Nash/HHH Street Fight!
ghv | 04/22/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"Insurrextion kicked off with a still image of Freddie Blassie and an "in memory" dedication.
We then launched straight into a video package featuring Nash, Michaels, Triple H, Flair, Jericho, Steiner, Bischoff and Austin.
WWE Women's Title
Jazz (c) w/ Theodore Long vs. Trish Stratus
Jazz picked up the win in 9:42 after Theodore got in the ring and rammed Trish shoulder first into the turnbuckle, while the referee was distracted with the interfering Victoria.
A neat video package of the Christian and Booker T feud aired next.
WWE Intercontinental Title
Christian (c) vs. Booker T
Christian fluked a win after 15:10 with a reversal of Booker T's roll up - ably assisted by the ropes, of course. One sided match in Booker's favour which bodes well for Bad Blood.
Backstage Austin runs into Theodore Long and after telling Theodore his suit must have cost "at least 19.95 in a thrift store" books him into a 6 man tag match with Christopher Nowinski and Rodney Mack against Bubba, Spike and D-Von - The Dudley Boys. Austin sent Long packing as Kane came round the corner - a brief staredown followed, ending when Kane walked off.
A video reminder of the issues between RVD & Kane and La Resistance aired, featuring Austin's "motivation" of Kane after the match on last week's Raw.
World Tag Team Titles
Rob Van Dam & Kane (c) vs. La Resistance
Ross and Lawler played on the effects that Austin's motivation may have had on Kane all through the match, which ended in 9:03, when an RVD 5 star frog splash on Sylvan Grenier (after simultaneous chokeslams to both Grenier and Dupree from Kane) got the win for the champions.
Al Snow interviewed Goldust backstage, who hyped his upcoming match with Rico
Rico vs. Goldust
In a solid match, Goldust powerslammed Rico for the win in 9:52.
JR and The King briefly talked about Freddie Blassie, before a video tribute to him and his life aired, at home and in the arena. Lawler and Ross stood up applauding as the arena chanted "Freddie! Freddie".
Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel
featuring Eric Bischoff and Steve Austin
Jericho came down to a ring filled with 2 bar stools and a small red carpet to host the first International edition of the Highlight Reel (his words, not mine) and complained about the set and generally antagonising the Newcastle crowd before introducing Eric Bischoff, who proceeded to do the same.
Austin interrupted, and after informing the crowd that he had 20 pints the night before, and told Bischoff that the planned Nash vs. Triple H main event was now a street fight, opted for a beer bash with Jericho and Bischoff - in a surreal moment, Jericho even managed to get the crowd to say "dowahdiddy diddydum diddydoo" before the beer drinking would commence.
Needless to say, Jericho was the recipient of a stunner. Bischoff looked worried, before Austin reminded him that he couldn't touch him... in the US. Kick wham stunner, more beers and everyone was happy.
A quick segment backstage with Triple H and Ric Flair was next. Just the usual "I'm the man, this isn't fair" kind of stuff.
6 man tag match
Bubba, Spike and D-Von Dudley vs. Rodney Mack, Christopher Nowinski & Theodore Long
The crowd were really into this match, with the tables being on the receiving end of the biggest chants. Spike took the win for the Dudleys at the 9 minute mark when he pinned Theodore after a misguided Rodney Mack clothesline took out Theodore instead of the intended target, Spike. After the match, the fans of tables got their way, when Nowinski took a 3D through a table.
A brief video package highlighting the differences between Test, Scott Steiner and Stacy Keibler aired, hyping the match at Bad Blood also.
Guest Referee : Val Venis - Guest Ring Announcer : Stacy Keibler
Scott Steiner vs. Test
Stacy was at ringside as she's contractually obliged to be with Test for the time being. Short match, with a lot of crowd interaction between Stacy and the fans. Scott picked up the win after he hit his version of Kanyon's Flatliner at 6:40
A very good recap of the Nash and Triple H feud aired, and it was time for the main event - HBK came down to the ring to his music, followed by Nash, then Triple H - no separate entrance for Flair...
World Heavyweight Title
Street Fight
Triple H (c) w/ Ric Flair vs. Kevin Nash w/ HBK
This is the match we should have had at Judgment Day. Wasn't the greatest match you'll ever see, but it was a million times better than the last PPV outing between the two. Flair did an almighty blade job within 2 minutes while he and HBK were brawling outside the ring, and the two briefly left to go to the back. Nash and Trips brawled up the ramp, and onto the announce position, before brawling back to the ring in time for the finish - After some more Flair and HBK antics, Triple H used the sledgehammer on Nash to retain his title in 15:03. No surprise that the title didn't change, but a surprisingly enjoyable match.
Good, but not great
Matt | Brisbane Austraila | 09/01/2003
(3 out of 5 stars)
"Insurrection is one of two PPVs that do not air in the U.S. That said, it shouldn't excuse what can only be described as a poor card. Most matches have been signed for Bad Blood, but they show them again, making Bad Blood seem redundant. That said it still doesn't mean you shouldn't watch it. Matches in order of appearance. First match, Trish Stratus vs. Jazz. Women's title on the line. These two have battled each other many times in the past, and it would have been better if some one else had gotten a title shot. Ivory, Molly Holly etc, would have been better as it would have meant variety, still both did a good job and it was fairly entertaining in parts. IC title match, Christen vs. Booker T. a long and drawn out match, with both guys using just about every move and a better ending than their Bad Blood match. Tag Team Championship match. RVD & Kane vs. La Resistance. This match is good but who ever thought of it should be shot. An undefeated team vs. the Tag Team champs in a PPV that isn't shown in the U.S. It's no surprise who wins. Even that wouldn't be so annoying, if people would stop saying that the losers are undefeated. People who follow wrestling will know what I am talking about. Up next Rico vs. Goldust. I don't know why this match was included. It was too long, boring and uninteresting. Even the announcers were bored, often talking about other things than the match itself. Jericho's Highlight reel was up next, but nothing too good here. Basically introduces his guest, Stone Cold comes out ruins it and changes a few matches. Not funny and a waste of time. 6 man tag, Bubba Ray, D-von and Spike Dudley Vs Christopher Nowinski, Rodney Mack and Theodore R. Long. Okay match with a good ending. Much better than their Bad Blood match. Scott Steiner Vs Test. Another okay match, with an all right ending. Nothing new and nothing different, shorter than Bad Blood. Street Fight for the world heavy weight championship. Triple H vs. Kevin Nash. Honestly when is the WWE going to learn. Having a Championship with the same guy that's going to face the champ at a PPV is a rating Killer. While it was half decent the run ins killed it. Shawn Michaels and Rick Flair should have been banned from Ring side. No joke Rick Flair gets "busted wide open" in the first few minutes. Had Shawn and Rick not been at ring side, the match would have been better. Oh well there is always next year. The extras aren't that good. No bonus matches and 5 bad interviews. The best one is Al interviewing Chris Jericho. United Kingdom recap is a waste of time and sightseeing with Christen and Trish Stratus is entertaining, even funny at some points. Trish is very lively while Christen seems like he is forced into it. Over all this DVD isn't worth while in my books better renting it out than buying. Had they come up with an original match, maybe different contenders for titles this would've been great, not good"
WWE In England
James W. Taylor | North Augusta, SC United States | 03/12/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"this ppv is not as bad as some say it is. not the greatest, but a ggod show for the British fans. Jazz vs Trish Stratus for women's championship 5/10- not a bad match but suprisingly long for a women's match(12 minutes)Christian vs Booker T 5/10- match was ok but way too long. almost 22 minutes. looked like a 1980 intercontinental title match. not impressed with Christian as a singles wrestlergreat moment in the back with Steve Austin & Theodore Long
tense moment between Austin & KaneRob Van Dam & Kane vs La Resistance for tag titles 7/10- resistance is improving. Rvd & Kane are a great team. Kane was all business for this match.highlight reel with Chris Jericho. had Eric Bischoff as his guest. Austin interrupts them. almost 20 minutes of hilarious laughs. Austin & Jericho are excellent mic guys.Rico vs Goldust 2/10- why were these 2 clowns even on the ppv? rico needs a new gimmick. the goldust gimmick has grown old. Dustin Rhodes needs to go back to being himself. 10 long boring minutes. crowd was dead in this one.Rodney Mack, Christopher Nowinski & Theodore R Long vs Dudley Boyz 5/10- was suppose to be a tag match but austin added Long & Spike to it. ok match. ending was best part of match. Dudleys deserve better.Test vs Scott Steiner w/ Val Venis as referee & Stacy Keibler as ring announcer 6/10- pretty goofd for the entertainment value. keibler & Venis save this one from being bad. great soap opera storyTeiple HHH vs Kevin Nash for world title 7.5/10- Austin made this one a street fight at the last minute. thank goodness he did. that is what made this good. had Ric Flair & Shawn Michaels involved. this feud is building up more steam overall, not bad for Raw's 1st PPV"
Wwe insurrextion 2003
MR M D EDWARDS | LIVERPOOL, MERSEYSIDE United Kingdom | 08/20/2003
(5 out of 5 stars)
this is one for the archives.
With Bad Blood being just 1 week away Newcastle rocked to these great matches.
LA RESISTANCE V KANE + RVD This is a event not to be missed i was there live in the front row and i was on camera a few times wearing my version 1 shirt.AIRDATE AND TIME SATURDAY 7TH JUNE 2003 7PM SKY BOX OFFICE 770"