Good retrospective on the first half of Wrestlemania's life.
J. F. Walden | Lansing, MI USA | 10/05/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"Much like the recently released 'Shawn Michaels: Boyhood Dream', 'The History of Wrestlemania I-IX' is a re-release of a previous VHS tape. Also like 'Boyhood Dream', the matches here are only clips and highlights. But this does not make this DVD any less enjoyable or not worth buying.
Showcasing the first nine Wrestlemanias (1985-1993) and running at 2 hours, this DVD is definitely worth the approximate $10 tag most stores are giving this. Here are the highlights of each Wrestlemania included on this DVD:
I- Andre the Giant vs. Big John Studd (Bodyslam Challenge)
Hulk Hogan & Mr. T vs. Paul Orndorff & Roddy Piper
II- Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper (Boxing)
Hulk Hogan vs. King Kong Bundy (WWF title/Cage)
Randy Savage vs. George 'the Animal' Steele
III- Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat (Intercontinental title)
Roddy Piper vs. Adrian Adonis
Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant (WWF title)
IV- Randy Savage vs. Butch Reed (WWF title tournament)
Randy Savage vs. Greg Valentine (WWF title tournament)
Randy Savage vs. One Man Gang (WWF title tournament)
Randy Savage vs. Ted DiBiase (WWF title finals)
V- Jake Roberts vs. Andre the Giant
Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude (Intercontinental title)
Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan (WWF title)
VI- Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior (World title vs. IC title)
VII- Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior (Career)
The Rockers vs. Haku & Barbarian
Jake Roberts vs. Rick Martel (Blindfold)
Sgt. Slaughter vs. Hulk Hogan (WWF title)
VIII- Jake Roberts vs. The Undertaker
Hulk Hogan vs. Sid Justice
Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage (WWF title)
Roddy Piper vs. Bret Hart (Intercontinental title)
IX- Crush vs. Doink the Clown
Money Inc vs. Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake (WWF tag titles)
Giant Gonzalez vs. The Undertaker
Mr. Perfect vs. Lex Luger
Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna (WWF title)
Yokozuna vs. Hulk Hogan (WWF title)
This DVD is a great way to relive the "classic" years of the WWF/E. Even if there are no matches shown in their entirety, a few of the more famous matches hover around the 10 minute range, and for a retrospective, this video does it's job. Be sure to pick up this bargain if you are an old school WWF fan."
It changed a little, but who cares!!!
octavio abad | panama city, panama | 01/03/2005
(4 out of 5 stars)
"i used to have this on vhs, and i remember how cool it was, you know?? i mean some of the greatest matches in wwe history, it was fun (im old school so i grew up watching these wrestlers) then i heard it was coming to dvd and i thought how cool it would be to actually see this again, dont get me wrong it was fun watching macho man randy savage and hulk hogan, but they did cut some of the matches, one for example was the battle royal in wrestlemania 2 where andre wins it, and they also cut the part where they pay a litlle homage to all the celebrities that have had participated before, but i did not care the dvd is still fun to watch, and to remember those great wrestlers dead or alive that made this industry what it is today, for 9.99 its a great bargain that sholud not be missed!!! jibaro soy!!!!!"
Does not live up to the expectations
Richie Rich | North York, Ontario Canada | 10/22/2004
(3 out of 5 stars)
"This is a nice concept but the WWE did not get it right. In this DVD you will find 1-2 minute clips of matches from WM 1 - 9. It mainly focuses on Hogan, Savage and Warrior matches. If anyone saw the actual complete wrestlemanias they know of a lot more better matches. I found it annoying that the match clips were so short yet the Macho Man's promo was about 5 minutes. Give me a break. The WWE is ripping off their fans with this DVD. Lets see the WWE open the vault and release all of the Wrestlemanias in full instead of this DVD. Give up the goods Vince."
Good WrestleMania DVD
#1 WWE FAN | Wappingers Falls, NY USA | 09/14/2004
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD Contains classic matches from the first 9 WrestleManias. It is actually an old WWE release from 1993 or 94. It is hosted by Vince McMahon and Gorilla Monsoon and contains commentary by Gorilla and Jim Ross on various matches. Although the footage is old it does show most of each match. Not not that bad of a dvd, I am dissapointed that there are no special features on the disc but what do you expect for ony $10.00. All in all a good Wrestlemania dvd and a must have for any serious WWE fan. Lets just hope that WWE will finally decide to release all the WrestleManias in there entirety on DVD soon."
Another WWE Cash in
Micheal Hunt | Hellbourne | 06/22/2005
(2 out of 5 stars)
"This DVD is OK, but the thing is, the WWE know the full potential of creating DVD's and with this particuler edition from VHS to DVD they have completly ignored the potentiol and just put the VHS on DVD.
A DVD will hold 4 hours of good quality video. This DVD is 2 hours long, and apparently has bits chopped out that are on VHS.
This show was made in 1994 as a build up to Wrestlemania 94.
Now what it does show from the from 85 to 93 is all good stuff. Some matches I think should be shown in there full, but over all the DVD is OK. But what sh**s me about it is that it was filmed in 1994, and it has now been released in 2004... so with ten years inbetween, there would be plenty of room to continue on with all the wrestlemanias from 1994 to 2004. Even if it meant making it into a double disc. Think about it for a moment, released 10 years after it's made, and they didnt bother to add anything from the 10 years in between? Can you smell what i'm cookin'? RIP-OFF!
Plus it also makes me soft and moist in my behind that there is no bonus features. Not a single one. The opening trailers show some previews and stuff, but trailers are not bonus features... i'm really suprised there is not a single bonus feature, usualy WWE are good for including bonus materiel.
Overall, I give the actual feature 4 stars. But for the fact that WWE have ripped everyone off by not adding to the original VHS version thats been available since 1994, and ten years later put it on DVD with bits cut out makes me give the DVD 2 stars.
Somebody needs to take this DVD to the person/s who put it together and shine it up real nice. then present it to them by turning the some b**ch sideways, and sticking it straight back up there candy a** where it looks like it came from."