The Beginning Of The Invasion
D.P. | California | 04/04/2007
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Before I get stated, why are most of you people writing reviews about a fantasy WWE vs. TNA event that isn't going to happen! Take that crap to a fantasy league or something but it doesn't belong here wasting space for the ACTUAL DVD REVIEWS!
Now that I got that rant out the way, this was the beginning of the WWF vs. WCW/ECW "Invasion" storyline that would consume the WWF for most of 2001. This PPV kicked it off & it actually was a good start to the storyline as we got some fantasy matchups here that people wanted to see. The only problems here were that half the PPV was filled with "filler" matches that people could really care less about and only put on here to get as much of the current "WCW" roster & old ECW alumni on the card.
Edge & Christian vs Mike Awesome & Lance Storm - This was a good opener at Awesome & Storm made a good combination in WCW while E&C were one of WWF's best (if not THE BEST) tag teams at that time. Good & fasted paced which as a good way to kick off the PPV.
WWF Referee Earl Hebner vs. WCW Referee Nick Patrick with Mick Foley as the special referee - Suppost to be a comedic match but was really just crap.
WWF Tag Team Champions APA vs WCW Tag Team Champions Sean'O Haire & Chuck Palumbo - The first of "champions vs. champions" matches but nothing really memorable here but it was a good match to watch.
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion X-Pac vs WCW Champion Billy Kidman - The match itself didn't go real long but it was an average match between the two but they would go on to have better later in the year.
William Regal vs Raven - This was a filler match that was really just there & boring for the most part.
Big Show, Albert, Billy Gunn vs Kanyon, Hugh Morris, Shawn Stasiack - Another filler match that was just there like the previous match, again nothing special here.
Tajiri vs Tazz - If your expecting the type of match they had at "Heatwave '99" then look elsewhere because you won't get it here as this was real quick & again, nothing memorable.
WWF Hardcore Champion Jeff Hardy vs RVD - It's ironic that RVD's first WWE match was against Jeff Hardy & his return match is against Hardy once again. Hardy & RVD have similar styles so this match stole the show and was one of top matches of the year. Hardcore match except they were high flyin' & everything instead of bashing each other's heads in with weapons. Great match.
Bra & Panties Match: Torrie Wilson & Stacy Keibler vs Trish Stratus & Lita - This is exactly what you would expect it to be...the T&A segment of the night.
Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kane, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle vs. Booker T, DDP, Dudley Boyz, Rhino - This resembled just about every other multiman main event at a PPV in which it was well paced brawl for everyone involved to get their moments along with cool spots at the end before the finish happens. A fun main event.
In the end, there were only three matches worth talking about and the match of the night is available on a better DVD worth the money you would pay for it (RVD's "One Of A Kind" DVD) so I would suggest that if you can get this cheap or used, then go head but otherwise it's passable."