He?s one of the most accomplished Superstars in the history of sports-entertainment, with a resume that includes six WWE Championship reigns, three Royal Rumble victories, a King of the Ring Championship, and an unpreceden... more »ted run of raising hell throughout WWE. The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin gives fans young and old the opportunity to relive the greatest matches and moments from the career of one of WWE?s most popular, and controversial, personalities.« less
"Stone Cold Steve Austin will go down as one of the biggest names in the history of the wrestling business and here is another DVD of matches from his past. For those looking for a documentry type set, check out "The Stone Cold Truth" as this DVD is in the format of how Hogan's anthology & RVD's was in that along with an anthology of matches with Austin commenting on certain things in between each match. Such subjects as his getting started in the business, his relationship with Brian Pillman, WCW, ECW, Austin 3:16, Mick Foley, being WWE Champion, The Rock, his neck injury & surgery amongst other things. Other extras include his WrestleMania 21 "Gladiator" commercial along with behind the scenes footage of it & him confronting Vince about NOT being his son.
Matches Include:
Steel Cage Match: WCW Tag Team Champions Hollywood Blondes vs. Dos Hombres - The story here is that Dos Hombres is actually Ricky Steamboat & "Shane Douglas" underneath a mask using the gimmick that Edge/Christian & Hardy Boyz would later use on each other during the Los Conquistidors angle in 2000. This wasn't their best encounter as it was really Tom Zenk under Douglas mask (Shane was released/fired before the PPV). The match itself wasn't bad but didn't top or match the calibur that all 3 men & the real Douglas have had earlier in the year.
Slamboree '93
(Also available on the Brian Pillman DVD)
vs. Flyin' Brian Pillman - This match came after the Blondes were split apart for "various reasons". It was around 10 minutes and really came off as a high intense grudge match. It was a good wrestling/brawling mixture.
Clash of the Champions XXV November 10, 1993
WCW United States Championship Match vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat - Austin has said that Steamboat was his favorite guy to be in the ring with & you'll see why here as they gave a performance in a series of matches that would be overshadowed by the Hogan/Flair fued in WCW. This I believe was also Steamboat's last major match as he retired the next month.
Clash of the Champions XXVIII August 28, 1994
Steve A' Mania - His famous spoof of some wrestler who likes to wear red & yellow all the time...BROTHER!!!
Gangsta's Paradise September 16, 1995
(Also available on ECW "Deep Impact" & "Stone Cold Truth")
"No Baby That's For Somebody Else..." - Another Austin promo where he vents about how he was held down in WCW by politics & it ruined his passion for the business.
Hardcore TV October 10, 1995
(Also available on ECW "Path Of Destruction" & "Stone Cold Truth")
vs. ECW Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Sandman - This was Austin's second (and last) televised match in ECW & was better than his first one. The match itself was nothing much past that historical factor as it was mostly brawling between all three men.
ECW December 9, 1995
(Also available on ECW "Deep Impact")
Caribbean Strap Match vs. Savio Vega - Well they couldn't show the first one because you would be looking at a black screen the whole time so this was their "rematch" with the stipulation of if Austin lost, Ted Dibiase would leave WWE. Savio & Austin usually had a good series of underrated matches (look at WrestleMania 12) & this was no exception with some stiff whips from the straps at times including one that Austin gave Savio on the floor that was so loud, I felt the pain.
Beware of Dog 2 May 28, 1996
vs. Bret Hart - Bret Hart's return to WWE after WrestleMania 12 resulted in a lost classic that always gets overshadowed by their submission match at WrestleMania months later. I can try to describe this but this is one of those matches to me where words can't & it's actually my favorite encounter between these two.
Survivor Series November 17, 1996
vs. Yokozuna - This was one of Yokozuna's last TV appearences and this match was also really nothing special between the two past the ending where the top rope couldn't hold his weight for the bonzai drop & Austin took advantage.
SummerSlam Free-For-All August 18, 1996
The Terry Funk Confrontation - The story here was that this year's Royal Rumble was held in Texas so Texas legend Terry Funk was brought in for the event but he showed up on Shotgun the night before where Austin was as well. When you have two of the toughest S.O.B.'s in the ring together with, it resulted in a brawl with Funk being tossed into a trough at the end of the show.
Shotgun Saturday Night January 18, 1997
vs. WWE Champion Undertaker - This was more like Austin vs. Undertaker featuring the Hart Foundation because they were sitting at ringside & got involved various times throughout the match. Austin & Taker would go on to have better & classic matches but this one was still entertaining eventhough it's not as famous. This match was known for such funny moments like Austin pulling Owen Hart over the apron to beat him up followed by Taker punching Owen back over the rail and Austin giving Earl Hebner the "bird" after he low blowed Taker before both Taker & Hebner returned the favors to Austin.
Cold Day In Hell May 11, 1997
w/Shawn Michaels vs. WWE Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & British Bulldog - There's an old catchphrase to summerize this match..."The enemy of my enemy is my friend or the enemy of my enemy is my enemy?" Austin & Michaels couldn't get along but both hated the Hart Foundation so they were forced to team up and delievered a great main event as all four men are great workers.
RAW May 26, 1997
(Also available on "Monday Night War")
vs. Shawn Michaels - Since they couldn't get along, they got it on. Great match between the two that resulted in another lost classic here that is overshadowed by their WrestleMania match. They went around 30 mins. and both showed how "anti-authority" both men could be towards the end. As a side note, I hope they mute out the "first time tag team champions wrestled each other" line since Bulldog & Owen wrestled each other twice before this match.
King of the Ring June 8, 1997
WWE Tag Team Championship Match
w/Dude Love vs. Owen Hart & British Bulldog - Due to Shawn Michaels taking an absence from WWE, Austin needed a partner & Mankind kept asking but Austin said no because Mankind was a freak so the third face of Foley debuted...Dude Love (along with his dudettes). The rest of the match again was a good match as all four men were good workers.
RAW July 14, 1997
vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Owen Hart - The infamous match that would plant the seed for Austin's neck problems as Owen Hart's piledriver left him paralized in the ring for a while resulting the worst looking cradle in the history of the business. The match before the incident was one of the best Intercontinental Title matches for that time but this is mostly known for that piledriver.
SummerSlam August 3, 1997
(Also available on "Stone Cold Truth" & the upcoming SummerSlam anthology)
WWE Championship Match vs. Dude Love - This was another match that gets overshowed by their most famous encounter (the next month at Over The Edge) however I wouldn't go as far as to call his a lost classic. The whole story here was if Vince McMahon was going to pull a "Montreal" on Austin & screw him out the title. Hense why there was a heavy focus on McMahon & the timekeeper at ringside. The match itself was good but their rematch was better with the highlight being the ending where Austin gave a chairshot to Vince.
Unforgiven April 26, 1998
First Blood Match for the WWE Championship vs. Kane - "If I do not win the title, I will set myself on fire!" That was Kane's own stipulation he put on this match. I guess you can call this an "unofficial" Hell In The Cell match because the Cell (which had the Taker/Mankind match earlier in the night) did come up & down at various times during this match & was used for such moments like Kane strattled on it & choking Austin while it was being lifted up along with it almost coming down on Austin's neck. The ending had Undertaker costing Austin his title by busting him open with a chair. This match not only continued the "Highway To Hell" storyline leading up to the SummerSlam match and also planted the seed for the first blood match between Austin & Taker that would happen a year later.
King of the Ring June 28, 1998
vs. WWE Champion Kane - Well not only do you get the beginning but you also get the end of Kane's only title reign as this was the rematch that happened the next night as Austin regained the championship.
RAW June 29, 1998
No Holds Barred WWE Championship Match vs. The Rock - The WrestleMania XV rematch with Shane McMahon as the special referee. The Rock had Austin's "Smoking Skull" belt & he wanted it back. Just like every Austin/Rock match, it went all over the place & you were highly entertained thoughout the match. The next chapter in a classic rivarly with a cameo appearence by Vince McMahon along with the debut of the RockCam.
Backlash April 25, 1999
vs. Eddie Guerrero - This was around 5 mins. & really nothing much to say here.
SmackDown! November 16, 2000
No Disqualification Match vs. Triple H - Eventhough Rikishi ran over Austin, Triple H was the man behind it as this fued heated up to another level in this match. The match was good quality between these two that would be topped in their next encounter (and the next match on this set) but this was more memorable for the ending where Triple H & his car fell off the top of a high lifted forklift. As a side note, Benoit's involvement was edited out.
Survivor Series November 19, 2000
3 Stages Of Hell Match vs. Triple H - The first fall is a straight up match, second fall is a street fight, and the final fall is inside a steel cage. This was the match of the year for 2001 & I literally can't describe this match as it had a taste of everything for everyone as they just beat each other down into exaustion. Austin himself said the buildup was WrestleMania quality & the match delivered on that buildup.
No Way Out February 25, 2001
(Also available on "Stone Cold Steve Austin: What?" & "Triple H: That Damn Good")
No Disqualification Match vs. WWE Champion The Rock - The apex of the Attitude Era concluded with this match. This ranks right up there with their other classic battles with each other in how it was non-stop action from start to finish with the ending of Austin & Mr. McMahon joining forces that shocked the wrestling world at the time.
WrestleMania X-7 April 1, 2001
(Also available on WrestleMania anthology)
Overall, this was a nice collection to compliment the "Stone Cold Truth" DVD as WWE once again took the route of mostly (but not completely) looking for his lower profile performances instead of his world famous matches that most people already have their hands on or are on other DVD sets. However I give it 4 out of 5 stars because the Blondes match was on Pillman's DVD while the match where they actually WON the tag titles or another performance from those two teams still lays in the vault, the Owen Hart match was on Austin's last DVD, and the Yokozuna & Guerrero matches are something that could have remained in the vault & replaced by a match from his USWA or World Class run (if there's any footage), the WCW run as TV Champion or in the Dangerous Alliance or another DVD worthy rare match like the Over The Edge '99 match with Undertaker that was never OFFICIALLY released by WWE due to Owen Hart's death that night, the match on RAW a month later when he won the belt back, or the Buried Alive match from IYH: Rock Bottom. Like I always say, you can't win them all but this collection should be enough to satisfy a fan of Steve Austin. I recommend overall.
Side Note: FYE stores should be selling this as a dual pack with the Austin's first video "Cause Stone Cold Said So" which features the WrestleMania 13 submission match with Bret Hart."
Justin Gagnon | 01/12/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"* Steel cage match for the WCW World Tag Team Championship
Hollywood Blondes vs Dos Hombres - Slamboree, 23/5/93
* Stunning Steve Austin vs Flyin' Brian Pillman - Clash of the Champions XXV, 10/11/93
* U.S Title
Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin - Clash of the Champions XXVIII, 28/8/94
* Steve A' Mania - Gangsta's Paradise, 16/9/95
* "No Baby That's For Somebody Else?" - Hardcore TV, 10/10/95
* Triangle Match For The ECW Title
Sandman vs Mikey Whipwreck vs Steve Austin - ECW, 9/12/95
* Caribbean Strap match for the Million Dollar Championship
Savio Vega vs Steve Austin - Beware of Dog (In Your House), 26/5/96
* #1 Contender match for the WWE title
Bret Hart vs Steve Austin - Survivor Series, 16/11/96
* Free for All match
Steve Austin vs Yokozuna - SummerSlam, 18/8/96
* Steve Austin/Terry Funk Confrontation - Shotgun Saturday Night, 18/1/97
Disc 2
* WWF Championship
Undertaker vs Steve Austin - A Cold Day in Hell (In Your House 15) 11/5/97
* World Tag Team Championship
Steve Austin & HBK vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog - Raw 26/5/97
* Shawn Michaels vs Steve Austin - King Of The Ring, 9/6/97
* World Tag Team Championship
Steve Austin & Dude Love vs Owen Hart & British Bulldog - Raw, 14/7/97
* WWF Intercontinental Championship
Steve Austin vs Owen Hart - SummerSlam, 3/8/97
* WWF Championship
Dude Love vs Steve Austin - Unforgiven, 26/4/98
* First Blood match for the WWF Championship
Kane vs Steve Austin - King of the Ring, 28/6/98
* WWF Championship
Kane vs Steve Austin - Raw, 29/6/98
Disc 3
* No Holds Barred Match For The WWF Championship
Steve Austin vs The Rock - Backlash, 25/4/99
* Non-Title Match
Steve Austin vs Eddie Guerrero - SmackDown, 16/11/00
* No DQ match
Steve Austin vs Triple H - Survivor Series, 19/11/00
* 3 Stages Of Hell Match
Triple H vs Steve Austin - No Way Out, 25/2/01
* No Disqualification match for the WWF Championship
Steve Austin vs Rock - WrestleMania X-Seven, 1/4/01
* Redneck Triathlon
Bad Blood 15/6/03"
More of a Career review than a Legacy Collection
Movie Madman | Nashville, TN | 03/22/2008
(4 out of 5 stars)
"I am a really big fan of Stone Cold. I would not be a wrestling fan today if not for him. I had not watched wrestling for years until one night when the Nation of Domination were saying all of these things to Austin and Austin challenged them all. I really thought this guy was cool and he was great fun to watch. Unfortunately, this collection of matches and short commentary from Austin himself does not do the character justice.
The build up to the matches and the story lines were fantastic back in the late 90s. Wrestling fans and the general public would tune in to see him battle his boss. Monday Night Raw was almost like a wrestling show with the Stone Cold Steve Austin show going on in the background. At the end, he would usually come out on top. I remember when Stone Cold first told the Undertaker he would stomp a mudhole in his a-- and walk it dry. That stuff was hilarious. Or when Mr. McMahon went to Texas to find Austin. I could go on and on at how entertaining the stories were.
This DVD set only has Stone Cold discussing this match or that, and then they play the match. I don't even think anyone even discusses Austin's career the entire 3 DVDs. Vince doesn't talk about how his character helped save the company and ushered in the attitude era. J.R. doesn't talk about Austin setting records for PPV sells and merchandise sells. In the end, I think the legacy is left quite void.
The DVD of Vince McMahon, McMahon, does have quite a bit about his fued with Austin and they do a nice job of it. There is another video titled Austin vs. McMahon which is really great and maybe WWE felt DVDs like it and others have covered Stone Cold's career to death and they just wanted him to go out talking a little about his life in wrestling and cover a few highlight matches a long the way. If that's the case, they did an okay job. Just be aware of it before you purchase. It might not be what you are expecting."
Rick Phillips | Calif | 03/11/2008
(3 out of 5 stars)
"First I would like to say, being a die hard Stone Cold fan, I could not wait to get my hands on this DVD. I can't say thre DVD isn't good, but I was very disappointed. I can not believe the little attention that was given towards the Austin vs. Mcmahon feud. Three matches that I though with no question, would be on this set. Austin vs.Mcmahon, Austin vs. Brett Hart, submission match and the first blood match Austin vs Undertaker. How could this DVD set not have at least one of these three matches on it. Should have at least Austin vs. Mcmahon match. DVD is ok, but disappointing."
The Batmaniac | Boston | 02/28/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"This is it! The video collection that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin fans have been waiting for! THE LEGACY OF STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN, focuses on Austin's MATCHES, unlike other previous efforts,such asWWE - 'Cause Stone Cold Said Sothat more or less, dealt with his humorous,out-of-the-ring theatrics. For those new to "The Rattlesnake's" career, Austin's wrestling style revealed his admiration for the work of
some of pro-wrestling's most notorious hellraisers: Lou Thez, The Road Warriors, Harley Race, Terry Funk and "The Ace" Cowboy Bob Orton, Austin took from these men what he could; combined their "signature moves" with his God-given gift for gab, to create a diverse and entertaining wrestling arsenal. There is action galore in this collection where Stone Cold battles the likes of Bret Hart, The Undertaker, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, The Sandman and of course, his
arch-nemesis, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson!
This 3-disc collection is divided into three stages of
Austin's career, from The early years, to the ascent to the top of the wrestling world then concluding with the "Last Hurrah". In (thankfully) brief segments, Austin recalls his stints in the WWE and WCW, of course, but a welcome surprise is the emphasis he places on the first promo he cut for ECW, an anti-Bischoff,anti-Dusty Rhodes rant that seemed to excite his fellow wrestlers who were looking on, revealing a hint of the greatness that was yet to come. For added value, the WWE packagers also included on each disc's menu page, the songs "The Stone Cold Theme", "Hell, Yeah" and "Unbreakable", all of which I gleefully let play in their entirety before watching the matches.
And what matches! Some of these were released for the first time on DVD and they feature "Stone Cold" at his best: nearly uncontrollable mayhem in the tradition of the old NWA! There are one or two
relatively weak macthes early on,(Austin v. Mikey Whipwreck v. Sandman; Austin v. Yokozuna) but the hi-light of the set is the "Three Stages of Hell" match Stone Cold had with Triple H at 2001's NO WAY OUT pay-per-view, a grueling "best of three"-fall rumble that ended inside a steel cage; both men struggling to out-do the other in what became a battle of wills!
Face it, this is the best WWE collection since WWE - The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection came out a whopping
five years ago! The only disappointment? None of his battles with Kurt Angle or the odious Chris Benoit are included. The absence of Benoit is understandable, but Angle? Just one word: SEQUEL!!!