It s the most demonic structure in WWE, and careers have been permanently altered by its unforgiving steel. Some of the biggest superstars in WWE history, including Shawn Michaels, Mankind, Undertaker, Triple H, Batista, a... more »nd more, have had signature moments in the Cell. Now, for the first time, fans can watch the greatest Hell in the Cell match in WWE history as they are all featured in their entirety in this collector s set.« less
Scotty 2 Hotty 24 | Back Woods, GEORGIA | 10/16/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Hell in a Cell has been called the most dangerous match in the WWE since its debut in 1997. The cell has definitely shorten and ended not only susperstars's careers but also referees and managers. This 3 disc set shows you the best remembered Hell in the Cell Matches over the past 10 years of it's exsistence. If you have seen the Ladder Match DVD set then you will really love this set as well. This set is just as good as the Ladder Match 3 disc set is.
Mick Foley hosts the presentation and he starts off the program by giving a brief back story on why and how the Hell in a Cell Match came to be. The Hell In A Cell Matches that are not included in this set are Undertaker Vs. Big Bossman from Wrestlemania XV, Kennel in a Cell Match: Al Snow Vs. Big Bossman from Unforgiven 1999, & Undertaker Vs. Edge from SummerSlam 2008.
Bad Blood (October 5, 1997)
Undertaker Vs. European Champion Shawn Michaels - In the HIAC's debut match, Michaels and Undertaker sets the bar for future HIAC matches to come. Undertaker just really dominates HBK for mostly all the match. Once the two made their way out of the cell, Undertaker and Michaels would just fight each other around and on top of the cell. Michaels soon falls from the side of the cage & through the announce table after trying to escape from the Underaker. After Kane makes his debut and Tombstones the Undertaker, HBK becomes victorious in the first Hell In A Cell Match. This match is something to see if already haven't. 5/5
Raw (June 15, 1998)
Kane & Mankind w/ Paul Bearer Vs. WWE Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin & Undertaker - This was more of a segment than anything else. Stone Cold leads Mankind and Kane outside the cell to leave the Undertaker and Paul Bearer all alone inside the locked structure. Inside the locked structure, Undertaker just beats the holy hell out of a bloody Paul Bearer while leaving Stone Cold fighting Kane and Mankind on the outside. Kane trys to climb the cell to get in before Austin meets him up there. They do not show us the after math once Raw went off the air and it aint really worth rating.
King Of The Ring (June 28, 1998)
Undertaker Vs. Mankind - This is probably the most known and memorable Hell in a Cell match of all-time and mainly because of Mankind being thrown off the cell. After being chokeslammed and thrown off the cell, Mankind and Undertaker delivers a pretty brutal match. Thumb tacks, steel steps, and chairs all gets involved. After being chokslammed onto thumb tacks, Undertaker Tombstones Mankind to pick up his first ever Hell In A Cell victory. Foley certainly gets a well deserved standing ovation after the match. 5/5
Raw (August 24, 1998)
Mankind Vs. Kane - Just like the match from King Of The Ring, Kane and Mankind starts this match off on the outside where Foley gets beaten up by both Kane and the Undertaker and also falls from the cell through the announce table. Kane and Mankind both takes some hard chair shots to the head. Thumb tacks also gets brought into this match. After Stone Cold Steve Austin interferes from under the ring, the match gets stopped. A match that's worth a watch. 4/5
No Way Out (February 27, 2000)
WWE Champion Triple H Vs. Cactus Jack - Not only was this match for HHH's WWE Title but Mick Foley's career was also in jeopardy if Mick Foley lost this match. The match itself was just as brutal and punishable as Foley's & HHH's Street Fight was from the Royal Rumble a month earlier. After Foley and the Game got out of the cell, the match would only get more violent around and on top of the cell. After once again falling from the cell and through the announce table, Foley brings out his famous barbed wire 2x4 and sets it on fire. After setting the 2x4 on fire, Foley gets backdropped through the cell and crashes through the ring followed by a Pedigree from HHH. Just like from the KOTR, Mick Foley gets a well deserved ovation after the match. And for the trivia buffs out there this is the first Hell in a Cell match where a WWE Title was defended in. 5/5
Armageddon (December 20, 2000)
Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. WWE Champion Kurt Angle Vs. Triple H Vs. The Rock Vs. Rikishi Vs. The Undertaker - This has to be the wildest, craziest, & most action packed HIAC match of all time. There is action everywhere in this match. McMahon comes out and frees everybody from the cell and then all hell breaks loose everywhere. We even see a Wrestlemania X-Seven preview from Austin and the Rock. This was just a huge and tremendous match. Awesome Hell in a Cell match. 5/5
Judgment Day (May 19, 2002)
Triple H Vs. Chris Jericho - HHH and Jericho by far made up for their lousy match they had at Wrestlemania X8. Jericho takes one of the most brutal beatings ever inside a Hell in the Cell Match. Jericho tried to be tough but I think the cell got to him in this match. A ladder gets briefly used along with a steel chair, ring steps, & a sledgehammer. After being let loose, Triple H & Jericho battles all around the cell and soon make their way on top where HHH brings up with him a barbed wire 2x4. The match ends on top of the cell after Jericho gets Pedigreed by HHH. Watch out for Tim White getting up close and personal to the cell. 4.5/5
No Mercy (October 20, 2002)
WWE Champion Brock Lesnar Vs. Undertaker - Get ready to see a bloodbath because that is exactly what this HIAC Match is. Undertaker & Brock Lesnar shows everybody how violent & sedistic a Hell in the Cell Match can be. Just as brutal and sedistic fighting only inside the cell and not out. Undertaker bleed buckets in this match. Lesnar & Undertaker both uses the cell and other things around them very effectively on each other. Possibably the best Hell In A Cell Match in history. 5/5
Bad Blood (June 15, 2003)
Kevin Nash Vs. World Heavyweight Champion Triple H - Kevin Nash wasn't really getting over with the fans as WWE thought he would so they brought in Mick Foley to be the Special Guest Referee for this HIAC match. This isn't as bad as people say it is. I felt this HIAC is very violent and brutal. All men bleeds in this one including Foley. Not the best Hell in a Cell Match but definitely not the worst. 4/5
Bad Blood (June 13, 2004)
Triple H Vs. Shawn Michaels - You better get ready to take a deep seat because Michaels and HHH tears each other to shreds for nearly one hour in the sedistic Hell In a Cell. HBK and HHH both takes a lot of punishment and a bloody beating from each other. This was a fantastic way to end this feud. Arguably the best Hell in a Cell match ever. This match was just off the charts. 5/5
Vengeance (June 26, 2005)
World Heavyweight Champion Batista Vs. Triple H - HHH and Batista told anincredible story here in this HIAC match. HHH is a guy that brings out the best in Batista and HHH did an fantastic job here in doing so. Everything you expect in a Hell in the Cell match and more takes place. Batista gets very physical in this match. He uses everything HHH brings out against him and more. This is a sedistic match where HHH has to take time off from afterwards. This HIAC match could also be the best ever. 5/5
Armageddon (December 18, 2005)
Undertaker Vs. Randy Orton - Other reviewers point out that this HIAC match resembles more of a No Holds Barred than a true Hell in the Cell Match but I disagree with that. Undertaker and Orton provided the fans a sedistic and a very harsh match to watch. A lot of physicality is apart of this HIAC match. Orton pulls off some impressive counters to the Undertaker. Orton also takes one of the most vicious beatings from the Deadman along with two of the most hardest steel chair shots I have ever seen. A table gets introduced as well and so does some steel steps in this match. The interference from Bob Orton wasn't really needed but I felt this Hell in a Cell match was great. Another big time HIAC match. 5/5
Unforgiven (September 17, 2006)
Triple H & Shawn Michaels Vs. Vince, Shane McMahon, & ECW Champion Big Show - A new Hell In A Cell structure was introduced for this match. Great usage with the cell and the weapons that were used such as a sledgehammer & steel chairs are used very effectively in this HIAC match. It has a vicious and sickening ending with HHH breaking a sledgehammer on the back on Mr. McMahon. This is another hellacious match. 5/5
Survivor Series (November 18, 2007)
Undertaker Vs. World Heavyweight Champion Batista - The new amplified version of the Hell In A Cell continued here as the Undertaker & Batista ended their nealry year long feud. Undertaker is another guy that brings out the best in Batista and this was a tremendous match. Not a whole lot of weapons used but the ones that were, Undertaker & Batista uses them very effectively. They could have used the cell more but it was still good. The ending and the post-match beat down from Edge is something to check out and it really added more to the match. 5/5
Hell In A Cell is called the Devil's Structure and every match from this set displays why. This is an awesome set to add to your collection and is HIGHLY recommended."
A Classic Set to Have.......Rare and Classic Hell in the Cel
James Lacy | 08/06/2008
(5 out of 5 stars)
"It's the most demonic structure in WWE and careers have been permanently altered by its unforgiving steel. Some of the biggest Superstars in WWE history, including Shawn Michaels, Mankind, Undertaker, Triple H, Batista and more, have had signature moments in the Cell. Now, for the first time, fans can watch the greatest Hell in a Cell matches in WWE history in this collector's set, hosted by Mick Foley.
Disc 1
The Devil's Playground
The Debut
Hell in a Cell
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels
Badd Blood (October 5, 1997)
RAW in Hell
Tag Team Hell in a Cell Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin & Undertaker vs. Mankind & Kane
RAW (June 15, 1998)
The Defining Match
Hell in a Cell
Undertaker vs. Mankind
King of the Ring (June 28, 1998)
Partners turned Opponents
Hell in a Cell
Mankind vs. Kane
RAW (August 24, 1998)
Career on the Line
Hell in a Cell Match for the WWE Championship (Cactus Jack's Career is on the Line)
Triple H vs. Cactus Jack
No Way Out (February 27, 2000)
The Six Men
Six-Man Hell in a Cell Match for the WWE Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Rikishi vs. The Rock vs. Undertaker vs. Triple H vs. Steve Austin
Armageddon (December 10, 2000)
Disc 2
End the Game
Hell in a Cell
Triple H vs. Chris Jericho
Judgment Day (May 19, 2002)
Earning Your Respect
Hell in a Cell Match for the WWE Championship
Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
No Mercy (October 20, 2002)
Special Guest Referee
Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs. Kevin Nash
Bad Blood (June 15, 2003)
Good Friends Gone Bad
Hell in a Cell
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
Bad Blood (June 13, 2004)
Disc 3
The Animal's Evolution
Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Batista vs. Triple H
Vengeance (June 26, 2005)
The Legend Killer
Hell in a Cell
Undertaker vs. Randy Orton
Armageddon (December 18, 2005)
The Amplified Version
Hell in a Cell Handicap Match
Degeneration-X vs. Shane McMahon, Mr. McMahon & Big Show
Unforgiven (September 17, 2006)
The End of the Line
Hell in a Cell Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Undertaker vs. Batista
Survivor Series (November 18, 2007)
Defining A Career
Have some of these matches been released....Yes. Is this set overall worth owning......Absolutely....if for no other reason than the six man Hell in the Cell match which hasnt been on DVD as of yet. This match listing is accurate and I hope that I helped. Have a good day!"
"Hell in a Cell lives up to its nicknames, out of every variation of a cage match, this match is truely demonic and brutal. I mean look at its track record, or careers shortened. Its the only cage match with no stipulations, its just a very hardcore match within a 25 ft (or so cage).
Now as for the dvd. Its on 3 discs and includes almost every Hell in a cell from Michaels/Taker to Taker/Batista. The only ones in between that were left out were Taker/Bossman and Snow/Bossman (although it technically wasnt and it was one of the worst matches ever). Before each match, Mick Foley does an intro within a mini hell in a cell enclosed in a studio and they show clips of the events leading into them.
The Hell in a cells that are included are:
Taker vs Michaels (Bad Blood 97): Possibly one the greatest HIAC matches, this set the bar for all Cell matches to come. 5 out of 5
Taker/Austin vs Kane/Mankind (Raw 98): Wasnt really a match, all it was Austin fighting Mankind and Kane outside of the cell and Taker beating the living hell out of Paul Bearer. The bell was never even rung. Was really a filler for the dvd, half decent since Bearer got bloodied. 2.5/5
Taker vs Mankind (King of the ring 98)- Now this was the greatest, since it was really brutal for Mankind, this match gave Foley one of his distinct looks...his missing front teeth. It possibly had the biggest "Oh My God" moment in wrestling history. 5/5
Kane vs Mankind (Raw 98): Like the tag team match, this is pretty much a filler, although unlike the tag this did officially start and was an actual match. It did however end in a no descion and had its moments. 3.5/5
HHH vs Cactus Jack (No Way Out 00): This was Mick Foley's last HIAC he would wrestle in and was it memorable. Sure it wasnt no where as impact as the one he fought at KOTR but the match did have its moments, this was HHH's first of many HIAC matches he has had in his career. 4.5/5
6 way- Angle vs HHH vs Rock vs Rikishi vs Taker vs Austin (Armageddon 00): This was another pretty decent match, but most of the damage happened outside of the cell, either near the stage or on top. The match probably would have ended outside but the rules said the descion had to be in the ring. Like most HIAC this had its moments leaving everyone bloody. 4/5
HHH vs Jericho (Judgement day 02): Match was pretty good, this was really Jericho's last real good match for a while. They did whatever you would expect. 3.5/5
Taker vs Lesnar (Survivor Series 02): Now this I had mixed feelings about. It featured at the time 2 of wwe's top stars. Lesnar who combines brute strengh with technical, was really out of his confort zone, the match was of course very bloody and brutal not great but good. 3.5/5
HHH vs Nash (Bad Blood 03): Some say this was the worst non Raw HIAC (excluding Snow/Bossman) since well Nash has very weak knees, even it looked like it was back and forth, it was on sided as it was too predictable. 2/5
HHH vs Michaels (Bad Blood 04): Now this was a great match. Truely the best these two have wrestled in together. Not the best, but to me maybe 3rd best behind Taker/Michaels and Taker/Mankind. 5/5
HHH vs Batista (Vengeance 05): Kind of like Taker/Lesnar, at this point wwe was really trying push Batista and Cena, they gave Batista the title and decided to put him in the cell with HHH. Good overall. 3.5/5
Taker vs Orton (Armageddon 05): Some say this was pretty much a street fight in a HIAC as both men mainly used weapons,even busting Bob Orton open which a lot of people didnt agree with. I have to agree. Sure the match was entertaining and brutal but they could have done more. 4/5
DX vs The McMahons and Big Show (Unforgiven 06): This match had its moments, which one of which you can never forget and thats a bad thing. Brutal as you would expect. 3.5/5
Taker vs Batista (Survivor Series 07). Same as Batista/HHH. It was brutal with brute strengh vs Phenom and had a suprise ending which no one saw coming but it could have been better 3.5/5
Great overall dvd, could have had Taker/Bossman and maybe waited to release so they could add Taker/Edge which was another great one that I would have given a 5/5. Would have excluded the raw tag team one, since nothing really happened.
A Reminder of Greatness
Derek R. Hamel | 08/25/2009
(5 out of 5 stars)
"Try as I may, I can't imagine a better collection of matches than Hell in a Cell. As much as I'm a mark for behind the scenes, real-life dirt, sometimes you just want to enjoy some great wrestling. Especially now, since it's so difficult to find. I hear great things about some of the current indies, but I only get WWE and TNA, and both products have had poor years creatively. This brutal collection will come as a jolt to those who are conditioned to today's watered-down, for kids only WWE. Every one of the 14 matches contained on this 3-disc set has blood...and occasionally, an absurd amount. Of course, those of us who have been watching for years and enjoy the process behind the theatrics knows that blading creates a psychological effect on an audience, lending an aura of importance. And in the world of pro wrestling, some of these bouts are very important indeed.
The masterpiece, of course, the one match every fan, no matter how big or average, how old or young, needs to own on DVD is the June, 1998 match from the King of the Ring PPV. The combatants: The Undertaker and Mick Foley. What Foley accomplishes in this ultra-violent war will never be duplicated by anyone, not intentionally anyway. The fall from the top of the cage through the announcers table, the unbelievably vicious powerslam through the top of the cage to the mat, and the chokeslam on the masses of thumbtacks are the brutal highlights. Foley's introductions and commentary on each match is just icing.
There are a number of legit 4 to 5 star classics here-Taker vs Michaels, the six-man for the WWE championship, Taker-Lesner, HBK vs Trips, D-X vs. the McMahons and Big Show in a stunningly gruesome handicap match...there's not a dud on this collection. It's also proof ECW wasn't the only promotion delivering the hardcore in the late 90's. If you're already a big fan, you probably own this. If you're just getting started, make this one of your very first purchases, and see what got everyone so rabid about this business.
Derek Hamel
Tulsa, OK"
Must-have for any wrestling fan!
Milhouse | United States | 02/25/2009
(4 out of 5 stars)
"This is a DVD collection of some of the most amazing matches over the last decade in the WWE. The compilation of these matches into one place shows how the creative minds in the WWE have worked to keep the HIAC angle fresh and captivating for its audience. Although its most known for Mick Foley's superhuman fall off of the cell in 1998, HIAC has also played host to some great traditional wrestling and even some comedy/squash in addition to the hardcore style that it is most known for.
The format of the DVD is great in that it recaps the feuds that the wrestlers were entangled in leading up to the HIAC match itself, with footage from Raw, SmackDown, and PPV's. As many wrestling fans know, the production value of WWE is top notch. Their video team really exemplifies the drama and the glory of their storylines. The only critique I have of this DVD is that the entire thing is hosted by Mick Foley. I would have loved to see more in-depth interview reactions from more of the wrestlers involved in the matches. For that reason I've got to give the DVD itself 4-stars, although the wrestling material is 5-star by far."