007
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Wal-Mart just put this out in a special end-cap. the cost.. $3.88!!!! So dont pay more than that for it!"